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AnninGlos Report 1 Nov 2022 15:48

It is the trick or treat fad that came from USA that causes problems in some areas. Apparently somebody on the next estate had her house egged. we didn't have any visitors last night in this road. I and my neighbours didn't have any Halloween ornaments etc on view. It is the done thing to only call at houses that display Halloween things. Most of the ones who go round I believe go in groups with adults present. and they only expect sweet/fruit etc not money.

I did one year before OH died, have a rather large teenage boy knock and growl 'trick or treat'. I said 'Oh of course have a treat' and gave him the same sweets I was giving out to little ones. he was so surprised he muttered 'thanks' and left. he was not dressed up either, just had a mask on.


Florence61 Report 2 Nov 2022 11:16

The weather is awful today, gales again and noticeably much colder. I read somewhere online that it may snow mid-month! Eeeek hope not as I'm away 15-17 Nov and praying the weather will be settled.

Feeling very sluggish today so small light chores and nothing strenuous.
Need to finalise Tesco order that's coming tomorrow and also, I have a tel call with Solicitor tom at 11am so need to get some papers ready for that call.

We filled a bag for the charity shop and daughter away to town to get rid so that made a bit of space.

Took the cakes round to my neighbour and she said her daughter and 5 friends walked up and down the village for Halloween and not 1 person opened the door to give them any sweeties! Found that a bit hard to believe as we are a small village, and we know most families anyway she thanked me for the cakes.

Joan, you must take care you don't slip on all those leaves in your garden and driveway. Sounds a never-ending job but it gets you outside and some fresh air I guess.

Local school is having its usual firework display after none for 2 years. Its free to watch but there is a bucket for donations. They sell hotdogs and burgers etc as well. It's too far for me to walk to and don't think I can stand in the cold for any length of time so quite happy to stay at home really.

Well cuppa nearly drunk so off to tidy up and clean the sink etc then the bathroom and that's me finished with the chores for today.

Hope all is well with everyone

Florence in the Hebrides


Florence61 Report 2 Nov 2022 19:12

I thought in the afternoon the electric was going to go off as it was so wild and torrential rain, so shoved lots of comfort food in the oven and we had it early. Cheese & tom pizza, veggie spring rolls, handful of the last chips in freezer.

All went down very well and a cuppa coffee.
The wind and rain have settled down for now so glad for that.

Lots of goodies tomorrow once Tesco have been mmmn

Florence in the Hebrides

Just had a thought, seeing as we didnt have any kiddies for halloween, i have a spare tub of celebrations to be eaten ;-)


Florence61 Report 2 Nov 2022 20:30

Joan have you thought about getting those battery lights i bought last year that can stick on a wall or just lay beside you on a table? I need to buy a couple more but the one in my hall cupboard is so bright, it brilliant.

I have also about 50 small batteries for all the little ceramic xmas lights i bought and about 100 candles so well prepared now.

But I need to buy 2 large flasks, something I don't have so hoping when we go to Glasgow in 2 weeks, I shall find some there.

Florence in the Hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 3 Nov 2022 16:06

I am just looking over our lawn and there are lots of leaves for OH to rake off. We have a row of tall Beech trees at the end of the garden, they are still covered in leaves waiting to come off. If the leaves are dry, OH often uses our lawn mower set to a very high cut. It doesn’t touch the grass but picks all the leaves up and that is far easier than raking them up.

My son and his wife and crazy dog arrived at a holiday cottage on the moors yesterday. It is about a forty five minute drive from here. They always go to a cottage in the middle of nowhere over Bonfire night as at home, it is non stop fireworks and the dog goes crazy. They came here today and we went to the local garden centre for lunch. It is full of Christmas stuff already. They are going to the beach tomorrow, then we are all going to meet up on Saturday for a day out, then again for Sunday lunch. It is nice to see them as we don’t get together that often, although we Face time every week.
It us a shame that the weather has turned so suddenly as it has been so nice until, now. It is dark, cold and drizzly now, which it should be in November, but we have been spoilt this year


nameslessone Report 3 Nov 2022 16:15

We have a battery powered motion detector light on the landing. We bought it when our daughter ( then living with us)so she wouldn’t disturb us when getting up for a really early shift.
It is still useful - so we don’t need the upstairs light on as the little light comes on when we get near the top of the stairs and stays on long enough for us to get where we are going - then we can put that room light on.

Really pLeased we have it - u til the battery runs out and when there is no sticky left :-(


Florence61 Report 4 Nov 2022 13:35

Good afternoon, folks
Names the one I have, had a sticky thing on the back and whilst it's still going and I can replace the batteries, I had to find some picture strips to stick it on the cupboard wall. The sticky things it came with didn't last as long as I thought they would.

But your one sounds good. What's it called and where did you buy it from as that would save on batteries as it only comes on when required.

Not a bad day here today, bright and breezy and a little chilly but no rain so that's a bonus.

Well, it had to be done! Feeling a bit bored as daughter elsewhere, I decided to move the coffee tables around in preparation for the xmas tree to go on. So....yep,I moved things about, huffed and puffed mind you and now the tree is standing on the rectangular coffee table and smaller square one in centre of lounge.

Noooo I'm not going to decorate it yet it's just it was in daughter's bedroom and taking up lots of space so that's why I moved it. Anyway, nothing wrong with being organised lol Thats my middle name anyway!

Hoping my friend is coming later on for a coffee and a natter for an hour, she said hopefully!

Not sure what's for tea but had some of my lovely bread with brie for lunch and was delicious mmmn.

Right off to do a bit more organising ;-)

Florence in the Hebrides


nameslessone Report 4 Nov 2022 14:47

Pack of three criacr motion sensor light cordless battery powered LE D light with 3m adhesive pads. £12.99.

We don’t have pets anymore so can have it low down at the base of a bookcase on the landing. It also gives us enough time to get back into bed after a little nocturnal journey.
We had one in the porch as well so she could switch off the hall light but still have enough light to work the keys. That one used to fall off sometimes.


Florence61 Report 6 Nov 2022 11:43

Good morning, folks.
Well horrid day here, as pouring hard and very grey and dismal.

Not many fireworks here last night. The old school had their usual display early about 6pm and 2 gardens up the rd had some but that was it. I mean, who can afford fireworks when people are struggling with food and bills etc?

Names thank you for the info, I found them on Amazon.

Decided I shall change my Avatar picture to reflect the time of year etc so found this picture of deer in Autumn setting.

Joan hope your hubby had an enjoyable day yesterday and enjoyed the balloons etc. Did you bake a cake?

I had a lovely visitor yesterday evening, a colleague whom I haven't seen in 5 years. We used to work together years ago. She was passing by and decided to knock on my door. Was great to catch up and reminisce about the kids we taught and the funny stories etc.

So, ironing and a bed to strip today to do and hope I can hang out the bedding tomorrow!

Hope everyone ok

Florence in the Hebrides


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2022 12:31

Still on lights I have just ordered a small battery desk/reading lamp. Hoping that if there is a power cut I will have enough light to read by from it.


Florence61 Report 6 Nov 2022 13:46

Well Joan it was a lovely surprise and she stayed nearly 2 hours, so we chatted very quickly in that time to bring each other up to speed with our lives.

The sun came out briefly and the rain stopped so daughter and I managed outside and cleared the weeds from the flowerpots. The roses and fuchsias had lots of that little weed that spreads so best to nip it in the bud.

Still can't believe all the flowers and lobelia that's still in full bloom...complete bonkers for November. Also, more rose buds about to open too!

Daughter has made a roast pork joint. Its huge but it was half price so she can make a few meals and freeze. I have marinated my 2 salmon fillets with soy sauce and pepper etc, mushrooms and onions for tea later and peas. Just don't fancy potatoes today so a low carb meal with few calories. I seem to be putting on weight with comfort food and little exercise!

Good idea Ann re the light. Don't think I have seen a battery reading lamp before. I have so many candles its looks like the Vatican City here in a power cut so we can read and play cards etc.

Have to say though since the scare in the previous house with the stove, I am very wary of lit candles and setting off the smoke alarm. So, we have lots of ornaments mainly for xmas, that have lights inside and are all battery operated as they are safer than open flames.

Have a good afternoon, all

Florence in the Hebrides


Florence61 Report 8 Nov 2022 15:39

Afternoon peeps.
Well, the calm before yet another storm as tomorrow it's going to be blowing a gale, so the forecast said. This will last a few days so think the ferries on are alert....again!

I sorted out lots of paperwork to do with mums' estate on the computer and now have everything in its own file. There were so many gas bills and electricity ones, some were copies so trawled through everything and now all filed neatly just as I like it.

Created a file for Probate correspondence/solicitor and that's made it easier to find things quickly. In the beginning SIL would WhatsApp me images of bills etc and I would download and just put them all in one folder named "Mum." But very quickly it became so disorganised. Anyway, job well done and kept me busy for ages.

Its ben raining nearly all day and although calm, it's so dark and overcast that I have had kitchen light on all day!

I have done the washing, but the bedding will have to dry out in the boiler room for a bit and then tumble to finish off.

Enjoyed my mackerel pate last night with toast and cucumber and there's a bit left so that's my quick tea tonight. A week today, we shall be away to the bright lights of Glasgow...yay can't wait!

no cooking, cleaning or housework for 3 days, just brilliant.

Off to have a cuppa now and might flick the tv on as feeling quite tired.

Hope everyone else keeping well and ok.

Florence in the Hebrides


Florence61 Report 11 Nov 2022 12:31

Afternoon folks
Very misty, damp day with that continuous rain where you don't realise you are getting wet!
The gale didn't really materialise as such, very breezy but not the extreme winds they forecast (usual story).
I have packed most of my case, sorted out handbag etc so quite organised.

Did a bit of ironing to keep it up straight as well.

I have also written out most of my xmas cards now, so they are ready for posting when we come back.

I so hope I don't have to have a repeat Lumbar Puncture as the very thought makes me feel awful!

It's so quiet here just now, I'm really looking forward to being somewhere busy! Sounds strange but we need some interaction with the outside world. I'm looking forward to a KFC and a Macdonald's filet of fish.

To most that doesn't sound very interesting but it's over 2 years since we had any kind of fast food, so will be a real treat.

What's everyone else been up to, anything exciting?

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 11 Nov 2022 18:37

All is well with us Joan. My son went home on Wednesday, it was really nice to be able to spend some time with them.
My son in law has been here for about nine days as well. The girls have really enjoyed having their daddy here. He is going back to London tomorrow. The house is on the market now, they have had quite a few viewings, but no offers. They couldn’t have put it on the market at a worse time. It should have been finished ages ago, if it had been, it would have sold straight away As it us, it will probably take ages to sell, so they will be here with us for even longer :-(


Florence61 Report 14 Nov 2022 15:34

Afternoon folks
Horrible wet day here and very dark skies so feels like early evening already!

Bags all packed and ready for off at 6.45am tomorrow. Can't wait to get away!

Have a floor plan of the shopping centre so have planned out the shops we need to go to 1st and then those we just want to visit afterwards and of course where the eateries are...yum yum :-D :-D

So, I'm now relaxing as everything done. All washing & ironing. all up straight etc

I do sometimes wonder how some people panic and rush around last minute before they go away. If you plan ahead, it should be all calm and no stress!

Linda, glad you enjoyed your son's visit. Really hope the property sells fairly quickly so you get your house back to yourselves.

Joan, hope all's well with you. Good that the wind blows the leaves elsewhere sometimes lol, less to sweep up for you.

Ann G and anyone else, hope you are all keeping well.

I shall not post again until after I'm back now with my tales of the "Big City" :-D :-D

Florence in the Hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 14 Nov 2022 18:22

I remember after my father died, it took ages to empty the garage, his workshop and a shed. Most big it was just junk. I keep getting OH to go through our garage and dispose of things he hasn’t used. It is a lot better than it used to be, but he still has far too much which he has kept “ just in case”

I can’t wait to have my house back, so I can have a good tidy up and sort out. At the moment all my daughters things are here as well, not to mention the mountain of toys.


Florence61 Report 18 Nov 2022 15:21

Yes folks, I'm back from the "big city."
The trip went well in as much as the assistance I received at both airports was as always excellent. So much easier when it all goes smoothly.

The Premier Inn was fully booked with 238 rooms!! So glad I booked well in advance. But it meant the dining room was full each evening, but we managed to get in around 8.15pm. Menu was very basic so that was a disappointment and they had sold out of a few things too; however, I had the fish, and it was well cooked and very tasty.

Room was ok but noisy neighbours either side and above! When I was down south in August, it was the same then lol.

Reception was banging on the door of the room next to us at 7am and I heard them say, "you have set off the smoke alarm." So, I think they were smoking in the room was just so glad the alarms didn't go off and we would have been outside in our nighties, perish the thought!!

Our shopping trip was quite disappointing as many shops had shut down, the likes of M&S, Primark were crowded and to be honest, just didn't see what I wanted.
Bought a few things from The Works and Card Factory.

On Wednesday had the hospital and again went ok but nothing new to report except a repeat brain scan in the New Year. She was surprised I never got a check-up after my heart surgery so has sent a report to GP with a recommendation that I see a cardiologist as maybe my BP drops are to do with my heart!

So arrived safely back last night around 5pm. Slept for Scotland as I was really sore in my legs and arms with the walking and using my stick more than usual.

So that's it in a nutshell.

How has everyone else been?

Florence in the Hebrides


AnninGlos Report 18 Nov 2022 15:48

Daughter and I got rid of loads of stuff that was kept 'in case' when my OH died last year and just recently I managed to get rid of some of the big stuff no longer needed but there are still a lot of tools out there (we have a shed as well but that is full of garden tools etc) No doubt daughter and I will have another go at the garage some time when they are here.

Florence glad the hospital went ok but the hotel sounds a bit of a nightmare. that is a lot of rooms and a lot of people when they are full wonder why there were so many people there was there anything on in the area. Children are not on holiday up there are they. Sorry you didn't find anything to buy, sounds like most towns if shops are shut.

Anyway glad the trip overall was ok and you are home now.


ArgyllGran Report 18 Nov 2022 16:13

Glad you got on OK,, Florence.
But sorry to hear that the Premier Inn was so poor.

I was in Glasgow for a concert about 6 or 7 months ago, and stayed overnight in the Buchanan Galleries Premier Inn.
It wasn't noisy, thank goodness, but the restaurant was dire.

They were very short-staffed, as so many hospitality place are these days.
At that time their menu was terrible, from my point of view - almost everything chilli-based in one way or another, and I can't eat that, so it was going to have to be either fish & chips or lasagne.
(I'm delighted to see that the menu has now changed, and it's back to mainly non-spicy food, as it used to be several years ago.)

I had booked a table for 5.30, the earliest possible time. However, they told me that even if I placed my order at that time, it would take about 45 mins before it would actually arrive at my table, because of lack of staff.
That would have meant I wouldn't have had time to eat it before going out to the concert, so I had to go out to get a sandwich to eat in my room instead.
And even if I'd had time, they had no fish, and the lasagne was also off the menu that night!

I'm going to another concert in March, so I do hope they've sorted out their staffing and supply problems by then!

Yes, the Glasgow shopping experience isn't what it used to be. Sauchiehall Street has hardly any shops open now.
It used to be a treat to go to the city for a day's shopping - or even for just browsing. But not now.


Florence61 Report 18 Nov 2022 16:38

Yes, last time I was in Sauchiehall St, it wasn't as good as 10 years ago. Braehead had many empty units. Even MacDonalds and KFC were pretty empty although, it meant we got served very quickly.

I wanted a jeweller to look at mum's ring and the only guy I asked, said he couldn't see the marks inside as it was very dirty and needed cleaning, he wasn't allowed to say if he thought gold or silver either! The shops selling jewellery were very modern with young staff who have no real knowledge of hall marks etc. But I bought some silver cleaner....£9 indeed!!

I think many of the people who checked in were either off early on a flight in the morning, or those checking in at 8pm had just landed and didn't want to drive or travel late to wherever they lived. There were young children, a baby crying one side of us.

As the dining room was so full, they allowed people to order takeaways and let them eat in the bar area. They provided plates and knives & forks.
I don't eat meat and fish & chips was really the only thing or cauliflower curry!
Daughter wasn't impressed as they had no steak lol

They even ran out of the cheesecake, so ice cream was really the only desert.

It's just the whole trip cost so much, I feel we didn't really get our monies worth, and it will be a long time before i could afford to go away again and don't think it will be Glasgow either! Trouble is, if we went to say Inverness, you end up meeting people you know, and I hate that. Being in Glasgow, we could be anonymous lol and not have to visit anyone, just have the time to ourselves.

Ann, you have a big job there sorting out tools etc. I'm sure someone will make use of some of them.

ArgyllGran, Buchannan galleries used to be good but I'm guessing, some shops have closed down?