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ZZzzz Report 18 Aug 2021 11:51

Has the "nosh" post gone, was it whooshed?


maggiewinchester Report 18 Aug 2021 13:30

I believe RTR took it down.

I posted on it this morning, just pointing out that RTR had 'schooled' us all on how useless we were at saving the planet, on Dermot's 'We're doomed' thread, yet it's fine for him (RTR) to travel around to markets all over the place.
I also mentioned how a grocery deliver (20+ deliveries in one van) was much more environmentally friendly than everyone going out in their car for 'bits & bobs'.

Then the post disappeared!
Perhaps he was hoisted by his own long neck!


Caroline Report 18 Aug 2021 13:39

Another one bites the dust......good points though maggie


ZZzzz Report 18 Aug 2021 14:19

Yes I agree with Caroline.
Hung by his own petard.


ZZzzz Report 18 Aug 2021 14:22

I think it more like he is house bound and in a ground floor flat, maybe with a wife/partner, no children to help him.


Caroline Report 19 Aug 2021 00:26

Maybe it was pulled because we didn't deserve the lesson he was trying to teach us as we weren't taking it seriously enough.


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2021 06:52

I know he is/can be a right pain and always knows he is right. But it must be wearing to be jumped on every time he opens his mouth on here. I am sure he is a nice person really. %3A-%29 %3A-%29


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2021 09:05

Generally, I'd feel the same as you, Ann.
I’ve spent a lot of my life working with children with learning difficulties, convincing them they CAN do ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’. However, I’ve also worked with teenagers, and can spot bullsh*t a mile off, and RTR is quite happy to ‘jump on’ and put down everyone else.

The 'Nosh' thread was put up, with a quote of what I'd said on a previous (probably deleted if RTR started it) thread, suggesting RTR shopped where his wife worked. This was an excuse for RTR to regale us with how 'exclusive' his tastes are.
Unfortunately for him, he (yet again) contradicted himself in an effort to put people down/raise his ego, and, yet again deleted a thread.

RTR has become particularly bitter towards me, since I did my Cornish side, and can trace it back almost as far as he alleges he can, his side (to Rollo the Red - hence his name)

A small example of RTR's 'knowledge', and charm because he knows best -
'Schooled' me on the layout of Winchester - I, of course have no idea about the place, even though I lived there for 30 years. Obviously, I'm too stupid to see what's around me.

Apparently, according to RTR, the self -declared techno expert, my brother, in deepest Somerset HAS got the internet - I'm just stupid. This was about 3 years ago - brother STILL hasn't got the internet.

He's called me a dense, bitter thrice divorced hag. I've been married and divorced once, not that it’s any of RTR’s business. I'm still friends with my ex, and actually prefer living alone. With RTR as an example of apparent 'manhood' - who can blame me!

RTR regularly comes out with rubbish, and unecessary insults, in an effort to put others down

He once declared, in a Trump like manner, that his security was the best and us 'mere' mortals were in danger of being spied on.
I'd just like to state here, that I (and I'm sure many others) like a challenge. - that wasn't really a challenge.
RTR may be proud of his heritage, but it's rather moronic to use the same name on EVERY site. He has changed it now, but then - it was so easy - even for someone (according to RTR) as thick as me!!
You’d also think an expert like RTR would know how to opt out of the 'open register' on the electoral form.

Then there’s the politics. The assumption everyone reads the same (wrong) paper, everyone is of the same (wrong) political persuasion, and only the great RTR is right! I know which political party he stood for, but the way he goes on, Nigel Farage could be his best friend!

I mean, if he really wants to go on and on like he does, why doesn’t he do it on ‘twitter’ where it may be appreciated?

As for my being dense.
I have to admit to accidentally getting myself into a position where MENSA invited me to join - I didn't set out to join, just a bit of sibling rivalry,started in childhood, to see if my brother really was (as he said) more intelligent than me. Turns out we have the same (highly gifted, apparently) IQ - which made us both laugh, and state the obvious - 'So we're good at logic problems, then!' - the same as eveyone who's passed their 11+ %3A-D

Brother and I joined MENSA for a year - the meetings were boring, just nerds talking about computers - brother and I are more 'hands on' type people.
We never paid subs after that, so I presume we're both thick again! %3A-D %3A-D

Edit - Just realised, I forgot to mention, apart from RTR assuming my political stance based on the local MP, RTR also mocked me for being unemployed.
That's unemployed since the start of the pandemic, because, of course EVERYONE wanted to employ a temp during a pandemic.
Also like to point out, RTR did this during work hours - surely the time when he, as *Checks b/s RTR has written* chief excutive/owner/ any other egotistic word of his firm, should have been run off his feet, or at least working! Perhaps RTR has retired. .


LaGooner Report 19 Aug 2021 09:32

Well said Maggie and very true. I have just realised that he and my OH are Viking related %3A-0 %3A-0 %3A-0 %3A-0 %3A-0. Thank Gawd my OH is nothing like him %3A-D


JoyLouise Report 19 Aug 2021 12:37

I'm thinking like Ann, here although I have no idea whether Rollo is a nice person or not.

I know that a few people find his writings and links a complete pain but it is up to us whether we choose to read or ignore what he posts. In my opinion, it is far better to do that and simply state your case than to appear a right pain oneself by jumping on his every word because when he retaliates it is as is to be expected - not with approbation


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2021 12:44

Oh - and if RTR's trying to find me, 'Maggie Winchester' isn't my name - apparently, if it was, I'd be a Marine Biologist specializing in Fish Physiology and Education %3A-D
On 'Linkedin' I'm at Reading college, or an auctioneer.
Shame I'm not on 'Linkedin' isn't it?
I only use the name 'Maggiewinchester' on here.

On ebay my user name is just a word, and on FB, I don't use my real name either! %3A-D

When I type in my maiden name, a few come up - but waaaay before my time. I'm mainly dead.
If I just type in the surname I was born with - a few come up, but, on the whole, they're not in the UK.
My married name comes up with a few - but none are me.

I wish I wasn't such a technophobe, I'd (apparently) be able to make my profile so much safe %3A-D


nameslessone Report 19 Aug 2021 15:38

Rollo can sometimes make a good point or even pass on helpful advise. Believe it or not I have actually said that on the odd thread. But, oh he does annoy me at times. JoyLouise suggests simply stating ones case. If that case doesn’t agree with Rollo’s version then you will suffer his lecturing and put downs. He also has no sense of humour and can simply not see the other side of an argument.

I hate the idea of trying to find out who one is in real life. I have resorted to being just Names / Nameslessone.


maggiewinchester Report 19 Aug 2021 16:22

RTR started the 'Nosh' thread quoting something I said on the 'Plastic take away containers' thread, where he berated one and all for having take-aways, because, apparently, they contain PFAs.
He didn't like being informed that ALL plastic contains PFAs.

I quite often ignore his preachings, but occasionally, when he insists on posting twaddle as 'fact', or just plain wrong information - which he has done - I feel the need to respond.

JoyLouise, are you really saying we should 'just state our case' rather than correct RTR, otherwise we " appear a right pain oneself by jumping on his every word"?
So, we shouldn't contradict RTR - or WE'RE the 'pain' - are you really saying that?

Because " when he retaliates it is as is to be expected - not with approbation."
So, he's allowed to be rude, we should accept it. Really???

Perhaps we should also apologise for our existence, tell him what a very clever boy he is, and apologise for being educated, and definitely stop posting with relevant comments and arguments, as it obviously upsets him.

Maybe I should also apologise for taking him up on his 'I'm a big boy, with better security than you' challenge too. I mean, it's not as if he's a grown man is it?
I also didn't realise my reaction should have been "Oh yes, RTR, I'm sure your security is much better than anyone elses, you're so clever, and I'm so thick, I shan't bother taking you up on your challenge. Let me lick your boots"

I'm sure if I said 'Yes, of course, whatever you say' to everything RTR wrote, he'd find a way to be insulting.

Edit: Am I also, like RTR, allowed to post a load of twaddle to suit my argument and deny it 3 days later as it doesn't fit in with my previous/current twaddle?
This policy works if RTR remembers to delete everything he's posted, and hope no-one's got a memory longer than a goldfish - or him.


JoyLouise Report 20 Aug 2021 00:41

I am saying state your case. If you disagree with him then you contradict him. We all think differently, our opinions are as valid as the next and they’re usually as a result of our life experiences.

Your reaction is up to you but if name-calling and jibes arise, I feel it is better to ignore all and carry on conversing on the thread, responding to the subject rather than the jibes as the subject is what the thread’s about. Writing jibes and responding to jibes spoils the thread somewhat.

Names, I never worry about lectures and put-downs. If I have something to say, I’ll say it.


maggiewinchester Report 20 Aug 2021 07:40

I'm sorry, but I thnk we'll have to agree to disagree, JoyLouise.

I don't think anyone who regards himself as an adult should be doing any name calling or jibing, just because they've been contradicted, or someone has a different view.
It certainly shouldn't go unchallenged.

He's actually put people off posting.

.......and then there are those who post because they know it will result in a mini thesis


nameslessone Report 20 Aug 2021 08:24


You obviously haven’t been subject to one of what I referred to as a ‘put down’. Some of these ‘put downs’ are very unpleasant personal comments.

At least Rollo can’t see us so can’t add in unpleasant remarks about our appearance.


JoyLouise Report 20 Aug 2021 08:43

I can easily agree to disagree Maggie.

A different point of view is just that. It’s not something I view as a challenge, just something to respond to.

I do my best to ignore jibes because I believe that the instigator has resorted to name-calling, something which is childish and immature and shows them in a bad light even if, like me, they’re not bothered how people view them - just remembering my childhood learning, ‘turn the other cheek and be the better man’ or, in my case, ‘woman’.

Mini-thesis - they’d fail their exams then. %3A-D


maggiewinchester Report 20 Aug 2021 09:39

Nameslessone - I agree.
A lot of what 'himself' writes is a 'put down'.
In his efforts to put everyone else down, he quite often contradicts himself, and woe betide anyone who points out his own contradiction! %3A-D %3A-D

If he can't think of a come-back, he deletes the thread if he started it, or his posts, as is evident from his 'Nosh' thread, and his posts on 'Plastic take away containers'
Why? They don't take up memory on your equipment

JoyLouise, I find 'turning the other cheek' is best done in real life.
When it's done in the written word, it seems like you've accepted what's been said
unless you actually write 'I'll treat that with the contempt it deserves' %3A-S


JoyLouise Report 20 Aug 2021 10:11

I believe that anyone who resorts to jibes has lost the battle immediately so I try my best never to respond to them at all.

Names, anyone who saw me could probably find plenty to have a dig at but a person’s opinion of me is just that - one person’s one-sided view which is not worthy of comment as far as I am concerned.

Not for nothing was I told by a lecturer to stick to the subject. %3A-D

Edit: I find jibes spoil the flow of a thread, doesn’t anyone else?


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Aug 2021 17:45

I know absolutely nothing about Canadian politics after living here for almost 54 years (on the 22nd).

I was told so in a not very nice way.