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LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Oct 2024 18:48

It was supposed to be a nice day here today, but the overnight rain was slow to clear, so it was drizzly this morning. That was a nuisance as I was taking Esme to Lightwater Valley. Luckily it cleared up after lunch and by mid afternoon, it was really warm and sunny.
Tomorrow is gusty winds and rain showers, but nowhere near as bad as it was supposed to be. I hope everyone keeps safe in the areas where it is going to be bad.


Andysmum Report 20 Oct 2024 12:32

I hope you are all safe and so far unaffected by the gales. Here it is windy, although not as bad as predicted with sunny intervals. The leaves are coming off the trees in vast quantities and then blowing all over the place - lots of them into next door or the road.

Most of the local CalMac ferries have been cancelled but I can see Western Ferries crossing the Clyde as usual. They are the only other ferry company in the west of Scotland and are much more reliable than CalMac. They would like to extend their operations to other routes, but Cal Mac have a monopoly.

The other surprise this morning was when I saw Waverley sailing past. This is her last weekend before stopping for the winter, but I wouldn't think there were many passengers on board. OH says she is probably pretty stable but his idea of stable isn't everyone's. :-)


Florence61 Report 20 Oct 2024 13:06

Afternoon all
Well it is very windy but was actually worse on Friday here. But....I just read the amber warning is from 1pm and noticeably it is getting windier as i type so maybe it hasnt hit full force yet.

Def no ferries Andysmum and if you paid me there's no way id be going across the much today!!

Hope everyone is safe and warm. I have filed the flasks for the "just in case."

Florence in the hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 20 Oct 2024 13:26

A nice day here so far.
Sunny and not cold. Windy, but nothing particularly out of the ordinary.
I've hung some washing out!

However, about 10pm is supposed to be the worst of it here, so there's time yet!

Like Florence, I've filled a flask just in case.

ADDED - 16:30:

But now it's blowing a gale, with rain and stronger gusts.
As forecast!


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Oct 2024 18:47

We have been lucky so far. It has been the same as yesterday, drizzly in the mor then a nice afternoon.
The wind is getting up a bit. One of the bins has blown over twice, so O H has laid it down. He has been making a new bin store, but it still needs a rail across the back to stop them from blowing over. We have three wheely bins at the moment, but the council are going to give everyone a fourth one. We have plenty of room for them, but goodness knows how some people are going to cope


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Oct 2024 18:47

It seems that we're all having bad weather!

We're into Day 3 of an "atmospheric river", that is a strong band of wet weather streaming across the Pacific and looking just like a river from space. We used to call it the Pineapple Express :-D It is supposed to end today (fingers crossed)

We've had over 100 mm rain over Friday and Saturday, and also had high winds with it as well yesterday. Saturday was the wettest of the 2 days, and that was voting day for our provincial election! We had a mobile Voting Unit visit here on the first day of advance voting, how lucky could we have been?!!

I woke up early yesterday morning to see several thin streams of water pouring over the edge of the overhang outside my bedroom window, by the time I went back about 5 minutes later, they had all merged into a single stream about 8" or 9" wide :-0

Luckily it was all falling straight down on the patio below, but I did later mention it to our lady-who-knows-all-and-who-to-tell ................ she sent a memo to maintenance to check it out on Monday!

It did stop when the rain eased off.

Glad I didn't have to go out

Take care and stay safe everyone <3 <3 <3


Andysmum Report 21 Oct 2024 12:20

What a morning! Having survived yesterday at 8am today OH rang for a Dr's appointment. I was half dressed, he was still in bed. Then he said he had an appointment at 8.45!! :-0 and would I drive him, please. So, frantic dressing, finding outdoor clothes and out of the house by 8.30.

The village, usually half empty at that time in the morning, was absolutely packed with cars, large vans and people. Nowhere to park. The surgery carpark was full, mostly with non-patients, so I dropped OH off and found a place along the road. By the time I'd walked back to the GP's OH was being seen and we got home at 9.15, for a late breakfast!!

I have now found out that they are filming some 1970's movie in the village and have chartered Waverley for the day. We are apparently standing in for Stromness, which is on the north coast and not so sheltered. I have had enough excitement for one day and am keeping well away!! :-)

I hope everyone else is safe after yesterday's storm.


Florence61 Report 21 Oct 2024 13:54

Afternoon all

Oh dear Andysmum, what an early start for you!! Goodness me and nowhere to park. Bet you were glad to get back home asap?

When i moved here in 1993, ithe village where i first stayed was something else!! They were filming a new drama series and took over the whole lower part of the village. You couldnt get to your house, far less park etc. They just thought they owned the place for about 6 weeks. Once I parked my car in its usual only to be told, can you move it please as we dont want it in shot. Well i moved it 3 times and in the end i said, no Im not moving it anymore,

We were told not to be looking out the windows when filming. Was such a palava!

But many months later, we were watching said drama and there in one episode was the boot of my car lol.....famous at last i said!

So i dont blame you for nor wanting anywhere near to the filming, its chaos!

Well the storm wasnt as bad as they forecast here and we never lost power. It was worse on Friday and we have had it much much worse in years gone by.

So today, the house got a good seeing to, washed the bathroom & kitchen floors, washing & drying, vacuumed throughout and now sitting. Oh made a chicken & veg hotpot type of dish which is slow cooking in my oven for later.

Daughter went off to town hence i was able to get the house all tidied etc with no interruptions!
I made a 1000 piece jigsaw over the weekend on the kitchen table. It was of a Whimsical village where all the houses are tall and slim. Lovely colourful pic and I finished it last night. So that's all back in the box and table now clear.

I di now have a large basket of ironing to be getting on with but that can wait until tomorrow now as my leg is aching a bit.

Hope everyone else survived the storm with no damage to their properties etc.

I do have to parcel up a birthday present which needs to go tomorrow so shall do that in awhile.

The rain is never ending here and looks like fog lol and is still brezzy too.

Right better check the oven now as dont want burnt offerings lol

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 21 Oct 2024 15:22

Did you lose power Florence.?

You might need a lie down if you haven’t heard the news. The new Calmac ferry, which hadn’t gone anywhere has worn out parts :-S :-S


Andysmum Report 21 Oct 2024 16:10

Don't worry, Names, they are nicking bits from the other one, still only half finished. The first one is going up and down the Clyde at the moment, doing sea trials!!


LindainHerriotCountry Report 21 Oct 2024 17:04

I am glad that the storm was not as bad as forecast for you.

When I lived in Thirsk, they kept filming for the All Creatures Great and Small series. We often couldn’t get out of the end of our toad as that was where the church and Thirsk Hall were which always featured. They also transformed the cinema twice, that caused us mayhem as OH wax in charge of the building at the time and I did the admin.

You seem to be well settled Sylvia, I hope that your OH has settled as well.


Florence61 Report 21 Oct 2024 18:19

names!!!! OMG unbelievable about the new ferry. we are laughing stocks in Scotland as someone said, a man could have sent to the moon & back long before the ferries are in service.

And now John Swinney says, the purse is empty and is going to Westminster to ask for some money???? What if we had become independent then, we would as predicted become bankrupt.

No wonder people are leaving here in their droves and all the other islands.

The sooner the SNP are booted out the better! They no longer rule here and that sent a message which shocked a lot of people. But we are fed up with their nonsense not to mention NS and her husband and the missing 600k!

In the meantime, businesses are really suffering as smaller isles have lost so much without a regular ferry that companies have folded. Someone has to be held to account.

No, we were fortunate and didnt lose power but it was wild again last night about 10pm and carried on through the night. Its still wild and torrential rain which I think is set to last for the next 3 days so probably no ferries either and empty shelves!

Florence in the hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 21 Oct 2024 19:45

It was certainly wild here last night, but subsided quickly after 10pm, as forecast.
No power cut and no damage, thankfully.

Lots of leaves and twigs on the roads today, and seaweed in places where the road is beside the sea. One or two trees were down, I heard, but not affecting me today.

I had an appointment at Specsavers today, and although sorry to lose my now retired optometrist, I find I'm very happy with the new one.
It was disappointing that she asked me if I'd had any serious eye problems in the past, or any eye operations - she clearly hadn't looked at the history on her computer.
However, once I'd drawn her attention to the various things, she was very good and thorough.

No particular deterioration in my prescription this time, thank goodness, but I've ordered new glasses (varifocals as usual) anyway, as the present ones have never felt very comfortable - fractionally too short in the leg, and therefore sometimes sore behind my ears.
I've also ordered a cheap pair for computer use.
I had a "50% off" voucher from the last time I was there, last year, so that was a great saving on the cost of the varifocals.

Torrential rain on the way home, with lots of water on the roads. Not quite flooding, but certainly big puddles.
It's still bashing on the back of the house now.


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Oct 2024 03:22

So we aren't the only ones who can have ferry problems?!

I heard this afternoon that the guy who assaulted OH and led us to make the move to here pleaded guilty last week!

I must admit that I never thought he would do that!

There was a hearing this morning (Monday) to set a date for sentencing .... early January.

Both daughter and I have the option to submit a 3rd Victim Impact report each, or not. If we do submit such a statement, we have 3 choices ............ go to court on the date and read out the statement ourselves; go to court and listen to someone else read them for us; or don't go to court and have someone else read them.

Both of us are leaning to that last option ........ submit our statements by email within about 2 weeks and let someone else read them out for us.

Whether or not we submit statements it is up to the judge to decide whether to give them any weight in his decision.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Oct 2024 09:05

I think that the victim impact statement is a good system Sylvia, I think that it is in place here as well. It would probably be a long day with lots of hanging about if you did attend, so having someone read it out for you probably would be the best option, especially as I am sure you will be pointing out that you have had to move into assisted living housing.

I was given one of those golden tickets at Specsavers, but I thought that they said that it was only valid for six months so I think that I threw it away.

Esme was off school again yesterday with one of her gastric migraines. They seem to be coming more often, which isn’t good. They have two types of tablets prescribed by the hospital and if they can time it right, it stops it. Sometimes they don’t work though and she is just constantly sick, so she is dehydrated and has to go to the hospital for an injection to stop the vomiting. They put a cannula in and give her fluids and she soon comes round. She ended up there last night, but by the time she was hooked up to the fluids, it was 9pm, so they said that she would probably end up on the ward overnight . I went to the hospital to take my daughter’s laptop charger and some pyjamas etc for her. Esme was starting to look much better and was asking for food, so my draughtier popped to the hospital shop while I stayed with Esme, she was tucking into a bag of hula hoops when I left I checked this morning and she is still at the hospital, so it will be nearer lunchtime before she is discharged.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Oct 2024 12:41

I came to the hospital because my daughter was trying to to work and had an important online meeting at 11.30. They were still to be discharged, so I waited with Esme while her mum did the meeting. They said she has a urinary infection, so needs some antibiotics. Esme was desperate to go home , so they have left and I am waiting for a prescription to take to the hospital pharmacy. It us taking ages and I can smell the lunch food, so I am starving Goodness knows how long I will have to wait until they turn up with it


Florence61 Report 23 Oct 2024 13:17

Afternoon everyone looking in.

Still horrid wild & wet day here not not able to get outside for fresh air and this weather isnt going away for another few days grrrr.

Usual chores and clearing out my craft drawers as i put lots of small stuff in them and now the drawers need a good tidy up. Lots of sweeties & chocs for xmas hidden in there lol

I bought a new duvet set in duck egg blue in a pin tuck style. Its a lovely colour and just running through the washing machine on a quick wash to get the creases out!

Linda. hope Esme is feeling much better and the antibiotics are working for her.

Sylvia, I personally wouldnt want the stress of going to the hearing, far better to make your statement and let someone else read it on your behalf.

ArgyylGran, 50 % off is a fantastic saving. Glad you didnt ,lose power either.

Very quiet day here and havent seen the postie yet either but with no ferry that means nothing ordered from the internet will be coming anytime this week!

Right time for a coffee and then to do some laminating of a price list for the xmas fayres.

Hope all ok with everyone

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 23 Oct 2024 15:45

Afternoon all
15 degrees here but feels chilly, it has been gloomy and dark but the sun is coming through the clouds now and is so bright it hurts your eyes.

Linda I hope Esme has bounced back again now. such a shame they can't find something that stops those episodes for her, it must be upsetting.

Florence I thought you said craft drawers not sweetie drawers.
Hope the weather improves for you soon and the mail gets through.

We were so lucky for our week away in the New forest area last week. The only rain was over night a couple of days and at the start of our journey home from the Portsmouth area where we spent one night seeing family. We were able to get out and about every day which was great.


ArgyllGran Report 23 Oct 2024 15:50

Well, I knew it was a bad idea to get a smart meter!
I should have listened to my better judgement and left well alone.
Apart from being very old, there was nothing wrong with my old meter.

The man came and fitted the meter yesterday afternoon.
I asked him at least twice if he was sure my storage heaters would work properly with it, and he assured me they would.

He switched the power on again at about 4pm, and left shortly afterwards.
He said there was no signal, and therefore the meter wouldn't send readings automatically until Scottish Power had sorted that out. Fair enough - I know the signal here is weak, and I'm used to taking readings myself.

About 5pm I noticed that the storage heaters were charging, which they shouldn't have been doing. I switched them off to prevent them using peak rate electricity.

Turned them on again before I went to bed, and noticed that they weren't charging at that time - which was as it should be.
However, they didn't come on at all last night, so the house was cold this morning.

This morning I also noticed (once I'd figured out the complicated method of finding readings for Rate 1 and Rate 2 - he didn't leave me any instructions) that all the usage since the meter was fitted is showing on Rate 1, the more expensive daytime rate. There's nothing on Rate 2, but there should be, as the fridge and freezer were working during the night, even though the heaters weren't.

Phoned Scottish Power.
They said that it sometimes takes 48 hours for a new meter to settle down, and these things may sort themselves out.
I've to keep an eye on the heaters today and note when they come on and go off (they came on at approx 1.30pm, and are still on at the moment).
Scottish Power will phone me tomorrow afternoon for my report, and will then decide how to proceed. As the heaters do come on, although at the wrong time, it won't be treated as an emergency, so I may have to wait a week or so for an engineer to come.

On the bright side (possibly) the meter is showing a bill amount of zero.
That won't last!


Florence61 Report 23 Oct 2024 16:26

Oh ArgyllGran, what a bother for you!! But as you say, your signal is weak and it may not be strong enough to get the readings sent automatically. Surely they must know this before they install?

Since a pole came down in another part of the island in the gales, no 4G is now available even though a new pole was put up. Vodaphone say there are no faults in that area but daughter cant get 4g on her phone and the house she is in doesnt have the internet!

As my dad always says, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Its all ok when everything to do with technology works but when the system stops working, its a complete nightmare isnt it?

AnnG, in my craft drawers, I had hidden some little sweetie gifts but they began to fill the drawer so i have now taken everything out and sorted it. i can also see my bed properly as all the clutter has been tidied away.. Glad you had a lovely time in the New Forest and your weather was kind, that was great.

I now have ticked off al the jobs to do today and wondering about my eve meal but nothing is inspiring me to make anything that takes more than 10-15 mins lol