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Florence61 Report 5 Sep 2023 10:37

Morning Joan and everyone else looking in.
Its foggy but lifting a bit and the sun I think will put in an appearance once its all cleared....hopefully!

Glad for you finally getting the guttering sorting Joan, what a long wait youve had. At least it will be all sorted before the winter comes.

I had a very stressy day yesterday. Dad's area had no phone, mobile or internet yesterday but he could tel me on his mobile. He was moaning and groaning and I said, regular occurrence here as internet up & down as is the mobile signal and I just have to live with it! He was ranting and raving like it was the end of the world!

In the middle of that daughter is very unwell and was trying to get antibiotics from GP. She waited 4 hours in town for a dr to tel her back before finally they send a script through to a chemist at 3.30!!!

So with dad tel me every 5 minutes to look things up on google and daughter tel me as well, my own head was sore. Daughter was home by 5 and went straight to bed. Her temp was 39!

However the tablets soon got into her system and made her sick. Honestly you cant win can you?

So hoping for a quieter day today.

Linda, hope the packing isnt too stressful and all going smoothly. Once they have moved, treat yourself to a nice meal and a good wine :-D

Not sure what food we shall have today, be a wait & see meal me thinks lol

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 5 Sep 2023 11:52

I hope your daughter is feeling better today Florence.

It is always good when workmen finally turn up Joan, the new guttering will look very smart, you stop noticing how old things look after a while.

It is so hot here, going to be 27 degrees. Poor Eve has gone off to school in her wooly jumper and black tights. They don’t have a summer uniform, just short sleeved shirts, but they have to be given permission to take their jumper off.

I helped my daughter do lots of packing last night, mainly Esme’s toys and all the art and craft stuff. We are having a sort out as we go along. Tonight we are going to pack up Eve’s bedroom and the study. It is going along all right, at least the house doesn’t have to be emptied like a normal move.

I won’t be treating myself to wine and a meal Florence, I will be back on my diet big time, I need to get back to my target weight, but when they are here, there are all sorts of temptations. On our own, I don’t buy naughty things.


JustGinnie Report 5 Sep 2023 13:41

Hi all, another lovely day here. grandson has been helping me clean the windows and as he is tall (over 6ft) he can reach the tops without standing on the steps. He is good at changing light bulbs as well. lol .It's not always easy to do these things as we get older.

Hope your daughter is feeling better Florence and your dad has got the internet back on now.
We had our house phone changed to wifi in July and although it works the same if the wifi goes down we lose our phone even for 999 calls. So we have to make sure our mobiles are charged up just in case. going to be awkward I think for people who do have internet or mobile phones. .

Linda you must be so pleased your daughters house move is on the way although packing up and moving out can be stressful in itself.

Enjoy yourself Ann I hope the weather stays good for you.

Good that your work is getting done Joan , always something to be done though.



Amokavid Report 6 Sep 2023 12:08

Morning everyone.
Not the best of days for us today, it's dry & calm but it is a bit dull.
The sun is really trying to shine & I think it may do so but not just yet.
Just hoping it stays fine for the workmen that are replacing our very old & so oast it cast iron guttering & downpipes.

The front of the house is done & looking grand.

Not sure if i will get out into the garden today but if I do I shall maybe tidy up the planters & make a start on gathering some of our Snowdrop bulbs & dot them around here & there, lol.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 6 Sep 2023 13:21

It is glorious today, going to be 27 degrees apparently

It is so quiet in the house as Esme is back to school today. :-D

I have spent all morning packing boxes to help my daughter as she is working. I need to go to Tescos this afternoon then do more packing. It all needs to be done by this Erving as my daughter is in London all day tomorrow.


Amokavid Report 7 Sep 2023 08:46

Morning all.
A bleary eyed Joan here, woke at 6-00am got up at 7-00am, one of the workmen arrived at 7-45 am & got started straightaway with the hammering & drilling.

the guttering job has taken a day longer than it should because on the first stay when removing a section of guttering the chap found a slate sitting in the bit of guttering & another had slipped behind the first one.

It couldn't be deen from ground level & unfortunately some of the sarking under the slipped slates had been wet at some point & had to be replaced !!
The guttering men got their slater to take a look & he got started yesterday to sort it out, just a small area but goodness knows what it will cost.

Nothing is ever straightforward is it, there's always some other problem crops up.
The joiners have just one more section of guttering to install then it's all finished.
It will be lovely to get back to our usual peace & quet AND to see all the rubbish cleared up, the back of the haouse & driveway looks like a bomb site.

A bit on the cool side this morning but it's bright, I expect it will warm up before long.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 7 Sep 2023 10:27

It is good that they discovered the slate Joan. A nuisance that it needed more work doing, but better to find it now before more water gets in and causes even more damage.
It is a glorious day here, but I am tired as well. I woke up with a start about 4.30am because my phone which was charging on the other side of the bedroom suddenly lit up and made a noise as it does when it is notifying me of something. What was going on, I have no idea because it it set to not disturb me over night and there was nothing to see in the morning. Then I had set an alarm for 6.30am, so OH could get up and take my daughter to the station, then the normal alarm went off at 7 am, so I could get Eve up. I had to drag her out of bed this morning, she is always tired when they first go back after the holidays. I had to make sure Son in Law got up and left on time to take the girls to school, not an easy task as he is so ………

I need to go and collect a new sharps bin for Esme now, she has growth hormone injections and gets a new bin every few months. Then I need to go to Tesco for a few bits including some more strong bin bags to pack the rest of the bedding and their towels.

Then I am getting my eyes tested at midday. There are some more boxes to pack, but they have run out of boxes and can’t get anymore until lunchtime when the storage company who have them will be open. At least I can get on with that this afternoon before Esme gets back.

I impressed on SIL that all the packing has to be done tonight because the van is coming at 9 am tomorrow, but it is like water off a ducks back. Last night my daughter made him put the few clothes he has in the bedroom into a box. That would take less than five minutes and that is the sum total of packing he has done :-| :-|

I told him that he would have to pack up all the technology in the study tonight, but no- he announced that he was working tomorrow morning, so he would pack his stuff after that. He grudgingly agreed to pack up my daughters things when I pointed out to him that the large desk they are sitting on has to go in the van. He is totally off his trolley. Poor OH was shattered yesterday because he had to dismantle the large trampoline and even larger play centre all by himself. It has huge wooden poles which had to come out of their fittings, an incredibly difficult job. He had to use a large mallet to move them with me standing on the other end of the pole to try to stop it moving. Luckily OH has gone walking today because he is just about at the end of his tether.

Grr, grr, grr.


Florence61 Report 7 Sep 2023 11:38

Morning all

Oh dear Linda! What a stressy time but why doesn't SIL take time off??? How does he expect to move and pack when he is working?

When tomorrow comes you can take a deep breath and relax hopefully.

Joan, gosh what a palava! The cost too but at least its all getting sorted out. The rubbish will get cleared and soon you will be all back to your usual.

As they say in order to get sorted, it has to get messy first or something like that.

Well so much for 3 hot days here. Yesterday was warm at 22 but overcast and sooo windy. Today the sun is out but the wind is so strong, I couldn't stand at the corner of my house. Was hoping to be able to sit outside with a cuppa and a snack yesterday afternoon but it never happened and wont be able to today.

Tomorrow, it starts to go down in temp and get more windy so that's summer officially over me thinks. But 32 down south is far to hot for me, I'm asthmatic and couldn't cope in that heat.

Daughter is much better, but stress levels have been through the roof as several member of her trip away have Covid grrr but she is negative thank goodness!

Waiting on some chunky knitting needles coming today as I bought some chunky wool and desperate to get knitting with it.

We are having chinese chicken wings with chips and salad tonight and that has freed some space in the freezer and fridge.

Well better try and be busy, women's work is never done!

Have a good day all

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 7 Sep 2023 13:07

Hope your daughter doesn’t get Covid Florence. It is 27 degrees here, but a bit overcast

Good news, I don’t need new glasses, just a slight change in one eye. She said I could get some new ones if I wanted, but I declined as the ones I have are only a year old and because of my prescription, they cost a fortune. I also have a very slight cataract, but they said that last year.

SIL now says he has an online meeting with some Dutch people at 1pm tomorrow :-S

He said that he had received an email from his solicitor saying they had the cash funds from them and the money from the Nationwide mortgage, so they should be able to complete first thing. I very nicely told him that as soon as the van is ready, we can take our daughter to get the keys, so the van can start unpacking as soon as possible and we can start unpacking the boxes. I am not sure if he thought that we were all going to sit and wait until he was ready, so I squashed that idea straight away. To be honest, as he is totally useless, we are better with him out of the way. All he will want to do is mess about getting his computers set up. He was exactly the same when they moved into the London house about twelve years ago. It was me, OH, my daughter and my son who came to help who did all the work


Florence61 Report 7 Sep 2023 14:59

Oh my Linda, what a situation you have with SIl. Not sure I could be so polite lol I'm very much a dooer person and very good at" organising" people so no one around me gets to "slack."(that's the bossy teacher in me lol)

How on earth does you daughter cope I wonder? She is probably just used to him and his ways probably.

Haven't done very much this afternoon. Just put chicken in a dish to marinade and some paperwork. My head has been sore for 3 days now, especially my neck but not sure why. I always blame the weather lol

The viewee on mums property was a waste of time. They said they didn't like being so close to a busy main rd as they had a cat!! Well they viewed it online so knew where it was etc. Cant be doing with timewasters as we need it sold asap!


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2023 15:17

Linda’s SIL reminds me of my OH. Whenever we have moved whilst I’m busy unpacking the kitchen stuff and other important things he unpacks his books ( we have a lot) into the bookcases - so they are full and there is nowhere for mine. I’m sure there must be boxes of my books in the loft :-|


ArgyllGran Report 7 Sep 2023 16:23

Next time, Names, ignore the kitchen stuff and unpack your books first!

If he's desperate for a cuppa he can unpack the kitchen boxes himself.

Of course, you'd have to rearrange all the kitchen items yourself afterwards - but at least your books would be on shelves.


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2023 16:33

Oh lummy! I accidently hit the report button . Don’t know what that will do.

Argyllgran, I like that idea but that means me putting up the bookcases.

Hope all goes well in Herriot country tomorrow.


Florence61 Report 7 Sep 2023 16:41

Oh dear names :-S :-S Who did you report?


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2023 16:54

Creeping out from the naughty corner - it was Argyllgran’s but it seems ok as it is still there.

I’m on my iPad and just brushed it whilst moving down, thought something had chsnged.


Florence61 Report 7 Sep 2023 17:41

Phew :-D ;-)


JustGinnie Report 8 Sep 2023 15:12

Lol, names, I have done that in the past and had a little panic but I think you have to actually fill in a box saying why you reported the post.

Gosh Linda you certainly have restraint with your SiL but It is most likely worse it they are getting in the way when you need to get things done. I must say I applaud your patience and energy especially in this hot spell.

Sorry you seem to be getting time wasters viewing the flat Florence it is so annoying .for you.

The 2 planters came and OH is really pleased with them so happy hubby today.

:-D :-D



Florence61 Report 8 Sep 2023 15:17

Phew!! Its 27 degrees in my front room. Well i wanted sun and we have sun, about 25 outside. I have all the windows open and a fan on my desk.

So I stripped my bed, washed it all, hung out to dry and have now ironed it and put back on my bed. So sitting for a rest.

There is a good breeze which is fab as drying all the washing but too windy to sit out!

Anyway making the most of it as by Sunday we shall be down to just 12 degrees.

Linda, hope the move has gone well and everyone pulling their weight!

Joan, hope the workmen have finished and all's well with you.

AnnG, hope you are enjoying your break away unless you are back?

JustGinnie, good to see you posting and take care.

My new best friend "cat" from next door has lost his meow :-S He goes to say hello but nothing comes out so not sure if he is unwell? Is this normal for cats? Poor wee thing as he always "talks" to me even from the otherside of the window lol.

Well in need of more water to keep hydrated.

Take care in the sun everyone

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 8 Sep 2023 18:17

Phew indeed Florence, it's been a hot week here even on the day that the sun didn't show, today has been really bad, about 26 inside for us & even higher outside & no wind or breeze.

Everywhere is soo dry & dusty, the birdbaths are being well used & need re filling almost daily, certainy need to be topped up, & most of my new plants need a good watering, I am very surprised the the well hasn't dried up leaving us without a water supply, it's happened in the past.

Enjoyed the usual Friday home made Fish & Chips today, a bit on the warm side for a hot meal but I so enjoy them, lol.



JustGinnie Report 9 Sep 2023 09:06

Morning all , hope you are all feeling ok, the heat is getting to me now. Last night was so hot and I had difficulty getting to sleep . Got up at 6.30ish opened the windows and put the fans on.
Got a line of washing out shouldn't take long to dry in this heat.

Have a good weekend everyone.
