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Favourite meal

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Florence61 Report 7 Sep 2021 15:47

This week, my appetite hasnt been that great but I keep thinking of what my favourite meal would be if I could have it served to me. So this is mine, what would yours be?

Starter: Avocado filled with crabmeat and prawns, lemon juice and black pepper.

Main course: Wild salmon steak, peas, carrots and swede, baby new potatoes with mint sprigs.

Desert: Blackberry & Apple crumble with vanilla ice cream

Tia Maria liquor coffee with dark chocolate mints

I keep looking in the freezer & cupboard for some inspiration to cook a proper meal but so far this week have just had salads and toasties...comfort food.

I would love to go out to a restaurant and have the above. mmmn dream on!

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2021 16:11

I’ll join you but leave off the avocado and don’t bother with the Tia Maria coffee.

(Fish fingers or baked beans - living the high life)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 Sep 2021 16:24

I'd leave that starter for you. I don't like the texture of avocado.

Salmon is good, but I'd never think of serving swede with it, although I like both.
Isn't that strange, habit I guess, as I always think of swede as being served with a gravy meal.

The crumble ?... Yes please, that would be lovely.

I know what you mean about wanting inspiration with meals, but sometimes I enjoy very simple meals.
Yesterday evening I had jacket potato with mayo. and grated cheese. I wouldn't mind how often I was served that.


Island Report 7 Sep 2021 16:30

I'll have names avocado and she can have all my fishy bits. Mayo and peanut butter in the avo if you have some please Florence. %3A-D

Cheesy mash is my comfort food %3A-D


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2021 17:03

I missed the swede. NO thank you. Don’t want either the northern or southern version.

I’d actually prefer a nice salad with my salmon and new potatoes.

Looks like I’ve uninvited myself %3B-%29


Sharron Report 7 Sep 2021 18:08

Dunno really.

I'd have the swede and a bit of mash or roasters, chard, runner beans, onions and maybe a veggie pasty and gravy.

Certainly not crumble, bleh, apple pie maybe, got to have custard though or trifle. maybe just a bowl of custard.

Probably garlic mushrooms for starters, roast garlic maybe.


JoyLouise Report 7 Sep 2021 18:36

The avocado starter would suit me fine, Florence.

Next up - depending how hungry I was feeling -

either roast lamb with mash and roast potatoes, roast onions and roast sweet potatoes or roast pumpkin, with spring greens and mint sauce with thick gravy made up with some of the juices from the meat

or salmon cooked with sliced lemons in the oven and served with new potatoes and asparagus with Hollandaise sauce.

Dessert: summer fruit pudding and thick double cream.


AnninGlos Report 7 Sep 2021 19:52

I think I am inviting myself to Joy Louise. Love both choices there.


JoyLouise Report 7 Sep 2021 19:57

And you’d be welcome Ann. %3A-D


Tawny Report 7 Sep 2021 20:40

Difficult one as I can’t decide. Either

Breaded Mushrooms with Garlic Aioli

Chicken Parmigiana

Eton Mess or

Chicken Pakora

BIR Chicken Korma

Lemon Sorbet

BIR stands for British Indian Restaurant. Mr Owl makes it from scratch at home but it’s a recognised fusion food that a lot of Indian restaurants serve


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2021 20:45

Eton Mess or Chicken Pakora.

No question-

Eton Mess


Island Report 7 Sep 2021 22:36

It's been so long since I've eaten at a Bhel Puri restaurant so.....
Anything and lots of different dishes %3A-D %3A-D


maggiewinchester Report 7 Sep 2021 23:40

When I go out for a meal in a 'proper' restaurant, I usually choose something I don't/won't/can't cook, so my favourite meal could be just around the corner!

This would exclude chicken, as I never eat chicken when I'm out, unless it's Nando's, but it wouldn't have been my choice to go there, and it's not a 'proper' restaurant!


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Sep 2021 02:45

I love game, so my choice, if it was on the menu, would be moose, bison, rabbit, or duck, with a suitable "sauce" such as blueberry/saskatoon berry, roast potatoes, and some nice veggies.

And, yes, we can get those at many places!


Allan Report 8 Sep 2021 05:22

Beans on dente of course %3A-D


JoyLouise Report 8 Sep 2021 10:34

Ah, but, Allan., there’s beans on toast and beans on toast!

I hope you have beans on toast with Vegemite spread on top of the butter then the beans with a good dollop of butter on top when you give them to your OH.

A small plop of HP on top of the lot will be the icing on the beans. %3B-%29 %3A-D


Florence61 Report 8 Sep 2021 10:36

Aw some lovely choices there.

How about we arrange a "night" out all together having our favourite meal. Can you image all of us out together? My, some evening that would be and a lot of fun.

I think that the choices here actually reflect how different we all are.

I mean, i love all fish, prawns etc and my ex was a fisherman.
Those that grow their own veg etc would probably eat more than others maybe?

Someone thought that swede or turnip as they call it up here would be more sorted to gravy dishes? I cut it into batons as i do the carrots and serve together as i hate anything mashed.Dont like the texture of mashed food.

Sharon, I have some veggie/cheese pasties in the freezer which i only recently found in the coop. They are actually quite tasty served with veg.

Alan really...beans??? %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

Joy Louise, ive never made a summer pudding but i am def going to have a go soon.

Florence in the hebrides


Sharron Report 8 Sep 2021 10:40

I wouldn't want commercial baked beans but have been known to make them. In fact, I have twice served them at the parish lunch.


JoyLouise Report 8 Sep 2021 10:47

I make my own, Florence.

They’re very easy to make; stand in the fridge overnight, bring out and serve with cream.

On the day I come to yours for my starter, dessert will be the course you don’t even have to think about as it will be ready to serve. %3A-D

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 Sep 2021 10:55


Those are some interesting choices for serving beans, ..Butter or cream on top ?
No thank you for any topping.

Reminds me of when I first got to know my Irish friend, who always put butter on her chips %3A-S