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Has anyone been brave enough.

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ZZzzz Report 22 Jul 2021 15:58

To go out without masks and not social distance, I still go with wearing my mask and all that goes with it, this morning however I went out and no one had masks on and the pharmacy had taken down the barriers and the assistance didn't have masks on either.


LaGooner Report 22 Jul 2021 16:05

In a word NO


ZZzzz Report 22 Jul 2021 16:14

Joan, they should be here too.


ZZzzz Report 22 Jul 2021 16:16

LaGooner, it's too scary and I think it will cause another lockdown. %3A-%7C


LaGooner Report 22 Jul 2021 16:17

All our supermarket here are still saying wear them as is my local villiage shop


Island Report 22 Jul 2021 17:01

I'll still wear a mask in shops and avoid crowds.
It's no hardship.


LaGooner Report 22 Jul 2021 17:02

Joan we are still being cautious as we
a. Live near Bedford which has a very high infection rate
b. My OH's twin died from it at the beginning of the year and it made us very aware of how much awful suffering it can cause to people with underlying health issues.


nameslessone Report 22 Jul 2021 17:12

I’ve not been out much because of the heat but when I do go in somewhere I wear my mask. Even though I have asthma I choose to wear one.
I’d say it is about 50/50 with other people.
You still have to log in at the library and at the ‘workies’ - my OH told me that one %3A-D


ZZzzz Report 22 Jul 2021 17:13

I think people forget or don't want to know how bad it is and think life is back to normal when in truth it isn't and won't be for a very long time.


KathleenBell Report 22 Jul 2021 17:47

I don't see any reason for NOT wearing a mask. They don't interfere with anything and I think everyone should wear one. Anyone who says they can't breathe wearing one could get a face shield. I have one that is not thin and flimsy but made of the same sort of material as motorbike goggles and covers your whole face. It is so easy to wear that I sometimes forget I'm wearing it and try to wipe my eyes or blow my nose. Even my doctor said he thought it was great.

I would rather keep wearing my mask for the next five years if it saved just one life. Hubby's cousin died of Covid in January and one of my uncles was in hospital for more than a month and is lucky to have survived.

Kath. x


Amokavid Report 22 Jul 2021 17:55

Yes it has been awful, but we have to move on!
I am not one for going here there & everywhere, or meeting up / socialising with other people, even before Covid, I never have been but I have been very unhappy, sad & verging on depression over these past months, something I have not suffered with before, it's time to fully free the population.

We were told at the start " a vaccine will sort it all out, vaccinating the public will free us from this illness & lockdowns etc"...we get a vaccine & most of the population take it up but we are still couped up, & still told we cannot do this, this or this!!

Many folk have been & are continuing to wear masks & distance themselves yet positive tests a/nd isolating is still happening!
If freedom doesn't happen soon we will never be able to survive ANY illnesses let alone Covid!



KathleenBell Report 22 Jul 2021 18:03

But just look at how little flu there was last winter. That has to be down to mask wearing. The trouble is that not everyone has been wearing them. I'm sure that if 100% of the population wore a mask the numbers would soon start falling.

I am not a very sociable person and my only trip out in the week (before Covid) apart from shopping was 2 hours on a Tuesday afternoon to meet 3 friends for a coffee. We are all super careful but last week one of the friends phoned to say she had Covid and so I had to get a test (luckily negative) and I am isolating until tomorrow night.

It's why I think everyone has to do their bit. The pictures of the nightclubs rammed with youngsters had me shaking my head in disbelief.

Kath. x


Island Report 22 Jul 2021 18:11

I'll move on when covid moves on and out.

Joan if you generally lead a quiet life, as we do, what is it that is distressing you so much?


ZZzzz Report 22 Jul 2021 18:14

With respect I think people are putting what they want over the safety and well-being of the nation.


Caroline Report 22 Jul 2021 18:16

I know people in the UK fully vaccinated and still caught Covid badly; but not enough to be in the hospital. Knowing those people I know they weren't wearing masks.
I also have a friend whose husband did mask up but died of Covid no known health problems early 50's.
Yes, I will carry on wearing my mask for a while in shops etc, that said I don't wear one now when I'm out walking the dog but I do socially distance.
I think it's crazy if you have shops with no mask-wearing and no barriers up your numbers are not that great!
I get it's been awful for many during this whole episode but having Covid is worse sadly.


maggiewinchester Report 22 Jul 2021 18:25

Kathleen, not just night clubs, football, Wimbledon, the Grand Prix, Ascot etc.
Hospitals are slowly filling up.


ZZzzz Report 22 Jul 2021 18:45

What are people finding difficult to get to grips with, wear a mask, by doing so you are less likely to be hospitalised and you also help others to stay safe, don't wear one and you are in effect spreading the virus thus making others ill, or worse.


MotownGal Report 22 Jul 2021 18:50

Not likely!

W'rose strict on masks, but another supermarket is not. I scuttled out of there PDQ.


SuffolkVera Report 22 Jul 2021 19:02

Just seen this and am amazed at the opening post. ZZzzz has had a very different experience to me. Yesterday I went to the chiropodist, a supermarket and 3 pharmacies and they were all operating the same restrictions as previously. I only saw one person without a mask in the supermarket and she may have been exempt. Everyone was distancing. I would have expected people round here to be a bit blasé as we haven’t been too badly hit by Covid but everyone still seems to be taking care.

I do understand where Joan is coming from. It’s one thing choosing to lead a quiet life but another thing knowing you don’t have the option. I have found it hard at times as we had a fairly active social life which I don’t think is going to fully recover but we plod on doing as we are told for the sake of everyone. I’m very excited at the moment as I will be seeing my son and his family this weekend for the first time in 21 months and I can legally give my granddaughters a hug%3A-%29


KathleenBell Report 22 Jul 2021 20:48

Vera - perhaps the reason why your area hasn't been too badly hit by Covid is, like you say - most people are wearing masks and being careful. It's what everyone should be doing.

Kath. x