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Florence61 Report 7 May 2023 10:03

Morning all

Overcast, misty breezy day here but washing out on the line so should be dry in a very short while.

We had a nice chilled day yesterday watching the Coronation along with chinese chicken wings, Smoked salmon rolls, popcorn and some mini danish pastries.
A few wings left over for today.

Thoroughly enjoyed it all. All those horses on parade looked amazing.

But given they were all on parade for hours on end, how did they not need a drink or even the loo?

Linda, I felt so sorry for those who got wet, what a shame.

Tonight is the concert and I shall enjoy watching that by myself as daughter going else where for a few days.

I was given a bottle of something that is like Pimms but alcohol free. So I made a jug with cucumber, orange, strawberries and apple plus a sprig of fresh mint. Added a good 1/4 of the bottle and filled with Sprite plus ice cubes.

Now obviously it wasnt quite as good as the real thing but it was jolly nice. I can't take alcohol with some meds I take.

So clearing up day today, lounge needs the hoover going over.

Oh and I have sold my old hoover for £50 so jolly pleased about that.Lady is collecting on Tuesday.

Well better go and get showered, dressed and be busy.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday :-D

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 7 May 2023 10:41

Morning all.
Another foggy / rainy day here, same as it was all day yesterday, sooo depressing, & so yet another day not being able to go into the garden, my 2 new garden seats look so inviting but all they are good for at the moment is getting wet ! LOL.

I watched the Coronation for most of the day, what a wonderful day, my favourite part of it all was when Charles & Camilla were leaving the Abbey in all their finery having been crowned King & Queen, I cried when I saw that.

Not much to do today other than give the Living room carpet a going over with the hoover & flick the duster around, LOL.

I hope everyone has a nice day.



AnninGlos Report 7 May 2023 15:54

It has been a beautiful day here. Mr Tesco was early then I walked down to the post box and to take the charity lady some stuff. Came back and had coffee, made some soup because the cauliflower I ordered came looking like a cabbage with so many leaves and not much cauliflower. So I used the leaves plus half a red pepper, a small piece of courgette and a handful of coriander leaves plus two very small potatoes. Had some for lunch it was really tasty. Then after lunch I cut the lawn (not done the edges yet. then cleaned out two bird baths and did a small amount of weeding. Indoors now, sun is still shining but I am tired now. Oh yes also swept the kitchen floor and used WD40 on the front door which was sticking.

Apologies if you already read all that on Mel's thread but I was too tired to type out another long bit.

Shame you have poor weather Florence, I think ours will revert again tomorrow. Still at least the lawn is cut. :-)


Florence61 Report 7 May 2023 18:22

Wow AnnG, you have been busy and i'm sure you are feeling quite tired now so hoping you are chilling with your feet up.
Been home alone since 2pm when daughter left so very quiet here.

Dad tel from Greece as he couldn't get into his emails lol so I had to change his password and sort it out for him. Reset a new password and all fine now. The very one who says when he's on holiday, he wont take any work calls etc and here he is wanting to check his emails haha.

Your soup sounded lovely AnnG, I just had 2 toasted hot cross buns with jam and a coffee as still full from yesterday.

Going to watch the concert later, i'm sure it will be good.

I shall be busy this week with bedding changes, and sorting out bedding for my besties bed. Its clean but been sitting in the linen cupboard for a year so I need to wash it all on a quick wash to freshen it up.

I planted me beetroot yesterday and going to do the carrots tomorrow plus drill some more holes!

Yesterday, opened the back door to hang out washing and neighbours cat decided to invite himself in lol He went in all the rooms like before and then stopped at my feet rolling on his back mewing :-D
I coaxed him out with some cheesy snack biscuits, he loves them.

Well going to wash me plate and cup so kitchen all clean and tidy and then im going outside as the wind has dropped for some well needed fresh air. Head is still pounding and temp up at 38.5 and I cant take paracetamol. Last night, i put a cold wet flannel on my face and neck and that helped.

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 7 May 2023 19:13

I am sorry that you have had such a bad day Joan.
It us odd that you still have a high temperature Florence.

We had a lazy morning, my daughter wanted to go out somewhere, but Esme was adamant that she just wanted to play in the garden. She likes playing football, so I mentioned that it might be good to get her a little football goal. That was all the excuse my daughter needed, so she ordered one to pick up from Argos in the nearby town. She went off with Eve to pick it up and they were going to do an hour’s treasure hunt which they had downloaded from the internet. That meant they would be away for two hours. Not to worry as Esme’s daddy would be looking after her. - yeah! That was never going to happen. He spent all afternoon with his headphones on listening to an audio book while I played with Esme. She wasn’t any trouble, but she needs constant attention.

I then cooked a pork dinner, which made a nice change from the chicken we usually have. It is time to relax tonight, I will probably watch the concert.


Florence61 Report 8 May 2023 12:45

Morning all.

Its drizzly and cold today and of course it was bin day lol never fails. But at least they came early today so all dealt with.

Head is a little better but never slept much and why is my temp still up at 38?? I mean I don't feel ill as such but my mouth feels like its burning and tongue is a ghastly colour of yellow/grey. Clearly I still have something in me body not right and so wish it would "do one."

Daughters bedding needs ironing and guest bedding nearly finished in the machine.

Watched the concert but for me was a mixed bag. I didn't expect it to end so abruptly either at 10pm.

Well I guess, I had better make a quick salmon roll for lunch then get on with me list of jobs to do.

Hope everyone else looking is is well and ok

Florence in the Hebrides


Amokavid Report 8 May 2023 15:42

Hello ~~~~~~~

Like you Florence we have had rain aaall day, it's still coming down, not too cold but there are big puddles everywhere around the house.

I watched the concert but only because i wanted to see Andre Bochelli.

Unfortunately I didn't enjoy his performance but only because that awful sounding Welsh guy sang along with Andre & in my opinion he ruined the duet.
I didn't like the welsh "singer" when he sang in Westminster Abbey during the Coronation & had to switch him off then.

The female "singers" in the concert didn't excite me either & the dresses they were wearing were ghastly !!

Looks like the rain has finally stopped, the sky is brightening up but too late in the day to venture outside.
'm beginning to wish I hadn't put out my 2 new garden seats & the new gliding seat now, not been able to sit on any of them since they were erected & placed in the garden, lol.



Florence61 Report 8 May 2023 15:52

Well the day brightened up here and so I ventured with stick out to hang 8 pillowcases but oh my it was breezy. My long hair in me face so couldn't see a thing lol.
I managed to peg them but 5 minutes later 2 flew off towards neighbours garden! I managed out to pick them up and promptly put 6 pegs in each. 20 minutes later I noticed the haar coming in off the sea so off I went again to get them in and amazingly, they were all dry yay!

Not putting out anymore so shall use the tumble drier.
Both neighbours cats were purring around my ankle fighting for some attention bless them but the older one is def the boss and boxes the others ears to shoo him away from me, its so funny.

Joan, I like Andre Bochelli but like you on his own. Some costumes were, well "eye catching" lol

I shall send the sun over to you Joan and hopefully, you will get to relax on your new chair very soon. We are supposed to be getting strong winds and heavy rain later.....what's new there!

Not sure about me tea as not really that hungry today so maybe just crumpets and marmalade.

Florence in the Hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 8 May 2023 17:04

Ah, we know to brave Joan for the bad weather, you should never have put those garden seats out :-D

It has been a horrible drizzly day here as well, no playing out today. They went swimming this afternoon, so we got a couple of hours peace.

I watched the concert as well, I thought that it was quite good in comparison to some of the recent ones like the Queen’s jubilee one. That was absolutely dire. It was odd how it stopped so suddenly, you would think they could have run over just a few minutes to round it off. I think the stage dresses have to be over the top for the benefit of the audience, they probably look totally different if you were there compared to the TV close ups. Camilla looked bored half of the time, OH said she was looking down at her lap, so probably had a book to read


Florence61 Report 8 May 2023 17:29

:-D :-D :-D @ Linda re Camiila


LindainHerriotCountry Report 9 May 2023 16:27

We were supposed to have our electricity turned off from 9 am to 1 pm today because they had to prune trees near overhead power cables. This was over a wide area of the town. We have been getting email and text reminders for days, then suddenly at 8.45 am, I got a message apologising and saying they had cancelled the power cut at short notice. That was fine for us because my daughter and son in law both work from here, but the shops and cafes must be furious at losing trade for no reason.

I had decided to go to York on a summer spending spree, so I still went. I bought two dresses and a pair of summer trousers, but I wanted to get more :-( I really wanted to get some shift type dresses, but I am 5 ft 7 (I have shrunk a bit) and they were all too short, too much above my knee. I am too old to get away with such short dresses now. Most if the dresses had fitted waists which is no good for me. I am very long waisted and a fitted waist is right up around my ribs, a good few inches above my actual waist. So they look odd and are very uncomfortable.
Another grumble is about sleeveless dresses when the arm holes are so big that they show all your bra under your arms. Why do they make them like that?


Florence61 Report 9 May 2023 17:12

I find the summer shift dresses are far to short as well. way above the knee and i do not have long, slim legs! I like a calf length and agree with you about the arm holes. They are way to huge and yes who does want to see me bra etc...

I remember at the previous village, power lines ran right through a load of trees and they had to cut them back which took a whole day and our power didnt come on until 8pm!! Wonder why they cancelled it Linda? maybe they were short staffed or something. Yes i'm sure the shops would have been mad with lost trade something thesedays they cant afford to lose.

I havent made any food for myself as i couldnt be bothered today but going to make a cheese and onion toastie as now feeling quite peckish.

Sun is still shining but dark clouds are about and some places here had thunder and downpours earlier!

I hope you got outside today Joan if you are looking in and sat on your new chair.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 10 May 2023 12:23

Well what a grotty day!
Its pouring hard and windy so no washing going outside today.

Chatted last night to my brother about mums flat and which estate agent to go with.
I tel one of them and the fees are very reasonable. Went over the process of secure selling etc and waiting to chat with brother to make a decision later on.

The lady said it should sell fairly quickly and the price has gone up £20k since last October!!

I have today been looking into getting a Polytunnel. I tel a local company who install them here and discussed the cost etc.

So for a Polytunnell 4m x 4m its around £5300 complete. If you want them to put raised beds inside and cover the ground so weed free, its an extra £400.
It wont block anyone's view as facing the sea. I would need landlords permission but don't see it as a problem.

It would be fab being able to grow fruit & veg inside without the wind destroying as well as flowers from seeds and cuttings.

So now just having a wee break on here before I finish off the ironing then strip my own bed .

Hope all is well with everyone else looking in.

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 10 May 2023 15:51

Our morning was sunny and warm so we went into the garden and tidied up the pots and OH got his section ready and tidy for his planting. Also moved a few things around and it now looks neat and tidy, It has been showers this afternoon but nnot as much as expected.

The polytunnel sounds good Florence , will it take up much of your garden ? I hope your weather improves soon. Also for you Joan so you can enjoy your new seating.
Hope everyone is keeping well .



Florence61 Report 10 May 2023 18:33

JG yes i have a big garden and it will only take a 1/4 of it.

Since earlier, housing manager tel me and agreed it in principle subject to where it will go and how big but she has agreed others so i have high hopes.

Got me bed stripped, washed and dried and now off to iron and remake bed, wash dishes and then relax for the evening before daughter returns tomorrow and promptly will fill the washing machine up!!

Been a busy day of all sorts with a lot of phone calls.

Its sunny here but quite dark clouds and we had a few showers but the ground needs it so badly for the grass and plants to grow.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 10 May 2023 21:49

Is your garden safe from high winds Florence? If not you could have a problem with a poly tunnel. You will also need a water source as well. My sister has a huge poly tunnel and they ran a water supply to it. It takes a lot of watering every day, even if it is raining outside of course. She grows a huge variety of veg in it as well as outside in the garden.


Florence61 Report 10 May 2023 23:59

Linda, these Polytunnels can withstand wind up to 130 miles per hour. There is one across on a piece of land not far from me and all through the gales, it never moved. The director guaranteed it as the frames are sturdier than the average and the plastic that covers it is reinforced so it wont tear even if a slate was to fly against it.

We have an outside tap with hosepipe which will stretch to it quite easily.

It will be next Spring I guess before I buy one but just doing the research first so I know the costs etc and what's involved. My lawn is flat which is one of the stipulations, so that's good.

Gosh just realised the time eeek time i went to bed.

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 11 May 2023 08:17

Someone is not on a water meter ;-)

Can you have water buts and a trickle watering system running from them?


ArgyllGran Report 11 May 2023 10:08

No water meters in Scotland, thank goodness.
And on the west coast we usually have more water than we want!


LindainHerriotCountry Report 11 May 2023 10:21

I have a water meter, so definitely don’t have an outside tap. I have two large barrels which collect water from the roof. I use that to water the pots and the hanging basket, OH uses it to wash the car. I only water plants in the garden when they first go in, after that they are on their own