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ZZzzz Report 22 Aug 2021 19:51

Who still buys them and is it according your politics or the type that has more pictures, sport etc, when I was in the world of work I had the Daily Mail but now it is more local types.


AnninGlos Report 22 Aug 2021 21:01

I still buy the weekly local paper and once or twice a week the DM. Nothing to do with politics, I just find it more readable

RTR no comments please, I don’t care.


ZZzzz Report 22 Aug 2021 22:00

My sister in law had the telegraph because she thought some of the others were for common people that grew up on a council estate, she did and did her best to hide that fact.
Edit. She once said in a loud voice, we were in a posh place at the time that she went to grammar school which she did, my reply was but you also grew up on a council estate just like me.


maggiewinchester Report 22 Aug 2021 22:31

I read them all online - apart from the Sun and the Express, and those that want me to pay!

My friend gets the Telegraph - for the TV pages!!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 22 Aug 2021 22:37

I haven't bought a newspaper of any sort for quite some time.
When first married, we bought a newspaper at the weekend, but with all the supplements it took all week to read it.

In later years, I used to sometimes buy the local weekly paper, but found the articles just gave an outline account rather than a full one, so that too was abandoned.

Most of my news these days is via TV or BBC news online.


ZZzzz Report 22 Aug 2021 22:46

maggiewinchester and to impress the neighbours perhaps?


maggiewinchester Report 22 Aug 2021 22:58

No, not to impress the neighbours.
He doesn't get it delivered, it's a reason for going out on a Saturday.
He takes it home, and reads it.
I don't expect his neighbours even know what paper he buys.
The Saturday one is the only one he buys, as I said, because of the TV pages. %3A-D

He also buys a weekly local rag on a Friday.


ZZzzz Report 22 Aug 2021 23:15

Oh my sister in law made sure people knew what paper she had.


Dermot Report 23 Aug 2021 07:31

Have sympathy for those unfortunates who cannot read.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 23 Aug 2021 08:05

Hubby liked to have the Sunday newspapers so that was his ritual after breakfast to walk to the local shop to get them

They would put his ones by for him

When he could no longer get out I would get them on the way out to taking him to mass

Not bought any newspapers since he passed in 2015


AnninGlos Report 23 Aug 2021 08:05

I buy the Saturday DM for the TV magazine inside.

I also read the mail on line when I don't have a paper.

And I watch the news on TV, I find you need to read papers and watch TV to get a balanced idea of what is going on.


nameslessone Report 23 Aug 2021 09:09

Because I like to read my paper over breakfast it needs to be readable so it is the daily Mail for me, with the Saturday Telegraph as well.

Our local newspapers are on line and I look at the online Express when in need of a good laugh.

My Dad always had the Times but I never liked it.


Dermot Report 23 Aug 2021 10:11

'The Times' is my favourite. Quality articles & informative background details.


nameslessone Report 23 Aug 2021 10:22

Probably the problem with The Times was that we only saw it in the evening when it was bought home along with the evening paper, which by then was up to date with the news.

Cornish Susie

Cornish Susie Report 23 Aug 2021 11:46

We've had the Telegraph for years - not because we're posh tho! Apart from all the news and features we really enjoy their various puzzles - crosswords., sudoku etc and feel very jubilant when we actually solve them - but not every day unfortunately.


AnninGlos Report 23 Aug 2021 12:01

bout 35 years ago we used to have the independent. In those days I was very much into photography and the photos in that paper were really excellent compared to other papers.


'Emma' Report 23 Aug 2021 13:59

Husband buys local newspapers and has done for years.
Me I never look at them %3A-D %3A-D


JustGinnie Report 23 Aug 2021 14:32

OH buys a paper but only for the sport pages, don't know which he buys as I don't read them. We listen to the news on tv and I sometimes read on line news.

Mom and Dad always had the local evening paper and so did we at first but not now.


Kense Report 23 Aug 2021 19:42

I used to get the Telegraph several times per week but stopped during shielding/lockdown. Now I only get it on Saturdays. It does not reflect my or OH's politics, like Susie we enjoy the puzzles and crosswords.


SuffolkVera Report 23 Aug 2021 19:52

We have the Telegraph every day. It doesn’t necessarily reflect my politics or views, no one paper does, but I enjoy some of the features and like Kense and Susie I like the crosswords and other puzzles.

EDIT. Forgot to say that we also have a local weekly paper as it’s often the only way to find out what our local Council is up to.