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your kind thoughts up date on page 33
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michael2 | Report | 28 Jan 2014 21:01 |
thank you all for your messages, not so good today the doctors changed my pain killers they don't agree with me making me feel sick had to take anti sick pills will have to phone em in the morning. still no news from mcmillian but had a call from pallitive care people coming on Monday don't really want to see them as we have had dealing when my late fil law was in hospital they did nothing for him so I will properly listen to them then tell em to do one. I,m not being ungrateful it,s just that it stick,s in our memory,s. my niece was able to set every thing up as shes been working for care watch for a long time think about 12 yrs so she knows what to do. |
Sylvia | Report | 28 Jan 2014 21:46 |
Sorry to hear the painkillers do not agree with you Michael and hope the doctors can give you some that do. It is awful feeling constantly sick. Why don't you ring the McMillan nurses again. They should have got back to you by now. Do listen to what the palliative care people say next week, they may be totally different to who your f.i.l saw. Then just go with what you find is best for you. Take care xx |
michael2 | Report | 28 Jan 2014 21:58 |
I will listen to what they have to say when my fil was in hospital with cancer he had an aggressive type they just looked in his room did not see to his inuslin drip with was beeping away his room was never cleaned wife and mother in law had to do it and wash him. that why I have bad vibes about them. still as I say I will listen.xx |
Sylvia | Report | 28 Jan 2014 22:38 |
I understand Michael, we also had similar things happen. xx |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 29 Jan 2014 07:32 |
Hi Michael, hope the different meds will help you and not make you feel sick, you don't need that on top of everything else. |
michael2 | Report | 29 Jan 2014 11:12 |
thank you liz please enjoy your holiday hope the weather is ok for you all xxx |
kandj | Report | 29 Jan 2014 12:17 |
Hello Michael, I hope your sick feeling has cleared. That's not nice at all. |
Sylvia | Report | 29 Jan 2014 13:50 |
Hello Michael, I do hope you are feeling better today and the sick feeling has gone.xx |
AnninGlos | Report | 30 Jan 2014 09:37 |
Sorry to hear the pain killers have made you feel so ill, hope the new medication is better for you, difficult to get on and do the things you want to do when you feel constantly ill. Sorry not been on for a while but we were up in the Lake District with daughter and son in law. |
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Sylvia | Report | 30 Jan 2014 14:43 |
Hoping you are feeling better Michael, and have heard from Mcmillan support.xx |
~`*`Jude`*`~ | Report | 30 Jan 2014 22:16 |
Hello Michael...hope you are feeling better today. Hope you hear from the McMillan nurses soon too. |
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kandj | Report | 30 Jan 2014 22:18 |
Sending good vibes to you and your wife and hope you both have a decent nights sleep. xx |
michael2 | Report | 31 Jan 2014 14:08 |
hi sorry I aint been on for a bit not had a very good two days I have been suffering with a ear infection phone oncolagey for advice was told not to take my second chemo tablet in case. have to see then on Monday if infection has gone then restart chemo, also told as the tablets are giving me problems to take morphine to see if that's any better. feel like a junkey still if it helps ok.apart from that all ok.still no news from macmillian I have given up on them we will sick with the care package which is in place. |
OneFootInTheGrave | Report | 31 Jan 2014 15:03 |
Hi Michael - sorry to hear that the last two days have not been to good for you. I have to say I am disappointed that no one from Macmillan has been in touch. |
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kandj | Report | 31 Jan 2014 17:20 |
It's a shame that you have the ear infection Michael. I hope it's not too painful and clears soon so that you can get back on track with your chemo treatment. xx |
michael2 | Report | 31 Jan 2014 23:44 |
ear infection seems to be a bit better this evening. the grand children are coming tomorrow wife is going to sit them down and tell them whats wrong with me and about the treatment etc. they are ages 11,10,and 7. the eldest should take it all in as my step daughter,step mum died of the same thing last year she did not have it long.after a lot of screaming and tears they settled down the youngest on not sure how she is going to take it , she knows I am ill I told her I have a bug in my blood to try and smooth the way. I hope, we got a couple of books for children on the subject which I hope will help.fingers crossed I will stay out the way while they are being told to give it time to sink in. wish us luck. |
Sylvia | Report | 1 Feb 2014 01:09 |
Sorry to hear about your ear infection Michael and hope it clears very quickly so you can continue with your chemo. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 1 Feb 2014 04:06 |
Sorry to hear you aren't doing so well at the mo Michael, hope the ear infection clears up soon and you can restart the chemo. |
michael2 | Report | 1 Feb 2014 08:53 |
thank you liz have a great break here in Essex although theb weather don't look promising surposed to brighten up tomorrow. xxx |
Mersey | Report | 1 Feb 2014 09:57 |
Sending you and your OH luck today Michael although the way you and yours are dealing with it is inspirational and such a lovely way of doing things |
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