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Lewella Report 20 Apr 2006 02:42

Lol, Rebs, me? sarcy? Neverrrrr! Good news about your son, Anna. Hope the move goes well. Did you really think I'd give him the change back? Oh you don't know me well, lol. God Laurie, not another Judy!! All them Judes will do my head in. BTW, guess what me mother's name was? That's right, Judy! Seeya Lew Lew xxx


Judy Report 20 Apr 2006 03:18

Hi all - I feel I am left out in the dark - who/what is Daniel & lemmy - and what is the thread called with Bella Donna???? Geez how do you get time to look at other threads, I'm hard pressed to keep up with the waffling Wattlers! Anna - I know Crows Nest well - lived in Mossie from 1970-2001. Laurie - I couldn't open that site you sent (yes I took the brackets out) - ohhhhhhhhhhhh you are sooooo lucky - I havent found anything new for years and years except our errant Anslem who seemed to like to go to court on trival matters. Uhmmmmm what would we call this new Jude eh??? Where is she from Laurie? Jood


Laurie Report 20 Apr 2006 03:53

Sorry Joodles - sorry all - brain going at 100mph and forgot to put in the little dashes try again www*doors-to-the-past*com*au/ I think I may have mentioned it on here before but that was before some Mother Goose went and threw the babies out with the bath water . . . . cheers luv Laurie


Lewella Report 20 Apr 2006 04:07

Okay All, Stand By. I have just purchased the lucky Lotto tickets!!!!! Will scan when I get home and send to Tony, but they're lookin' pretty darn good. Hooray Lew Lew (no longer a Lotto virgin) xxx %3A-%29)))


Unknown Report 20 Apr 2006 04:18

Lew Lew, on the subject of driving earlier ~ A man walked into the doctors surgery with a steering wheel stuck down the front of his trousers. The doctor looked and asked 'What is that?' 'Don't know' replied the man. But................................. 'It's driving me nuts!!!' Yeah, yeah, on my!!


Lewella Report 20 Apr 2006 04:23

pmsl, Lunatic! Off you Go. Lew xxx


Judy Report 20 Apr 2006 04:31

Jude 3 - congratulations What a darling little house - I wonder how old it was originally? Would love to see the progress from time to time Lew Lew - get Laurie to text me if we win. I'm so glad you are not a virgin any more and are seasoned like the rest of us pmsl Jood

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 20 Apr 2006 04:43

Congratulations Lew Lew - no longer a lotto virgin lol. Rebs we are going to have find another corner for you girl. Thanks to Jood for help on getting photos on ASL. Under the name of 'money pit' by Fiatmad. Its not a patch on the mudgee palace Lew - far from it. lol catch you later jude 3

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 20 Apr 2006 05:00

Jood the house was built around 1900, had a lady walk past on the weekend who used to live in the house (she was in her 80's) and said she was 10 yrs old when they moved in in 1930. So we gave her a tour and she told us about the history of the place. We are lucky that all the baltic pine floor boards,ceilings and dado rails are still intact (although a few replacement boards are necessary), although we have to relay all the floors as the stumping had to be done through the floor.6 months down the track the house will hopefully back to its glory. jude 3


Lewella Report 20 Apr 2006 05:05

Love the cottage Jude3. What a cutey! I used to own an old 1890's Hotel converted to a house 5 miles out of Mudgee. It was the old coach stop. It was a complete ruin when we bought it, but we turned it into a fantastic B & B. We sold it 5 years ago and we still get calls for accommodation. Lew Lew *wanders off singing 'we're in the money, we're in the money' ......*

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 20 Apr 2006 05:08

Joodles, Lemon is lovely. I'm not sure about Daniel but he seems to be good value lol I did suggest about a year ago that he immigrate to Oz before he got sent, but .......................................he ignored me! Thanks heaps Laurie, I have sent you an email. been cross-checking my information but no luck on any more. Now Lew Lew.... when we win on Sat you won't be able to let me know till I get to Yarrawonga and see Lara on Wed or Thursday (arriving early for the weekend) Soooo I'm looking forward to a lovely surprise. Got to get back to washing and packing and cleaning. Youngest son is looking after the house while we are away :0 Looking forward to meeting you all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vonny Valley Girl :) Wow , what a lot of work!!! Will look fantastic when you finish :)


TonyOz Report 20 Apr 2006 05:34

Afternoon Wattlers. Well it was a good afternoon, until i decided to come home. Walked in the back gate ( as usual ) to a familiar look on Barb face. I have seen this look before, as she proceeded to tell me not to go inside the house, and look at the now waiting Telephone bill, that was on the kitchen bench. Of course, curiosity got the better of ya do. Barb followered closely behind with a V.B tablet in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other. I looked at the Bill....and the blood rushed straight to my head, and then smoke came outa my ears and nostrils. I took the V.B tablet off Barb and ripped the top off and it didnt touch the sides as it went down. The Telephone bill was $683 for the month of Mar-April ( One month ) and our dear darling 12 year old daughter, has been ringing her girlfriends late at night ( un-beknown to me ) to there'''' MOBILE PHONES'''and chatting happily away for periods of 1 and a half hrs at a time.......:>(((((((((( ( has anyone got a razor blade so i can cut me wrists....please... ta ) mentioned manure.................. well there is a littlegirl i know who is going to be waddling in it when she arrives home from High school today, and if anyone should read in the Melb newspapers tomorrow, that a de-ranged man was seen running through the streets of Melb. crying and sobbing was me. Tony Oz......reaches for a Double Scotch...( straight )

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 20 Apr 2006 05:49

Oooooo Tony. What a shock. I guess her pocket money will be curtailed for quite a while!!!!! Please don't do anything drastic. (at least not before you send out the lotto ticket!) ok :0 Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vonny


Laurie Report 20 Apr 2006 05:52

OOOOWWWWAAAHHH Tony, she's naughty !!!! Well lets see, what suggestions can we all come up with for the little treasure to pay off the phone bill . . . . . Well she could . . . . OH no she is only 12 she can't do that, thats using child labor . . . . Ask her how she is going to pay for it too Tony - see if she has any good ideas !!! . . . . . just make sure she takes responsibility - the best lesson we can ever teach em' Good luck you lucky little father of an almost teenager girl . . . . luv Laurie

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 20 Apr 2006 05:58

Gee Tony, No wonder you needed a straight scotch! I must show your message to Ken, I'm off the hook with my paltry $52 phone call to Port Douglas - lol. was on mobile and forgot to hang up after 9.90mins and ring back for free time). Seriously though you do know you can put a P.I.N number on the phone and have restricted access for teenagers? They can only ring certain numbers or unless they ask first for the PIN to be taken off. Might be time to get tough - or one teenager is going to be doing lots and lots of unpleasant tasks to repay the cost of calls. We asked ,when the phone bills rocketed , for a pay phone - but telstra said no way. They obviously wouldn't have made any money on a pay phone. But we would have saved lots! I'll listen out for the roar about 4.00 pm shall I? jude 3 Teenagers don't you just love them (sometimes)


Lewella Report 20 Apr 2006 06:03

Oh Tony, now you know why I don't have kids, lol. That kind of expense would eat into my shoe allowance!!! Toilet scrubbing is usually a good way to teach a lesson - with a toothbrush of course!!! Lew Lew xxx


TonyOz Report 20 Apr 2006 06:07

Laurie. You would have thought i would see this coming mate. After having been through this with my other girls ( now in there 30s ) but...Ooooooohh nooooooo......didnt think it would happen to me She already has an optus pre paid $30 a month.......Mobile phone.......but this aint good it???.....gotta use the house phone and good ol dads business phone, so we can run the bills up sky high. Well one Mobile phone is going bye bye, and Tele in her bedroom is going to be sold to compensate dear ol dads Phone bill...........and maybe 5 years hard labour in Tassie Penal Colony, and put in the 'Stocks' dear ol dad can chuck rotten ta-matoes at Bloody think at my age and having 4 other kids i would have learnt....but still learning at 57 years of age. That'll teach me to be a know it all.......( sob ) O'h woe is me...:>(((( Tony Oz.....Anyone wanna buy a cheap kid.....:>))).....going speacil this week only........but has arms cut off at the elbows.


SuzyQ Report 20 Apr 2006 06:11

Hi Wattlers, I'm a happy little BROADBAND girl. Yes, just finished installing and up and running. my email address is just the same. Tony, I am hoping that my phone bill will be less now, no more dial up. Glad I don't have teenagers. When my step grand daughter came from the Uk she wanted to phone her boyfriend every night. I got her a $25.00 dollar phone card and told her after that she would have to pay herself. Rebs, I don't drive either, but it is a bit of a problem where we live as there isn't any transport. Neville is a good boy though and takes me where I want to go. The money pit looks really nice. I must say that I don't envy you all the work. Story of my life, but a place, renovate then sell. Never had the benefit of living in a finished home. Next one will be perfect with no work to do. Here's hoping that we have beginners luck this week. Then I can get that new house. LOL Mary, is your new Honda Civic the one that is environmentally friendly.? Won't be long now to the Yarra meet up. I am really envious and hope that you all have a great time. Sorry if I have missed anyone but I really have to go. I have ben playing with the new broadband for too long. Love SuzyQ


Laurie Report 20 Apr 2006 06:25

Tony, once, and only once I might add - I put son on the front lawn with a For Sale sign on him - (I think he was 3 at the time) . . . Yet the number of times that gets stuck into conversations in our family is incredible - one would think I did it every other day . . . . Bet you five dollars at some point when you are going crook - she manages to make you feel more guilty than she does . . . . %3A-%29)))))) luv Laurie


TonyOz Report 20 Apr 2006 06:53

Judy YV3. I know what your saying ( Pay Phone ) as i tried this with other daughter's. Barb has just shown me the Salon ( Hairdressing ) Phone Bill ( seperate ) from the house Phone. and she has used her Mothers Phone as well, to a total of $96 on top of our house Phone. Just added up her contribution to the House Phone = $285 from the $683 Phone Bill..was 12 year old's.Then another $96 ( from Salon Phone ) Totals $381 for one month plus $30 pre paid phone = grand total for one month $421 Laurie. I have never felt guilty mate.( but been there ...done that ) At 12 years of age, she should know better. If she was 6 to 9 years old....well yes, perhaps. But if she has the knowledge of knowing to use all three phones equally divided, then she knows exactly what she is doing. Tony Oz