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What Book or Kindle Book are you reading ??

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'Emma' Report 28 Jan 2013 12:34

Just a nudge up for this thread. %3A-%29

Am almost finished 'The Virgin's Lover' and finding
it a good read %3A-D

Happy reading all

Emma %3A-%29


AnninGlos Report 28 Jan 2013 17:53

Just read that about Sandi Toksvig Dee Lol!!!


Mersey Report 30 Jan 2013 22:08

~~~~~~~ All %3A-D

I have just finished reading Is It Just Me - Miranda Hart and I thoroughly enjoyed it, made me laugh out loud in some places..... %3A-D %3A-D


Vintagefinemaid Report 30 Jan 2013 22:12

I had that for Christmas Mersey, brilliant, couldn't put it down



Mersey Report 31 Jan 2013 15:37

Hi Dee.. %3A-%29 Yes I was the sameI could not put it down, went with me everywhere, defintley one I would recomend, and I love Miranda the tele series too......

I have just started Living Shadows by Liliana Panasewicz.......Based on truth, spanning continents and the epochs of historic events backdrop the life experiences of ordinary people, how they are each caught and respond to fate.....

Im not sure on this one so going to give it a go and abit of time to see how it is....will let you all know

Happy Readling GR Lurverlies %3A-%29 %26lt%3B3


'Emma' Report 1 Feb 2013 12:43

Have never read a Josephine Cox book but after seeing
her on BBC1 this morning quite fancy giving her a go.
Any fans out there and does anyone know the name of her
first book?

Emma %3A-%29


AnninGlos Report 1 Feb 2013 12:57

I have read 12 of her books Emma, some are better than others, some are quite light. I don't know which was her first though. One of the first ones I read was written in 1997 (I still have the book not a long memory), It is called miss you for ever, I seem to remember that it was good. An elderly woman found as a vagrant by a girl who subsequently visits her in hospital and who she entrusts with her diaries. I honestly can't remember the story but i must have like it to have kept the book. I shall have to re-read it now.
Another one read recently was The Journey and then Journeys end. Obviously they need to be read in that order.
They are a bit hit and miss though and fairly light reading.


'Emma' Report 1 Feb 2013 13:10

Thank you Ann, I caught the tale end of the interview and
think she mentioned her father as the first book she ever
wrote, apparently all true to her life and her latest is about
an uncle of hers.



SuffolkVera Report 1 Feb 2013 15:36

I've always avoided Josephine Cox's books in the library because there are so many of them I thought she might be another Barbara Cartland. But I saw the interview this morning as well and think I might give her a try. I think she said her first book was called "Her Father's Sins".

I've just been re-reading several of Bill Bryson's books which I always enjoy even though I've read them several times before.


AnninGlos Report 1 Feb 2013 16:15

Just looked at the list inside the cover of the J Cox book I have and there is one called Her Father's sins. So that must be the one you were after Emma, well done Vera.


'Emma' Report 1 Feb 2013 18:40

Thank you Vera and Ann that's the one and had a look
in Amazon for a quick read.
Can't make up my mind if its for me.

Emma %3A-%29


Mersey Report 1 Feb 2013 19:47

I have read quite a few of Josephine Cox books over the years, one of my favourites was "Songbird", I also enjoyed "Midnight"....Some of her books I found a bit of a yawn but most have been enjoyable......

When im in a slushy romantic mood I love Nicholas Sparks books, read them all %26lt%3B3 %3A-%29


'Emma' Report 2 Feb 2013 10:37

Am now reading 'Dear Me' autobiography by
Peter Ustinov, had this one in my kindle for
awhile so thought it was about time I read it. %3B-%29

Emma %3A-%29


Mersey Report 2 Feb 2013 14:24

Hi Ems Im trying my best not to get anymore books for my kindle but I cant help myself LOL......I confess I have an Amazon addiction %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Muffyxx Report 2 Feb 2013 14:32

My Mum reads Josephine Cox..aren't they a bit Cathrine Cooksony? Read one or two myself but they don't blow me away....

Am currently reading a book by Jean Plaidy called The Sun In Splendour...it's about the reign of Edward 4th..so far it's.very much like Philippa Gregory's The White Queen..except that it pulls in more characters than hers did...enjoying it but I wish I didn't know the story so well already lol x


'Emma' Report 2 Feb 2013 15:07

Me too Mersey, trying to control it but not very successful.

You've done it now Muffy, will have to look at Jean Plaidy
as have not read any of hers. %3A-D

Emma %3A-%29


AnninGlos Report 2 Feb 2013 16:31

Muffy you will be an expert on the period. I read many of Jean Plaidy's book years ago, probably 30 - 40 years. I have one on the bookshelf waiting to be read (My book shelves are why I can't keep up with my kindle books Lol!) that one is Uneasy lies the head.


Mersey Report 2 Feb 2013 19:37

~~~~ all %26lt%3B3

Ems I have a confession %3B-%29 %3A-D


Muffyxx Report 2 Feb 2013 19:45

(bet she's bought another book *smacks Mersey's wrist*) lol.

Has anyone here read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo? LOVED the film and the stage show so much I decided to buy it on my Kindle (only 49p)...but just wondered if it was a hard read or not....if it is heavy going I will delay reading it for a bit..if not it'll be next on my list !!! x


AnninGlos Report 2 Feb 2013 19:48

It is a classic so if in the original translation format it is not going to be an easy read I wouldn't think. %3A-%29