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JustGinnie Report 22 Mar 2022 11:14

Good that your plants are growing. I was going to do some tidying in the garden but have got a insect bite on my leg and it has caused a nasty reaction so my leg is quite sore. Been having problems with BP as Dr. has done his 1st checks since mid last year and has decided to up my pills . The measurements he took were much higher than my home ones but he still has given me a higher dosage so just waitng now for next appointment . I hate doing BP checks as i have large arms it can really hurt. Much prefer to do it at home .

Weather is good today and feels much warmer.

Linda I hope your family feel better soon and the bump is going down on young ones head.

Take care all .


AnninGlos Report 22 Mar 2022 12:15

Linda I am with you with the drying. Unless it specifically states not to, everything goes in the tumble dryer. Mine is very good and I rarely need to iron anything. I hate hanging the washing out and then it needs ironing. I can think of better things to do. My lovely OH always used to do all the ironing. :-(


Florence61 Report 22 Mar 2022 14:19

Afternoon all
It's a lovely sunny day but the breeze is a bit chilly however its bright and dry so makes a change.
Sunday, I received some lovely news for a change. On the 10th April, my younger brother, sil & wee nephew are coming to visit me for a few days!! Can't tell you how delighted as haven't seen them since September 2018!!
Spent most of yesterday trying to find them a place to stay but with it being Easter week, places are full.
However managed to find a flat in the town for them 5 minutes from the ferry, so that will be handy.They can be with me in 40 minutes so will be ok.

So planning list was written today of all the things I need to do. Spring clean, check the cupboards & freezer to stock up etc and generally remove any clutter round about!
Im so excited, Im just on cloud 9, so happy. Daughter & I have already planned a few places to go with them and we have a wonderful white sandy beach 5 mins from here by car so little one can make sandcastles and probably have the beach to ourselves.

My peas seem to be growing by the hour, they are so tall. The other seeds are fairly sprouting now too. There is one tray where nothing grew but that happens every year...there is always one!

Home alone until Friday so Im pacing myself and doing things slowly. I cleaned out the tinned food cupboard and resorted all the packets etc of rice, sauces so all tidy now.

Ann I will do your ironing...I love it and find it very therapeutic like painting!

JustGinnie, hope the bite clears up as it sounds really nasty just want you don't need. I'm sure the BP done at the surgery is always higher than mine at home too. Probably we get a bit anxious with the Dr. You can only get true readings by taking it 3 times a day for say a week. Then you can add top figures and bottom and work out the average..

Last time I did all that, wrote it all out and gave it to the Dr. he look so surprised and said "you have done my job!". I just replied, thought it would speed up the results and as it was my BP over the week was around 130/80 without tabs. So I have never had BP meds.

Well I need a wee rest now after a busy day so far. Off to make a coffee and sit awhile.

Joan if you are looking in, hope you have some sunshine today

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 22 Mar 2022 14:35

Afternoon Joan, sounds like you too have been very busy. Gosh it must have been so tall if you can now see from your armchair! So a good job done.

It's a huge shame all those trees have to be chopped up and as you say some over 100 years old. There are plenty of woodlands in the highlands now that are bare without the trees. It will take 100 years to replenish them all. Had to google that plant Joan, but it looks lovely with the red.berries.

Hope you are now resting with a cuppa...enjoy

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 23 Mar 2022 06:58

Good morning all. up early to shower and wash hair etc ready to catch the bus to town to get my spring booster jab.
Joan Cotoneaster does grow while you are not looking doesn't it? I have two in the garden both self seeded and both have to have an eye kept on them. I suppose now is the time to stop cutting things back as it is nesting time. although my winter flowering clematis is not supposed to be pruned until May. It is very near the house I doubt birds will nest there but I must sort it his week.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 23 Mar 2022 11:05

Good morning everyone. I am waiting for the man to turn up to do our annual boiler service, he phoned so should be here soon.
It is a lovely sunny day, but still a bit nippy in the shade. Yesterday afternoon, I went out to do some litter picking along a stretch of the road leading out of the town, I got two large sackfuls from a relatively short stretch. The number of glass wine, beer and cider bottles which people throw out of their car windows is incredible. I have a hoop for the bag and a picker, so it is easy to collect it, but carrying it back home was hard. I should have left the bags and gone back with the car. I just have a short stretch in front of the pensioners bungalows which I want to do this afternoon, but that is close by, so shouldn’t be too heavy


JustGinnie Report 23 Mar 2022 15:12

Hello all, Beautiful day today, just been to the Drs for some antibiotics as bite on leg has got worse. 3 face to face apps in 1 mth. and another for beginning of April. Had to book a taxi there as our road was closed to buses due to a serious accident. A young person sadly died. So sad.
I went for some tablets and also had blood taken for testing and the pneumonia jab. Job well done for me. Got bus home as road reopened by then.

Oh has told me to leave the garden to him so I shall just supervise he'll soon get fed :-D


Florence61 Report 23 Mar 2022 17:02

Afternoon ladies.
Another lovely calmish day here. Still a wee breeze but pleasant enough.

Daughter made and painted a bird house awhile ago so i varnished it to make it waterproof as didn't want the watercolour paint to come off if it rains.

Finished off Tesco order coming tomorrow , so ticked that off my list. Did daughters bed today and all washed now so a bit of ironing tomorrow then all up straight.

Had a months worth of paper shredding to do so got that out of the way too.

Mobile hasn't stopped ringing today other times, never rings all week but that kept me from getting on but it was good to chat to people.

JustGinnie, so hope the tabs clear up your bite as you really don't want an infection in it and spreading. Good that your got your jag too saves another trip. Very sad for the fatality and their family.

As for the garden, years ago i left it to my ex to deal with and he chopped or rather strummed all my new Rhodendroms!! Boy was I cross.

Ann hope you are feeling ok after your jag, just don't do anything strenuous for a day or 2.
Joan, that's an amazing machine but so glad it helped you with the fallen trees. Hope you enjoy your dinner tonight although Im a veggie, its sounds very tasty.

Haven't planned any tea tonight as just don't feel very hungry. I actually just feel like tinned peaches & icecream lol. Tomorrow I shall make a chicken chow mein with noodles if my appetite is better.

Well better crack on still plenty to do before my family come just not sure where to go to next!

Have a good evening all

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 26 Mar 2022 19:58

Good evening folks after another lovely day but.... the sky in the afternoon was a strange colour!
Turns out beyond the 2 hills opposite me, the moor was on fire so they had to close the road that runs over it.Its not used much but if there is an accident on the main route, then this can be used as an alternative. Thankfully its been put out now but our moorland is tinder dry and there have been other fires around here in the last couple of weeks.

Been decluttering and tidying in prep for my visitors and also hopefully a new 3 seater sofa in the next week! I have been waiting ages for this. So having to rearrange the sitting room and move a small table to accommodate the bigger
Managed to get a Tesco slot for the 9th April which is fab, visitors coming on the 11th so been making a list for that.

Had to get my support sticks out of the gardening box as the peas have grown so much they need supporting now.

So in all a very busy day and quite productive and almost forgot...The postie came at lunchtime and delivered me a huge box. inside was a wonderful bouquet of flowers. They were from a local florist here and were from my kind of her.

Just had a pasta bake tonight as was quick & easy and now with dishes done, Im relaxing.
Hope everyone else had a good day and lots of sunshine :-D

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 28 Mar 2022 17:05

Afternoon peeps. Well the day was beautiful and sunny and very warm at 16 degrees until mid afternoon then the fog came and engulfed us!

But I had beds stripped, washed, dried outside and ironed and now in cupboard all clean. Was outside trying to repair the hosepipe. Somehow it had sprung a leak. I managed to superglue the 2 wee holes and then bind with insulating tape so here's hoping that has done the trick!

Was also bin day today so another wee job crossed off the list.
Tesco now coming tomorrow as we got an earlier slot so list all done now.

I have only just sat down after ironing etc and have to say my legs are really sore. Think I overdid it today but am pleased with what I have done. Tomorrow my bedroom gets a spring clean, dusting ,hoovering etc and thats sorted.

Hope everyone else having a good day

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 30 Mar 2022 15:58

Good afternoon all.
Well after the lovely weather this week, it all went downhill earlier as we had some snow showers and its only about 3 degrees so really cold.

Been busy all day really as first had the inspector round to look over the house as it's a year old now. He had to check for any structural problems, cracks etc but all is fine in this house.
Ironing pile had become" Mt Everest" again, so worked my way through that lot and put it all away. Next job was in the bathroom. I have 3 plastic baskets with a variety of shampoos, lotions & potions etc in need of a good sort out.

Worked my way through each basket and threw out quite a few nearly empty bottles that were over 3 years old!! So all done and cleaned out baskets back in place.

Made a mackerel pate for tea with toast and salad, something light today and quick too. My legs are actually quite sore now as been on my feet nearly all day so relaxing for a bit on PC and then sort out the tea.

Joan, do you get cherries on your tree or is it just ornamental? I love to eat cherries but they are so expensive even when in season.

Hope everyone ok and having a nice afternoon.

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 2 Apr 2022 14:55

Hope you are all keeping well and warm, the last couple of days have been really cold but sunny. We had snow showers yesterday with sun in between funny old day.

Had a sad week as our much loved dog went to the vets for treatment but sadly didn't come round from the op. She was 13 and a rescue hound. Such a lovely gentle soul.

Garden is looking better with the flowers coming on and we may have a nice show of Tulips this year. Fish have all survived I think and OH has been tinkering with the solar pumps and water feature .

Take care all and have a great weekend .


AnninGlos Report 2 Apr 2022 15:04

Oh Ginnie, I am sorry to hear your news, that is sad. you will miss her.

Yes iit has been cold here too and we had snow showers yesterday, dry today but very cold when the sun goes in. We had a frost last night but plants in the unheated greenhouse survived.

Just a day for pottering indoors doing the little jobs that have mounted up, like the monthly accounts check, cleaning the fridge out etc. Not a lot of fun. Now back to the jigsaw I think.


Florence61 Report 2 Apr 2022 22:30

Evening all.
Was so busy the last 2 days, havent been on the computer very much.
Sorry to hear about your dog JustGinnie, very sad for you and your family. I remember once taking my beloved cat aged 15 to the vet and came back without her, sobbed for days <3

A week tomorrow my family will be coming at night by ferry. im getting rather excited as you can imagine but also a bit flustered! Endless shopping list keeps growing, laundry forever fills the machine, my new sofa is hopefully coming now on Thursday so have to move the 2 tables and small sofa around.

Yesterday I varnished 2 chairs and have 2 to do. Just feel Im rushing around all day and my legs are sore. i changed my bed, a superkingsize duvet with 6 pillows! Takes me ages to do now but i take me time.

Planning meals and days out, weather dependant of course all taking time.
We have had snow showers and hail too and its freezing. Hoping it warms up by 11 April.

Had a bit of good luck today. Got 1st and 3rd in Scottish Grand National, £20 on thunderball and a lucky dip on the main lottery whoohoo. :-D

Oh Ann, I have the fridge to clear out too and reorganize the freezer to make room for Tesco shop next Saturday. Found 10 minutes too, to do my accounts etc.

I think I may just flop into bed and fall asleep soon after as i am exhausted but all good preparations pay dividends in the end. Come next Sunday., everything will be organised.

Nite anyone still up.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 3 Apr 2022 15:59

Afternoon peeps.
Well I slept for Scotland last night as I only woke up at 10.30am!!! When I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, I could not believe the time but as I said last night, I was exhausted.

Today...hmmm my kitchen table looked like a greenhouse. I took all the seed trays and pricked out plants transferring them to smaller pots like the carnations. Anyway took me the best part of 2 hours but now I have condensed the plants and have a lot less trays so less space needed.

I then washed and dried about 20 plastic containers plus the trays, put them all back in the gardening box and then transferred the remainder on to the top of box.
By the time I cleaned the table & washed the floor, my back was really aching was a good job done and made more room.

Tomorrow I want to finish off sanding & varnishing the chairs and then that's all sorted.

You always think your house is tidy etc until you are getting visitors and then you realise the dusting behind things and maybe the cupboards need tidying etc and before you know it, you are doing a full spring clean.

My family will be over first thing a week Monday and they are away on the Friday afternoon ferry. They are breaking their journey in Loch Lomond on the way back and Carlisle on the way here.

A change in the weather today as its been raining all day but we need it as the fires we had recently were because the ground was tinder dry and also the plants outside need it too to save us watering them!

Joan hope you enjoy your Sunday roast and then have a snooze. I made chicken chow mein last night so not feeling as hungry today, think I may just have toast and a yoghurt.

Hope everyone is ok today and having an enjoyable Sunday.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 4 Apr 2022 10:09

florence don't overdo all the cleaning or you will be too exhausted to enjoy the visit. the family are coming to see you not your house. Take it easy.

Joan you lunch yesterday sounded nice. Hope that you enjoyed it.

raining a bit here today and 10 degrees so not too cold but can't get into the garden.


Florence61 Report 4 Apr 2022 14:51

Afternoon all.
Ann, Yes I did an awful lot at the weekend but taking a chill pill today! Did some light housework and dusting but not much else.
Tomorrow I shall finish off the chairs and then not much else to do that requires a lot of energy.

Its still raining here today and quite windy too so def an indoor day.

Going to make a chicken pasta bake for tea today as appetite is good today.

Ann its about 9 degrees here too so not cold at all. In my living room without any heating on its 20 degrees!

Hope everyone else ok on this rainy Monday

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 5 Apr 2022 12:23

good morning Joan and everyone. Oh dear Joan, it was forecast for Scotland so I thought you might get it. It is quite grey here with a glimpse of occasional sun but dry and 12 degrees. I managed to mow the lawn tis morning so I am pleased about that.


Florence61 Report 5 Apr 2022 13:18

Afternoon all
Well its still raining although during the night it snowed because the hills opposite me have a dusting of snow on them. Think we got off with it lightly as the NE where you are Joan copped it.

How demoralising that the daffs are flat, as you wait for them to bloom and then the weather trashes them and thats it for another year.
I remember a few years ago, I was growing potatoes in pots. They had grown so well and looked fab until a gale came and bashed them all. The stalks all broke and I had to dig them early. Pots were ok but a bit small but still blooming weather!!!

Ann mowing the lawn ooh you must have the best weather down there.

Well I have sanded and varnished the last chair....yay for that! Have just hoovered my bedroom and a bit of washing. Joiner coming after tea hopefully to put up 2 pictures for me in the hallway.

Tonight its left over pasta with some crusty bread. Always tastes better the next day.

Friday Im actually going to town & back in a taxi with my daughter. Havent been to a shop since last year!! But this time only to the coop and a look round The Factory shop as its part of the main shop. I just need a break away from the house and also want to see whats on the shelves rather than looking at a computer screen.

Better make a sandwich as its after 1pm and not eaten much today.

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 5 Apr 2022 16:10

Hello all,
You have been busy Florence I'm sure your chairs look great after being re- varnished.

Joan such a shame about the Daffs, they are one of my favourites flowers. Our weather is not too bad today dry and breezy with the sun poking it face through the clouds.
Ann we don't have grass as when we first had our dog she destroyed it and turn it into a mud patch. We have put artificial grass down and it still looks good now and we don't have to mow it. :-)

I have been to the Drs today for a heart trace and results of my blood tests. Pleased to say all is normal and the only thing now is to sort out my pain relief tablets which I need to have a phone consult with my GP.

Got to decide what to do for tea now

Take care to all looking in.