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ArgyllGran Report 4 Feb 2023 17:43

It's a puzzle!

Looking back at the first time you were sick (page 72) - that was while you had the headache, which came on after you'd had home-made chicken chow mien the previous evening.

Maybe this time your system just bypassed the headache!

Allergies and intolerances can start at any time - even if the culprit hasn't previously caused any problem.


nameslessone Report 4 Feb 2023 17:57

So to test if is the gum you need to make something with the plain flour and no gum.

Pancakes? (I've not tried this recipe from the glutenfree blogger)
300ml semi-skimmed milk
2 large eggs
100g plain gluten free flour
A knob of butter (approx 15g)

Place the crêpe pan (or non-stick frying pan) on a low heat and add the butter. Heat until melted then turn off the heat.
Add the milk, flour and eggs to a mixing bowl or large jug. Pour in the melted butter (don't worry about wiping out the pan as this will help grease it for the pancakes) and use a whisk to beat the mixture together until it forms a smooth batter and there are no lumps.
Heat the pan on a medium heat and once hot, add a ladle-full of the batter. Move the pan around until the whole surface is covered and leave for 1-2 minutes. Once the edges start to loosen, use a spatula to gently lift them until the whole pancake is lose and you can move it around the pan.
Next be brave! Either use your best pancake-tossing skills (or a spatula!) to flip the pancake over. Cook for another minute before serving onto a plate. Top straight away with your favourite toppings!


Florence61 Report 4 Feb 2023 21:52

Names, im severely allergic to eggs and butter so no cant make pan cakes.

It is a bit of a puzzle but I shall stick to my normal diet for now and no takeaways or soy sauce.

I shall have the salmon again at some point as I have been eating that for years.

AG, yes the chow mein i made was using a packet of chow mein sauce plus my own soy sauce and i did get a headache.

I do have a sensitive stomach, always have, so maybe plain and simple is best.


Florence61 Report 4 Feb 2023 21:57

Yes page 72 I made a chicken chow mein on NYE(sat) and was ill Sunday evening!


nameslessone Report 5 Feb 2023 08:58


Some of the Dove gluten free (freee) bread recipes use an alternative for eggs, it might be worth looking through their other recipes to see if they do to.

The one I just checked uses 20 grams of chickpea flour and 40 mls of water instead of 2 eggs.


Florence61 Report 6 Feb 2023 21:29

Good evening all
Its windy again and on Wed another bad storm set to hit the west coast with 75 mph winds! Just never ending at the moment.

I had 2 visitors today who helped me put my mind at rest over a couple of things and i feel so much better now. If I need their help, they have offered assistance in any way they can, such a relief.

Anyway they enjoyed my fruit loaf I made on Sunday afternoon after my neighbour went. We had a good laugh during the visit which is always a good thing. Daughter had put one of these long hot water bottles under her nightshirt before she arrived and was only when i turned to look at her, i thought she had suddenly developed an enormous spare tyre :-D :-D :-D

When i asked her what was under the nightshirt, she showed me and my neighbour burst out laughing as it had caught her eye but was too polite to say anything :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

But we all then had a jolly good laugh as she did look funny!!

Waited all day for a call back from solicitor and she never rang grrr. So annoying when they promise to call back and dont!

So a fairly quiet day in all really.

Hope everyone else is ok

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 7 Feb 2023 12:21

It is annoying when people promise to call you back and don’t Florence, I hope they call today.
I went for a hearing aid appointment on Sunday afternoon, to try and get my phone set up,so I could use the streaming. It was a new audiologist and she hadn’t got a clue. She managed to mess up the connection for my left hearing aid and couldn’t get it back. She needed to call the technical department, but of course they don’t work on Sundays, so she promised to call me back yesterday. I said that I couldn’t hear through my right ear and when she checked, she said it was ninety percent full with wax. The previous girl would have just taken it out, but apparently they don’t do wax removal anymore. I have made an appointment with a different firm, but can’t get it until next Tuesday, so will have to be deaf until then.

Anyway, as the girl had messed the settings up, I uninstalled the app again and reinstalled it and paired the hearing aids again. This time the streaming option appeared and I managed to get it working. I did exactly the same things I had done the previous two times, so why it suddenly decided to work, I have no idea. I rang her up and left a message telling her that I had sorted it out, It was mid afternoon by the time she rang back and she hadn’t done anything by then

I have been for a litterpick walk this morning , it never gets any better.


AnninGlos Report 7 Feb 2023 14:36

all the time we seem to be fighting against incompetence and/or bad customer service.

But al ill wind Linda as you fixed it yourself so that was good. But, being a private firm you are paying for her incompetence. Why don't they train these people properly?

Florence I hope the solicitor has now phoned you back. another one being paid for inefficient Behaviour


Florence61 Report 8 Feb 2023 14:45

Afternoon all
Well what a wild storm! 70 mph, torrential rain and...hailstones lol. Lost power briefly for about 10 minutes but back on again very quickly.

It had died down but set to go back up later!

However the new 6 drawer chest I ordered finally got delivered this morning. Poor guys who were carrying it nearly got blown over.

So daughter is in her room(bombsite springs to mind) rearranging all her"paperwork lol" and trying to clear space but getting things out of site into the said drawers.

It's like the programme with Stacey who empties someones house and they have to get rid of at least 50 % before putting it all back!! You get the picture :-D

So as she is taking an age(slow coach) I have now left her to it otherwise there will be cross words lol

AnnG, nope sol never tel back. Last time this happened, they told me she had gone off sick!! I shall tel again tomorrow and see where that gets me grrr.

Hope everyone else keeping well.

Linda, glad you got you hearing aids sorted but what a palava!!

Joan, are you ok?

Well gonna fill the kettle incase electric goes off again.

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 9 Feb 2023 12:01

It is a sunny morning here, but bitterly cold, I have been to the supermarket yet again :-(

The next door neighbour is coming round for coffee this afternoon, so I will treat her to the heating. Her partner doesn’t have their heating on during the day, so I always double jumper when I go there. We have a large Thomas the tank engine railway set up in the lounge. I don’t know wether to put it away, or leave it for my friend to play with.


AnninGlos Report 9 Feb 2023 12:07

Oh be a sport Linda I am sure she would love to have a go with it. :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 9 Feb 2023 13:12

OK, I will leave it out :-D


Florence61 Report 9 Feb 2023 15:22

Good afternoon all

He he, hope you both have a play with the train...choo choo :-D :-D

So I tel sol again and was told she is busy on another call! I explained i have been waiting 3 days for a return call and this is urgent. Could another sol tel me back.

I'm still waiting, it's really not good enough, but nothing I can do.
Tbh, I'm fed up of excuses like, she's away home sick, urgent meeting, extremely busy etc..

Anyway, usual chores today nothing exciting. It's still rainy and windy but not as bad as last 2 days. Did a basket of ironing so all up straight until.....daughter has just stripped her bed grrrr

Cant decided what to make for tea but feel i need a good hot dinner of some sort, maybe chicken pasta bake .

Back later on

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 9 Feb 2023 16:48

Hope you both enjoyed your play Linda. :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 9 Feb 2023 19:11

It isn’t good enough Florence, especially as you are paying for the privilege

My friend did play with the trains, she managed to have a crash :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 10 Feb 2023 09:10

What a start to the morning. Eve managed to trip over in her bedroom and hit her big toe on the corner of the drawers. She realised it was bleeding, so walked across her bedroom, right down the long landing into the bathroom. It turned out to be a large cut on the end of her toe and she has split the nail. It was bleeding profusely all over the beige carpet. OH has spent ages scrubbing the carpets. She has now set off for school an hour late. Poor thing was very brave as it was throbbing so much.


ArgyllGran Report 10 Feb 2023 17:49

Poor Eve - I hope her toe's feeling a bit better this evening.
Hitting a toe on something is extremely painful,as I know from experience.

My dishwasher saga continues!

A couple of weeks ago I posted that my old one had broken down, and a repair was going to cost almost as much as a new one.

I ordered one from Argos.
As Argos won't disconnect freestanding dishwashers, I disconnected it myself.

A few days later they emailed to tell me they'd cancelled my order due to "a system issue" - whatever that is.

That means that I haven't been able to to run water in the kitchen sink for almost a fortnight, as the water would have run out of the spigot to which the dishwasher drain hose used to be attached.

I re-ordered from Curry's. Currys and Argos are the only companies which will deliver here and also remove old appliances.
The new dishwasher arrived today, and was duly installed, and the old one taken away.

However, the new one doesn't work!
Water goes in - but nothing else happens - no heating or washing.
I've tried all the programmes, to no avail.
Thank goodness I can drain it by pressing the stop/cancel button.

Looked on Currys website to see about an exchange.
Website said I had to contact the makers (Beko in this instance), and get a validation code from them.
Phoned Beko, who took lots of details, and finally told me to switch the dishwasher off at the wall, wait at least two hours, then try again.

The 2 hours were up at 5pm - tried again, but still not working
I phoned them back, and they gave me the choice of an exchange via Currys, which would be on Feb 24th at the earliest (Curry's only deliver in this area every second Friday), or a visit from an engineer on Feb 16th.

I've opted for their engineer.
Turns out he's the man who quoted for the repair to the old dishwasher!
Nice man, knowledgeable - I'm happy for him to look at it. I just hope he can fix it quickly. At least it's under guarantee, so a repair won't cost me anything.


Florence61 Report 10 Feb 2023 18:46

Well not a nice day again, wet, windy and quite chilly. Heating is on and will stay on until 9pm as my feet are freezing but the carpet is toasty as underfloor heating.

Poor Evie Linda, it is so sore as I done it myself a few times and lifted the big toe nail.
Hope it's not too bad and also hope you got the blood out of the carpet. Someone once told me if that happens, throw salt over the blood and brush it later but cant actually remember if it worked.

AG, what a nuisance with the dishwasher. However, did they not install it and try it working before they left? There must be something, a switch that needs turning on as I cant believe the new one is broken??

Here's hoping, it is something simple and your repair man can sort it quickly. Does the guarantee cover parts & labour? I say that as I had a washing machine once that I was paying insurance for only to find out it was covered for the parts and not the labour, so wasn't worth it and I cancelled the d/d.

Hope Joan you are ok as you haven't been on for a few days. Hope nothing wrong and that you are having a quiet week maybe.

Well quick tea tonight, 1/2 a pizza lol. didn't fancy the cheesy pie afterall. need to empty fridge tomorrow and clean before next Tesco delivery on Tuesday.

Part 2 of Death in Paradise tonight and we really enjoy it.

Happy Friday evening all

Florence in the Hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 10 Feb 2023 19:01

Florence -
yes, they installed it, and started a cycle to test it.
They heard the water running in, so they thought it was working.

Yes, labour costs are covered, so long as the fault is caused by "faulty materials, defective components or manufacturing defects".

Enjoy your half pizza!


Florence61 Report 13 Feb 2023 14:06

Afternoon folks
Not a nice day, dry but freezing and a bitterly cold wind and yes.....was bin day. I donned a great big scarf and light rain jacket and braved the elements to put them back in their place and attach with the bunges at the handles so they dont go anywhere.
I have been sorting things in to my craft organizer. It has 5 tiers and 6 rectangular compartments on each tier so 30 in all. I now have 1 for xmas crafts and 1 for birthday/general.
The little one I ordered by mistake has now all the extra screws and fittings, batteries etc that previously occupied 4 plastic containers. So it fits snuggly in the bottom kitchen drawer and takes up less space.

Shall need to soak the plastic boxes thoroughly and then can reuse for the freezer.

I am now sitting with a cuppa as feeling a bit tired and took a dizzy turn!

Daughter away elsewhere until Thursday so house will be quiet, and tidy lol

Joan, glad you posted! Doesnt matter if you have not much to chat about, just pop on and say hello. That way at least we now everyone is ok. Once you have tidied the branches, can they be sawn into logs maybe? You maybe could sell them then?

Hope everyone else is ok today?

I honestly thought it was going to snow as the sky looks full of it eeeek...hope not!

Right got a few emails to deal with.

Florence in the hebrides