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i wanna start doing my mum side family tree.

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babyface2008 Report 14 Jan 2014 23:48

hi all how is every one. i wanna start doing my mum family tree my mum name is theresa johnson her maiden name is summerhill her sister name is christine . they were both put into care in birmingham . my mum was born june 1960. i think my nan name is winifred im not to sure bout farther ?

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Jan 2014 00:00

Not seeing her birth under Summerhill. Could the name be Summerill?


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Jan 2014 00:02

Seeing a birth for Christine Summerill in 1956.



babyface2008 Report 15 Jan 2014 00:04

was christine birthday in march?


babyface2008 Report 15 Jan 2014 00:06

my mum birthday in june that theresa

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Jan 2014 00:06

Look here:


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Jan 2014 00:07

Births are listed by the quarter of the year they were registered, not by the month they were actually born.



babyface2008 Report 15 Jan 2014 00:13

ive got mum birth certificate i just wanna know does she ave any more brothers or sister?

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Jan 2014 00:18

If you have the birth certificate it will list her mother's name. I assume you didn't have it because you're not sure of her name and you spelt her surname with an H.


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Jan 2014 00:25

You offered more info. here:

That being the case, there looks to be a brother called Michael born in 1971.



babyface2008 Report 15 Jan 2014 00:29

no one comment on my thread on dat website ? im sure its summerill


JoonieCloonie Report 15 Jan 2014 01:35

babyface2008, I think people will be more interested and more able to help if you 'speak English' (no 'dat's and 'wanna's) .... we are all grown-ups here ... and be careful about spelling ... spelling really does matter when it is people's names %3A-%29

you said 'SummerHill' in your first post so people went off and spent time searching for that

Are you sure your mum - and her sister - want their personal backgrounds put on the internet?

... also your nan of course because she is very possibly living and this is her personal information too, about her as a mother ...

If you have your mum's birth certificate you must be sure of her mother's name ? and surely your mum must be able to say.

I see you posted at Ancestry wondering whether someone born in 1828 was the father of Winifred ... I wouldn't think so, would you? he would have been over 100 years old ......

It would help if you just say clearly what you would like to find.

your mother's other brothers and sisters if any?
your nan Winifred?
your nan Winifred's parents and ancestors?

if you still subscribe to Ancestry you can find Winifred's marriage in Birmingham there ... then you search for births with the surname of her husband and her surname as the mother, in Birmingham.

It looks like you may have asked about the Summerills at this site before but there is no record of it that I can find, do you delete threads?

here is one where you asked about Johnsons

but you seem to just wander away ...

Do you save the information people give you and organise it so you can remember what you find and what people find for you ?

this isn't like text messages, a few words here and there, read them fast and forget them ... family history is fun but it is also work and you have got to organise organise organise ! %3A-D

here is one thing that might help you, I think this was Winifred's husband, he died in 1999

Name: Christoper Myles Connolly
Birth Date: 26 Sep 1932
Date of Registration: Dec 1999
Age at Death: 67
Registration District: Tower Hamlets
Inferred County: London
Register Number: B31
District and Subdistrict: 2461B
Entry number: 275

he was born in Liverpool

If you get that death certificate you could see whether maybe your nan signed it or maybe their son did.


jax Report 15 Jan 2014 02:50

The poster and her brothers birth registration list mothers maiden name as Summerhill


JoonieCloonie Report 15 Jan 2014 04:00

they do indeed %3A-S

and her mum married as Summerhill

her mum having been in care, she may have gone along through life with how people thought her name was spelled, not what it said on her birth certificate


Rambling Report 15 Jan 2014 09:52

I'm sure that I've helped on this query before? both the dispute over 'Summerill', 'Summerhill' and the OPs name are very familiar?

Have you posted this here before babyface?


ErikaH Report 15 Jan 2014 10:24

In the three years since you posted about the Johnsons, have you done anything about trying to do your own research?

You were given advice about how to search - you really should try to follow it. It is not difficult


babyface2008 Report 15 Jan 2014 10:57

thank you joonie,reggie, im no gud research because i dont no much bout my mother side all i know my nan put her children in to care when they were young .


Rambling Report 15 Jan 2014 11:20

Stephanie, you will need either ( or both ) the birth certs for Theresa and Christine, one of them may have the middle intial for their mother, I see you have added a 'postem' to the birth ( on Freebmd) for a Winifred R Summerill asking if she is their mother. That is the most likely one given location and date.


ErikaH Report 15 Jan 2014 11:59

You don't have to KNOW anything to do research. You do the research to FIND OUT - that is what the word means.........

From the OED

the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions:

We know even less than why do you think we can find info?

Have you looked?


ErikaH Report 15 Jan 2014 12:15

You cannot progress without purchasing a copy of your mother's birth cert. It will tell you her mother's full name