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Thinking of Sharron.....UPDATE

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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Dec 2021 06:03

Sharron's funeral today at 3.30 at Chichester Crematorium.

I'm sure many of of us will join together in thought at that time, remembering Sharron and all that she brought to this site.
She would have been amazed at all the kind words which have been written about her.

We will miss her %26lt%3B3

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 7 Dec 2021 07:26

We certainly will miss her

You are absolutely right about her being amazed at all the things said for her

Bet she would have a witty retort if she could %26lt%3B3

Hope the rain says off as her goodbyes are said



maggiewinchester Report 7 Dec 2021 07:46

I'll be thinking of her %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


KathleenBell Report 7 Dec 2021 11:15

Thinking of Sharron and her family %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Kath. x


Florence61 Report 7 Dec 2021 12:01

Thinking of dear Sharron and all her family & friends.

Still missing her witty humour here on the boards %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3

Florence in the Hebrides x


Bobtanian Report 7 Dec 2021 12:36

trusting that the sludge gulper wont be in the cortage.... I will raise a glass to her at 3:30


McAlp Report 7 Dec 2021 12:41

Rest in peace Sharron.
You will be missed for a very long time
on these boards, not only for your humor
but also for your weird and wonderful recipes.
Enjoy your reunion with Fred.

Also thinking of the family she has left behind.
God Bless



nameslessone Report 7 Dec 2021 12:46

Spot on, Ann. But you left out what she had taught us about her interest in obscure( to us) subjects.

I hope she now has her answers to the cog boats (?) problem.


LaGooner Report 7 Dec 2021 13:37

Thinking of Sharron and her OH and friends as they say their goodbyes, RIP lovely lady %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


LondonBelle Report 7 Dec 2021 14:29

Thinking of Sharron and those she has left behind....May you rest in perfect, perfect peace, Sharron %26lt%3B3


nameslessone Report 7 Dec 2021 14:45

Looks like the weather is awful own there - thinking of all those who turn out to wave off a special person.


AnninGlos Report 7 Dec 2021 15:20

Almost time for the service. My thoughts go out to her partner, friends and family, such a sad occasion, such a nice person and so much missed on here. I am thinking of her, hoping she will rest in peace but my guess is that she will be sorting Fred out again.

Sharron %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


kandj Report 7 Dec 2021 15:27

Thank you AnnG. Remembering Sharron and thinking of her family and friends right now. RIP. X


SuffolkVera Report 7 Dec 2021 15:46

Sharron %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


Wendy Report 7 Dec 2021 16:17

thinking of the family today and sending condolences.
Nows the time to hang up your knitting needles Sharron and enjoy floating above us all, may you rest in peace lovely lady,you will be missed.


Caroline Report 7 Dec 2021 22:37

Oh those cog boats and her stories of the old dears and their outings.

I really don't think she fully appreciated how much she's going to be missed, she knew she was liked for sure but in her own humble way I don't think she fully knew....and that's what made her special to so many her feet planted firmly on the ground. %26lt%3B3

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 Dec 2021 09:39

What a day..........
I will remember Storm Barra !

My daughter managed to get time off work, so was able to take me to Chichester to attend the funeral. She had taken me last summer to a country pub in East Sussex to have lunch with Sharron and her OH, so had met them before.

It was a long,wet and noisy journey, one of the biggest problems being the large amount of surface water creating huge fountains of spray,especially from the lorries, but we arrived at Chichester safely and in good time. The rain was probably at it's worst at about 3.20 as we made a dash from car to crem building.

The service started with the singing of Psalm 23, The Lord's my Shepherd, followed by a welcome and opening prayers.

Sharron's OH gave a eulogy, talking of when they met and their life together and read out a message from friends abroad, then we listened to 'King of the Road'.

The simple but meaningful service continued with a reading and prayers and we left the chapel to the music and words of Roy Orbison's 'It's Over'.

We were invited back to the village hall for refreshments, where I was able to tell them that many from this site would be thinking of Sharron that afternoon.
I see from the posts on this thread, that that was indeed so.
I could picture her serving up one of her legendary 'school meal recipe' lunches to the village folk we met.
They were very welcoming and several came over to chat, as we were probably the only 2 strangers there, the rest having lived round and about for almost all their lives.

I was pleased that I was able to represent all of you to remember Sharron and recall all the special times we'd shared.

The Order of Service stated that donations collected would go to British Heart Foundation
or via

Just Giving


KathleenBell Report 8 Dec 2021 10:43

Thanks for the update Gwyn. Glad the day went off o.k. despite the weather. I'm pleased that you could be there to represent all her friends from this site, and thank you for the link to the Just Giving page.

Kath. x


SuffolkVera Report 8 Dec 2021 11:16

Thank you Gwyn. It's good to know that someone from GR was able to go to Sharron's funeral and I hope her OH is comforted by knowing how many friends she had on the boards.

I never met Sharron but was planning to do so in the near future. In September she put up a thread saying she wanted to come to Ipswich to see where the battle cogs left for the Battle of Sluys. I only live about 20 miles from Ipswich and would have liked to meet up with her there. At the time I couldn't do it as I was going backwards and forwards to hospital with my OH and his appointments were all short notice so it was hard to plan ahead. Sharron said she would liaise with me later and sadly later never came. I deeply regret that.


JustGinnie Report 8 Dec 2021 11:22

Thank you Gwyn for the update . The service sounds lovely and fits so well for the Sharron I see in my mind having never met her but loving her posts on here.

Missed on here so much already . RIP. %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3