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JustGinnie Report 30 Jun 2023 14:37

Well weather has changed today, it is cloudy and temp. has dropped but the rain seems to be missing us except for a few spots here and there.

Got to do some tidying up in the garden and I have some new plants ordered 2 Acers, 2 Ceanothus (California lilacs) and a Fig tree.

I have to agree about time flying my eldest grandchild is 28 and the youngest 20, this year will be our 54th wedding anniversary. How did that happen ? :-D :-D

We don't get many birds in our garden, too many cats around for them I think.
Pigeons and Magpies come though and there are usually some gulls flying about looking for food.. The squirrels like to run along the fences at the back and daughter said she sees foxes early morning when she goes to work.

Have a good weekend everyone



Florence61 Report 3 Jul 2023 14:22

Good afternoon all
Wasn't on over the weekend as was busy emptying me lounge and so disconnected computer and internet etc. My kitchen was crammed with the tv, computer desk, printer desk plus office chair and you couldn't swing a cat lol

My bed and chest of drawers were full of boxes etc as well.

But there were here before 10 and away before 10.15. I watched them lift up the sofas and work round them and boy so quick too. But we have just finished now putting everything back the way it was and all looks grand again.

Just the small hall carpet which will be a doddle compared to the other rooms as only 2 bookcases to move. A lady is coming for lounge carpet tomorrow eve hopefully as I have already managed to trip over it!!! I struggle to lift leg leg and dint quite manage to step over the carpet so banged my toes but nevermind.

it has poured torrentially for 3 days now and I know we need the rain but along with gale force winds, i thought summer has gone and here we are in winter again :-D :-D

It supposed to improve as the week goes on. My potato plants were smashed beyond repair :-(

So how was everyone else's weekend?
JustGinnie, hope you got on ok in the garden? 54th anniversary this year, wow thats amazing <3
My pigeons are not scared of the cats or the seagulls, they are brave wee things lol.

Better catch up on a few more emails etc

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 3 Jul 2023 16:16

It is very windy here, but we have had some rain today which is welcome.

We have a double garage and we gave up one half of it so my daughter could store all of the boxes of household goods in it, but we could still get our car in the other side.
This afternoon a large van arrived with the rest of the stuff from their London house in it, so we are going to have to keep our car outside now. The completion for the London house was supposed to be today, but it had to go back a couple of days as one of the solicitors in the chain wasn’t quite ready. So keep Eve crossed that it will all go through on Wednesday.
All we need now is for them to move into their new house. When they agreed to buy it, they were under the impression that the people were moving out in mid July, but now they are saying September. My daughter isn’t having that, so they are trying to settle on the 22nd? Of August. The couple who own the house are Americans who have been working at Menworth Hill, the hush hush early warning station, they are going back to the states

You will be pleased to get ever over with Florence, all that effort to get things back to how they should have been in the first place


Florence61 Report 4 Jul 2023 16:24

Afternoon all
Well the rain has finally stopped and the wind is now reduced to a small breeze, thank goodness.

I actually went outside for some fresh air as felt stifled indoors last few days.

I noticed in some of my flower pots that the Alyssum this year had died off both the pink and the white and not sure why? They are in indifferent pots with other flowers like marigolds and petunias and they are all ok. never had a problem with it before and quite disappointed.

Have spent most of the day going through expanding folders and taking out old paperwork, sick notes, old contracts etc so now have another huge pile of shredding and 4 empty folders. But it has cleared a space from the filing cabinet and 2 boxes.

My next task tomorrow is to go through all the family trees paperwork and reorganise it. I have plenty of A3 files spare to fill just need to reduce all the scrappy bits of paper!!

Not sure about tea tonight as not feeling terribly hungry today so maybe cheese & onion toasties perhaps, something quick anyway as not feeling the need to cook much lol.

Linda, hope all goes well tomorrow for your daughter, keeping my fingers crossed for them. Yes my lounge is all back to normal and everything back in its place, exactly as before lol I have a photographic memory!

Hope everyone looking in is well and ok

Florence in the hebrides :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 4 Jul 2023 21:26

It appears that my daughters completion isn’t happening tomorrow :-(
There are only three of them in the chain, but the bottom one is a cash buyer and the solicitor has suddenly realised that they need to do money laundering checks on the cash. Apparently one of the bank statements is in a foreign language, so that is holding things up.
We got new neighbours a year ago. They are a couple in their late sixties who had just met a few years ago and were buying their first house together. She had sold her house, but his house sale fell through at the last minute. They didn’t want to lose this house, so he borrowed some money from his mother. She had sold her house and was in a home. She was perfectly happy to lend him the money until he got a new buyer. His sister was happy with the arrangement as well, but on the day before they were supposed to complete the solicitors realised they hadn’t done the money laundering checks. They had a mad dash to get some sort of affidavit signed by his mother in the presence of a different solicitor to prove the money was legit. Luckily his mother still had all her marbles so could sign it. I was pleased that they did get the house because they are very nice neighbours


Florence61 Report 5 Jul 2023 13:39

Afternoon everyone looking in.

Well the day started off dry with a breeze and so stripped daughters bed and just looked outside to see the rain starting. It was virtually dry and only needed 5 mins in the dryer.

Clouds are very heavy looking and I think it will downpour soon.

Linda, I made your tomato soup recipe and have to say, it is delicious and was so easy to make and yes it tastes just like the Heinz one! I have some par baked baguettes to cook and have later with the soup for tea.

Such a nuisance with your daughters new house! The man who viewed mums flat has been messaged 4 times by the estate agent and he hasn't come back so really disappointed with that,

Today I paid the 2nd council tax of £142.00 plus the gas bill although only 5 units used! The service chg is more than the units lol

Joan hope you & hubby are doing ok and your weather is better than mine so you can get into the garden and be busy.

I'm having a wee rest now for an hour as have been on me feet all morning and started swaying feeling lightheaded, just overdone it today.

Florence in the Hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 5 Jul 2023 14:40

Florence -
as your mum's flat is unoccupied, unfurnished, and actively on the market, can you apply for Council Tax exemption, or at least a discount?

Rules can be complicated, and vary from one council to another.
For instance, Highland Council says:

"Exemption can be awarded if less than 6 months has elapsed since the property was last occupied for a period of 3 months or more. Maximum exemption is 6 months. This exemption applies to the property. If you become the owner or tenant of a property that was previously unoccupied and unfurnished, the 6 months maximum exemption may already have been fully or partially used. If the property remains unoccupied and unfurnished 10 per cent discount will be awarded for a further 6 months. When the discount ends a 200 per cent Council Tax charge will apply.

However, if the property is being actively marketed for sale or let 10 per cent discount can be awarded for a further 12 months."


Florence61 Report 5 Jul 2023 16:51

AG, we got an exemption for 6 months, that expired in January this year. The new C Tx year started in May. However mum had a credit of £150 on her account so 1st payment in May was only £55 I think then Jun was £142 etc until sold or next year.

I did ask if there was any other discount but was told, no,! This is Kent CC

We are lucky mum had a healthy bank balance which is covering all the bills otherwise it would be down to myself and brother as Exors to pay out of our own monies until property is sold! We have had some extra solicitor fees to pay upfront already.

We completely redecorated( all white so fresh) and laid new carpets and lino throughout so is in excellent condition and ready to move in. Just not great now the interest rates have got up unless we get a cash buyer, here's hoping someone will snap it up quickly.


ArgyllGran Report 5 Jul 2023 17:28

It sounds like a good buy for someone - fingers crossed the right someone comes along soon!

The fact that there's no chain involved (at least as far as that flat's concerned) should be an advantage.


Florence61 Report 5 Jul 2023 20:41

Yes, chain free is an asset :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 6 Jul 2023 22:04

Oh great, another teachers strike tomorrow, so I get to play with Esme again( she was off yesterday as well). At least I had some respite as she was at school today. Or at least I should have if Eve wasn’t taking her fathers challenge so seriously. She got an Apple Watch for her birthday last week,so now we all have them. Her father has challenged everyone to a weeks fitness challenge. Why I don’t know as he just sits at his computer working all day then lies down on the bed when he finishes because his back is hurting. The fitness app has three parts. You have to complete a certain amount of exercise, you have to complete a certain amount of movement and you have to stand up for a few minutes in twelve separate hours. The app works out how much you should do based on your age, sex, weight and height. I have taken her to the local sports track yesterday and today. I have to do thirty minutes of raised heart rate exercise. It takes me thirty minutes to walk quickly round the track one and a half times. She went three times round in the same time. She also went out for a walk with OH this morning, she has done over three times the amount of exercise she needed to do, but you earn points for doing extra and she is determined to build up a large score.
I am tired and have only done two days so far.

Still it is getting her off her iPad, so that’s a good thing.


Florence61 Report 6 Jul 2023 22:14

Aw Linda, don't you overdo it. Surely SiL needs to lead by example and sitting on PC all day def wont help his back!

Yes keeping off the IPad is a good thing, its all about balance I guess.

Just waiting on last load in the dryer and then bed at 11 as will be up at 5am. taxi coming at 6.45. Lets hope plane is on time and no delays!

Written out a list of things we are hoping to buy and the shops as this cuts down the time rather than wander around looking in every shop. We shall probably have 2-3 hours at best including having lunch.

Doubt I will sleep though, never do when going away early as frightened I wont hear the alarm and that would be a disaster all round!!

Was a rainy day today so never went outside. made some cards with daughter and did the usual chores in the morning. She did the massive pile of shredding and it filled a black bin bag but it all went in the organic bin, without the bag!

Hope everyone well today

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 7 Jul 2023 10:54

What a disaster!!! :-( :-( :-(
Got up at 5 am, taxi arrived at 6.45. Arrived at airport, went through security and then looked out of the windows to see thick fog.

Long story short the Glasgow played circled 5 times before turning around and headed back to Glasgow as unable to land grrrr

So I am now back at home. I tel the hospital to let them know and then asked for another appointment. March 2024!!! Oh yes Mar 2024, cant believe that.

So trying to ring the secretary to see if consultant might want to phone me before that and discuss my health etc.

However I feel more sorry for those people going off on holiday who have other connections in Glasgow that they will have lost. So my situation compared to those people is nothing really.

So am sitting with a cup of coffee sulking because I didn't get a trip to the shops or have lunch out but sadly the weather dictates our lives up here and not much we can do about it.

I shall go online shopping instead and see what bargains are about and look on The Works for some craft accessories.

Hope everyone else having a better day than me!

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 7 Jul 2023 12:16

Oh Florence how annoying for you, like you say you are at the mercy of the weather .
Maybe your consultant will speak to you over the phone so you are at least up to date with info etc. 2024 seems a long time away to wait doesn't it.

Linda maybe your SiL should be doing the challenge with his daughter as he set it. You sound a very caring and helpful mother/grandmother and hopefully you are not taken for granted. There is a fine line sometimes isn't there?

Dry sunny day here and I am dog sitting, both of them asleep after a run around the garden. That's till the postman comes and then the little one will be barking .lol

Hope everyone else is ok and having a good day and a great weekend



Florence61 Report 7 Jul 2023 14:25

Afternoon all

Its still showery, damp and pretty awful weather here, so depressing after all the good weasther we had.

How old are your grandsons Joan? As you get older, one doesnt always have the patience if they get a bit "excited" and probably hubby just wants his peace & quiet. Still will be lovely for you to see you daughter as she lives a distance away.

Well my day has just got worse!! I have just tel my local hospital to see when my Echocardiogram is in August. Its 2 years since my last and get a bit anxious sometimes when i'm breathless as cant help wondering if the valve repair is still ok.

So spoke to the medical secretary and she informed me, the lady that does the scans has left :-( :-( They are struggling to get any locums so although I'm on the list for 20 August, at present, no idea when anyone can do it. That is such a worry.

Honestly it may as well be Friday 13th today with all the cancellations etc.

If I was allowed alcohol, I might just down a large glass of Merlot but a coffee will have to suffice.

JG good to see you posting and glad all ok with you. Hope you rested whilst the dogs were asleep too.

Linda, your SIL def needs to do the challenges too :-D

Right off to make a drink now....only coffee lol

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 7 Jul 2023 17:30

Wow Joan 5 grandchildren! Hope you get the sun so everyone can go out and enjoy the cousins being together.

Daughter is having sausage and chips and me a chip sandwich with lashings of brown sauce. We didnt have anything planned as would have eaten before we came home!

Anyway, chip sarnie is fab :-D


ArgyllGran Report 7 Jul 2023 17:49

Ooh! Sausage and chips!
Thanks for putting that idea into my head, Florence!


Florence61 Report 7 Jul 2023 18:11

My pleasure :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 7 Jul 2023 21:55

Oh dear Florence, I am so sorry about your appointments, it does seem to be a very long time until they can fit you in again.

Esme has constant hospital appointments, she went a couple of days ago to find out about her next major one in a couple of weeks when she had to have a “ special sleep” She has had her Achilles tendons lengthen twice already which meant wearing casts for about six weeks afterwards, so she couldn’t walk.Instead of that she is having Botox injections into the tendons to relax them, somI hope it works. She needs a general anaesthetic while they do it. The person who did the appointment was very good, telling her what would happen and putting a pretend cannula on her hand and pretending to inject the anaesthetic in. The doctor had a pretend cannula as well and when Esme pretended to inject the anaesthetic, she pretended to fall asleep. All good fun, but I don’t think Esme will be so happy when they stick the needle in.
The appointment is when the junior doctors strike is on, but they say it won’t be affected - we shall see.

It has been really hot here today, 25 degrees, but I managed to entertain Esme well enough so her parents could work.

I hope you enjoy your grandchildren’s visit Joan, having them stay nearby is a good solution.


Florence61 Report 7 Jul 2023 22:49

Linda, when my daughter was in hospital, she had a teddy and he got a canula cello taped on his arm just like her own. The Emla cream numbs the area so it shouldn't hurt as much but she said it was still sore when the needle went in.

But by doing what's she's doing, at least she wont be as scared. i hope it all goes well. I think I just heard on the news that the Junior dr strike has been called off? i think I heard that correctly, but have a look on the BBC news website.

We have just watched the sun go down and what a fabulous sunset, was amazing.
Strange though as the wind has whipped up and is really wild but the air is very warm at 21 degrees!! Barmy weather.

Shall try and get to bed soon as really tired now but still a bit early for me otherwise I shall be up at 2am.