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Another of my ideas

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Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 12:58

Another one of my bright ideas I could never bring to fruition.

I will not have been alone in feeling horrified and totally helpless to see to see that there are families i Afghanistan who have resorted to selling their children just to get by.Whatever can you do to help? Two bob to Save the Children, would it help them?

Before we start, I would not be up to it, however, maybe an especially constituted charity to which we who are poor but horrified could contribute what little we have could buy those children.

Th spine-chilling report I saw on the news showed the baby staying with her family until her new owner (imagine that!) comes to deliver the second payment and collect her.

If a charity could buy the children, then they would 'belong'to the charity who could possibly take further interest in them, a way to educate maybe, so they would no longer be for sale and the family would have the revenue.

There might be other benefits that I have not thought of as well, diplomatic sort of stuff.

Oh well, just a thought.


RolloTheRed Report 27 Oct 2021 13:35

If, as in most countries, refugees were allowed to work then a good part of the misery and poverty could quickly be elimianted. . It would also help local govt which ends up with most of the bill right now.

Nearly all of the heads-of-family refugees from Afghanistan are well educated and could soon find work. Germany profited mightily from opening the door to the Syrians.


nameslessone Report 27 Oct 2021 13:44

Isn’t Sharon referring to what is happening within these countries not refugees already in other countries?


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 13:48

Of course I am but you wouldn't want to read what I have written would you?

I doubt it is the families whose heads are already living out of the country who are having to resort to these desperate measures.


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 14:26


Rollo, you will be the man to know.


ZZzzz Report 27 Oct 2021 14:49

Of course he is Sharron, he is the font of all knowledge. %3A-D


JustGinnie Report 27 Oct 2021 15:18

I also saw a news item (maybe the same one) where a family had sold their daughter, a baby, to a man who said the child would marry his son when of age. He had paid half the money and the rest would be paid on collection.
It was also said that no one really knew what would happen to the children once sold.

These people are not refugees they are in their own country but they have no work and because aid has stopped because of the Taliban taking over there is no money to help them. That is what I understood from the news item I saw.


ZZzzz Report 27 Oct 2021 15:21

RTR what does your statement have to do with what Sharron has said?


nameslessone Report 27 Oct 2021 15:26

Maybe Rollo could explain who the man in the house was. The one in the TV news sitting with children in the house with the poor mother who had to sell the baby.


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 16:07

Doesn't take long for the thread to be about Rollo and not my idea does it?


Bobtanian Report 27 Oct 2021 16:29

soon got hi jacked..


ZZzzz Report 27 Oct 2021 16:32

Well for what it is worth Sharron my thoughts are he should keep his nose out if he doesn't know what he is talking about so makes stuff up.


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 16:38

Could it be that it is a somewhat thought provoking idea that emanated from a mind other than his fine one and he is jealous?

Anyway, anybody have any thoughts on the idea?


nameslessone Report 27 Oct 2021 16:40

I know who I prefer to read %3B-%29


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 16:41

I don't mind a bit of Steinbeck!


Florence61 Report 27 Oct 2021 18:35

Sharron, my opinion is that, these people need to be educated about contraception.Some families have 5 or more children which if you are poor is a worry on how to feed them. I dont suggest they restrict by law like the chinese to 2 children but surely, breeding & breeding is not helping their situations.

I didnt see the programme, but its awful they have to sell their children, unthinkable!

If there was a charity that rescued the children and took care of them, that has to be far better.


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 18:44

They were feeding and caring for the children until Afghanistan fell into the hands of the Taliban.

My idea is that the unfortunate families who must contemplate selling a child should sell it to this charity I am proposing and it stay with the family.


nameslessone Report 27 Oct 2021 18:49

It is a very noble idea but the worry is the type of people who would be drawn to doing this.

There are already huge problems with some charities using some very questionable people.


Sharron Report 27 Oct 2021 19:02

There is that with any charitable concern.

I remember that scandal with the Oxfam personnel using sex workers somewhere that had had some kind of natural disaster. The tabloids did the usual knee jerk but another aspect of that was that the sex workers were doing what they do by way of work. They were working, they were getting the economy underway again.


JustGinnie Report 28 Oct 2021 15:54

If such a charity could be set up would the Taliban allow it? The aid they need isn't getting there anymore because other countries don't know ( or trust) that the Taliban would spend the aid on the people needing it. How I understand it anyway.

I would a prefer a charity set up that would give food parcels etc to the needy rather than money in 2021 no human should be starving to death. I realise that money is needed as well but food first and foremost to keep them alive while powers that be sort it out if they can.