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nameslessone Report 30 Jul 2021 15:32

Because there is no way am I stepping out to cross a road if I am aware that a vehicle wants to turn into the road and I will be incandescent with rage if a cyclist persists in riding down the centre of the road.

Whoever thinks ups these things is barking mad.

I haven’t yet worked out exactly what is meant by cyclists have priority at junctions if going straight ahead. Does this mean if I turn right, having indicated and take out the cyclist that has suddenly shot up in my inside at high speed I’m at fault. These would probably be the same ones that don’t see traffic lights.


ZZzzz Report 30 Jul 2021 15:45

Shrugs shoulders cos I don't understand the question.


nameslessone Report 30 Jul 2021 15:49

There is a new Highway Code coming out that gives new priorities - sorry I’m on the iPad and ca’t do links - try the Daily Mail online as they have a couple of good pictures.

Basically, a pedestrian can now just step of the pavement in front of a turning car. A cyclist must watch out for pedestrians and have priority over cars.

Car drivers should just stay at home %3A-P


Island Report 30 Jul 2021 15:50

Always a good idea to look in rear view mirror before moving off.

So yes, you would be at fault.

Always expect the unexpected.


Kentishmaid Report 30 Jul 2021 15:50

As a car driver we will have to give priority to horses as well it seems, not that I have seen many on the roads recently.


nameslessone Report 30 Jul 2021 15:52

I missed the horse one. But round here they reckon they have priority anyway.

Island, no point looking in the rear view mirror if they have snuck up beside you, usually into any blind spot you may have.


nameslessone Report 30 Jul 2021 16:14

I’ve just looked up what a parallel. It is a cycle crossing next to a zebra crossing. From the video I watched you can just cycle at speed and cross with indicating that you are going to do so.

Of course, it also means a lot of unnecessary expense as we all know cyclists just ride across the Zebra without dismounting.


maggiewinchester Report 30 Jul 2021 16:21

I think it's that, if a pedestrian is stood by a zebra crossing a car has to stop.
Previously, it said a car didn't have to stop, unless a person had started to cross.

As for the junctions, pedestrians have always had the right of way at junctions, if a car is turning off a major road onto a minor road, but now, cars have to stop if people are stood by the road.
It appears, it doesn't matter whether they're just having a chat - they have right of way! %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


JoyLouise Report 30 Jul 2021 18:29

names, when I was learning to drive - 55+ years ago, my instructor asked me 'Who has priority at all times?'

Me: no idea

Him: cyclists

Me: why?

Him: you try knocking one down and see what happens!

He was quite a funny but also serious man who trained police drivers. He was a great instructor with a load of patience!


Island Report 30 Jul 2021 19:43

I was tootling along on my motorbike at snails pace to get past stationary traffic when a pedestrian leapt out from between high top parked vehicles. He looked at me, did a little war dance, and flew over my front wheel in slow motion, I just hung on and stayed upright to prevent a "me bike!" moment.
He was very embarrassed. What a plonker!

So if he'd broke a nail, who's fault would that be?


Island Report 30 Jul 2021 20:20

Yeah yeah yeah.... done, dusted, worn the t-shirt. %3A-%5C %3A-%5C %3A-%5C

Is there anything you're not an authority on Rollo????
I bet you're a blast at parties.


RolloTheRed Report 30 Jul 2021 20:38

Yeah , drivers pay tax, own the road nobody else has any rights, stupid t-shirts yada yada

It is amazing how many people banish common sense once sitting behind the wheel.
Similar effect when they pick up or log into the Daily Snail.

When was your last accident ?


Island Report 30 Jul 2021 20:42

Never had an accident love.



nameslessone Report 30 Jul 2021 20:51

It would help if you were confident that most road users had an idea of what they should be doing.

Ever been offered a speed course? I haven’t as I don’t speed, never caused an accident but have been rear ended whilst stationary in traffic with my brakes on.

Interesting to lo learn that a choice of newspaper tells others of your driving habits.


JoyLouise Report 30 Jul 2021 22:31

One place I worked offered everyone the chance to do a safe driving course. I took advantage and it was worthwhile.

I think everyone ought to do a safe driving course as the tips are extremely useful.

A lot of things stuck in my mind and I still see drivers doing the most stupid things such as pulling over toward the middle of the road to turn left - if they got themselves into the correct position there would be no need to do that - fgs, they’re not driving artics.

I have lost count of the number of times I have seen drivers waiting to turn right with their front wheels already slightly turned - and there were numerous other things we learned that I see people doing wrongly when I’m out and about.

I have been involved in two (what could have been) serious accidents. The first was when a truck turned right exactly as I was coming round the bend facing him. I managed to skirt round and avoid him but ran the car up a mound at the opposite side of the road and turned it over. I was OK, the car was a write-off and the truck driver scarpered quickly.

The second was why I now change into shoes kept in the car for driving. It was pouring down, I never used to change shoes when I got into the car and my foot slipped off the brake onto the accelerator. No other car involved, just a lamp post. How many people drive in shoes that are wet with rain? Most people never think about changing shoes but it is the type of mishap that is so easy to avoid.

When I see the state of some driving I am of the opinion that some avoid accidents by pure luck and the quick thinking of other drivers.

Here, I agree with Rollo about a 20 mph limit on urban roads. A lot of towns have already introduced that as I’ve noticed while out and about yet still I have seen ignorant people ignore the signs that are there for a reason and for the good of drivers and pedestrians.

I include drivers because of the devastation to a driver’s mental health if he knocked down a child. I’ve seen it.


maggiewinchester Report 30 Jul 2021 22:41

Shouldn't safe driving be part of the test?


JoyLouise Report 30 Jul 2021 22:49

This was a special course, Maggie, one offered to us because of where I worked. It was almost 40 years ago.

If there any such around now, it would be worthwhile doing one.


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Jul 2021 23:35

I'm a non-driver, never even had a lesson, but it scars me silly to know that someone from the UK emigrating to Canada can waltz down to the loal Driver's Licensing Bureau and simply exchange his British driving license for the one issued by the province s/he is in .................. no b****y test, not even an eye test or a written test.

We drive on the other side of the road, we have different rules, and someone from Britain is let loose like that. Drivers with a US state license also don't have a test which is fine as both countries have very similar rules .............. such as knowing when you can turn right on a red light and when you can not. But no other nationality except the British are treated that way.

I have no idea when such a rule came into effect, perhaps when we were still under Britain's rule.

It does go a long way to explaining why we have some very bad drivers, and why insurance rates for new arrivals are very high. Past history in the UK counts for nothing to the companies here, even for drivers with 20 years of an excellent safety record in the UK

Edited July 31/21 ca 5:45 pm ......... to change a disliked word.


nameslessone Report 31 Jul 2021 07:57

Yesterday, looking at the on line papers I found that the’authorised’ paper mentioned the changes but didn’t go in to details. The Daily Mail had acquired a copy of the changes and published the pages.

Score 1 to the Daily Mail. Guardian 0


maggiewinchester Report 31 Jul 2021 08:27

Should someone who had to go on a speed course be lecturing others on keeping their speed down?
*asking for friend*

I tend to look at a variety of newpapers online, so presume I'm open to a certain person calling me all sorts! %3A-D %3A-D

Nameslessone 'authorised' paper %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D
Sounds like we have to comply to the ideals of some sort of despot!