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JustJohn Report 28 Oct 2013 08:01

Many thanks, kandj. Wish I had taped that programme. I know all those hymns well and would have loved to sing along with you :-) :-) Lady in my church is nearly blind and loves those sort of hymns because they are so familiar and words are so scriptural and meaningful.

We had 6 yesterday from Complete Mission Praise. Modern to me, what are called "songs" rather than "hymns". All nice, couple quite familiar. But I must start learning a few more of them and become a bit more "modern" and more confident with these modern "songs".

Despite humming a lot yesterday through most of the songs, I did enjoy service a lot. OT reading was from Joel Chapter 2. I liked verse 13: "and rend your heart, and not your garments"

Gospel reading was about the Pharisee and the tax collector (tax collectors were quaintly called publicans - I suppose they were Jewish public or civil servants working for Rome).

Jesus was very taken by the humility and enthusiasm of the tax collector, and was generally upset that the Pharisees knew the Law so well and generally adhered to it but had missed the central truth about rending your heart.

Young preacher (newly married) said that, if his wife went away for a few days, he was given a list of things to do. He hated lists generally, but because of their love for each other, he did the tasks much more easily. And he suggested the tax collector really loved God but the Pharisee's love for God had grown cold and been replaced by dull routine and forced adherence to duties and rules.

My prayer this morning is for our friends across the world (not only the storm battered UK) who are experiencing difficult and unusual weather conditions at present and having risks from flooding, bush fires, fallen trees and the like. May God wrap his arms round each and everyone of them and show how much he loves them. How much he loves you as you read this thread.



Cynthia Report 28 Oct 2013 08:26

Good morning everyone. :-)

Thank you for that list of hymns......I like them all, but have grown to really like 'In Christ alone' as I love the way the melody is so powerful and inspirational.

We had a good congregation yesterday and it was also the final service for our oldest Lay Reader. She admitted, during her sermon, that when she was first licensed as a Reader, she thought she would be able to go on and on and on. Unfortunately, her mobility is now very restricted and it limits her severely. She will, however, still be coming to church as and when she can and she was given a gift, flowers and cake (made by our Vicar's widow) as a token of our appreciation.

This service was followed by three baptisms and chaos reigned :-D

I know we have mentioned counting our blessings before, so here are some words on that theme :

Count Your Blessings

As I was walking down the street,
I met a lady with no feet.
Because she had no feet to use,
She did not complain she had no shoes.

Then as I walked further on,
I met a man who'd lost an arm.
He had no coat ... he had no sleeve,
I neither heard him cry nor grieve.

In a few more steps, whom did I spy,
But a stumbling man with a blinded eye.
He could not walk his path alone,
I did not even hear him groan.

Somewhere else along my walk,
I met a man who could not talk.
He could tell no one of his pain,
He did not grumble nor complain.

Another block brought me quite near
To a man who could not hear.
He never once had heard a hymn,
But he kept his anguish closed within.

In that same block, whom did I find ...
But some lost soul without a mind.
A lot of babble he did utter,
But no objection did he mutter.

Not much further did I go,
When I saw an old man moving slow.
His hands were gnarled; his back was bent,
Not one complaint did I hear him vent.

When my walk was nearly through,
I found myself approaching you.
You always say there's something wrong,
So, for that reason, hear this song.

Aren't you aware how you've been blest?
Can't you see you've no distress?
Don't you know how whole you are?
See where you've been, and just how far?

Can't you quiet your complaints?
Appreciate those men's restraints?
There, but for God's holy grace,
Could you be walking in their place.

~ Virginia Ellis ~

Praying that all keep safe in the terrible weather which is forecast. Cx :-)


kandj Report 28 Oct 2013 23:03

A good reminder Cynthia that we are blessed daily and have much to be grateful for.
I am liking the Virginia Ellis words, which are similar to the Helen Steiner Rice ones, but are all new to me and so thought provoking...... thank you.


Cynthia Report 29 Oct 2013 08:29

Good morning and I hope everyone stayed safe in the storms. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of those who lost loved ones and those who suffered severe damage.

Someone was talking to me about angels recently and when I found the piece below, I thought I would share it with you. It's rather longer than our usual prayer but I feel it is worth it.

We are often blessed with the friendship of personal angels ... people who are so caring and supportive that they become angels for us. These personal angels bring a brightness and love that we cherish forever.

An Angel Is ... A Parent Angel

Our first image of an angel may well have been Mom or Dad ... the one who came to our rescue and reassured us in the dark of the night. For the child in all of us, a parent is the angel we seek to guide and protect us and uplift our spirits when the going gets tough. Parents need not be angelic or saintly to fulfill this roll! All that is needed is unconditional love, a willingness to listen, and a smile or hug when we need encouragement. This is how we learn to be angels for our own children as well.

An Angel Is ... A Teacher Angel

For many of us, our earliest memories of an angel relate to a favorite teacher. A teacher's role is to inspire us to investigate, delve, discover, invent, and understand far beyond our own belief in our abilities. A teacher who uncovered our personal gift or spark will remain for us the angel who created a turning point in our life, or the one who first let us know how special we were. Inspired by this personal angel, we can keep alive the curious child within us and continue to uncover our hidden treasure of talent or self-esteem.

An Angel Is ... A Favourite Relative Angel

Sometimes we need a special friend to confide in, an older friend who is wise and knowing and patient to the ninth degree. This friend is often an aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin, or even a brother or sister. These personal angels fill a place that our parents cannot. They do not act as stern taskmasters or disciplinarians. They can be confidants and playmates, no matter how different their ages. What an honour it is to be an angel in this way, to fill a role that no one can!

An Angel Is ... A Neighbour Angel

There are times in life when we feel frightened or alone, when we seem to have no one with whom to talk or share our troubles. At these times, an angel often steps in, who lives right next door, or just down the block. This angel is a neighbour who stays with us, brings a meal, cares for our children, or does any of a thousand small things that mean so much. Imagine what a wonderful neighbourhood the world would be if we all decided to become angels for one another!

An Angel Is ... A Teammate Angel

Personal angels are often those who urge us to pull from our deepest selves the strength or precision that will win the day. These angels are frequently peers, compatriots, or schoolmates, who think of us as members of their team. Whether as part of a sports team or a team in business, these angels place their faith and confidence in us ... even when they have, at times, no logical reason to trust us so highly. To these angels, we are forever indebted, because their faith is what enables us to rise to the challenge and become the winners we desire to be.

An Angel Is ... A Minister, Rabbi, or a Priest Angel

Anyone who teaches us about the greatest mysteries of life can be an angel for us. These ministering angels reach deep into our souls to instill in us a desire to learn who and what we are. They bring us the understanding and wisdom we need to build a solid firm foundation of faith in our lives.

An Angel Is ... A Healer Angel

The heart of a healer is a generous heart indeed. The heart of a healer is the heart of an angel, who stays by you as long as you need, no matter what the personal cost. These angels are on duty day and night, bold and sacrificing souls who dedicate their lives to the health and well-being of others. They bless our hospitals, the healers within, and the sick who have come for relief, with their unyielding love, dedication, and energy.

An Angel Is ... Someone Who Makes Us Laugh Angel

In the midst of everyday life, when responsibilities grow heavy and time seems too short, someone with a sense of humor can bring a breath of fresh air. This angels helps us see the funny side of an event or remark, which helps us to avoid wounded feelings and lightens our approach to a given situation. A friend who helps us let go of our daily cares is an angel indeed and one who brings us a blessing when it is most sorely needed.

An Angel Is ... A Protector Angel

Those who offer their lives to protect others are surely angels in the flesh. Whether a soldier, police officer, fire fighter, or any other type of warrior, an angel of protection is one who is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good and safety of others. These angels earn our respect and deepest thanks everyday. When they face danger for our sakes, we can pray for their protection and strength and ask that their own guardian angels bring them home safely.

Whether they teach us formally (in a place of worship or education) or through laughter, song, and play, the guidance of these angels makes a difference that will last a lifetime.

Hope you all have a good day. Love, Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 29 Oct 2013 08:33

Aren't you aware how you've been blest?
Can't you see you've no distress?
Don't you know how whole you are?
See where you've been, and just how far?

Lovely words yesterday, Cynthia. When I feel I am a total waste of time as a Christian pilgrim and not really a Christian at all, I just think about where I was before salvation 31 years ago. And how much I have changed since then - even this last year. Yes, I would like to be much better and much more effective. But it is wonderful to be able to do anything to help "Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done"

in 1982, I was 36 and swore, smoked, blasphemed and drank like "normal" people. Within 12 months of my conversion I had stopped all of those things. Not a conscious effort - just I was aware the Holy Spirit was now indwelling me and I was responsible for his or her wellbeing as well as mine (body and mind).

And a fantastic and incredible journey since. I wanted to go down the "motorway" at 70mph or more when I was 36, yet I have been led up narrow and dangerous mountain paths with many a slip on the way ever since. But I become more and more confident after each obstacle that it is the only path worth taking. And I feel safer and safer as my body and mind become more and more fragile.

Anyway, test for me today. Teeth!!!! No idea what my young lady dentist is likley to do to me today. But it will not be nice and I thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I do need them. And so many others (who don't make a fuss about having teeth knocked out for dentures) ;-) need our lovely prayers today. :-) :-)


kandj Report 29 Oct 2013 11:18

A really interesting thread Cynthia. Very many years ago we were blessed to have a very gifted Curate. His sermons regularly included mention of Angels.
Mark used to remind us to always be kind to strangers as we could well be entertaining angels in disguise. I have remembered his words often.


You are my angel in disguise
You read my soul with your eyes
Your spirit has entered my heart
And it's my hope we never part
For you are so special to me
Without you, my heart would weep bitterly.

You're my angel in disguise
Your love comforts my cries
At night you guide me through the strife
And it is for that, dear angel
I owe you my life.

I think this is appropriate Cynthia and I am always pleased to think that there is an angel on my shoulder, in the day and night to guide and support me always.

I hope that John's Guardian Angel is helping him through the Dentist's treatment today. I am always very brave AFTER the treatment and when I am walking out of the door of the dental practice, so I am sending positive vibes to John right now.

Thoughts and prayers also for the tragic loss of lives caused by the storm.


JustJohn Report 29 Oct 2013 11:28

It was only for more fittings in the end. So quite a pleasant appointment. And back again end of next week. Just hope that acute toothache of last week keeps away till then.

Sorry to raise a false alarm. But at least now I know what to expect - a partial denture top and bottom. So I won't have all my teeth removed like I was fearing.

Thoughts and prayers have been very much appreciated :-) :-)


Cynthia Report 30 Oct 2013 08:39

Good morning everyone. Thank you for those words kandj.....your past curate must have been an inspiration for you to remember so much about him.

So glad that your dental problems are being sorted out John.......this getting old business is not funny at times is it :-D

Some thoughts for today :

We wouldn't enjoy the sunshine
If we never had the rain.
We wouldn't appreciate good health
If we never experienced pain.

If we never shed a teardrop
And always wore a smile,
We'd all get tired of laughing
After we had grinned awhile.

Everything is by comparison ...
Both the bitter and the sweet,
And it takes a bit of both of them
To make our lives complete.

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Have a lovely day. Cx :-)


kandj Report 30 Oct 2013 23:02

Love the Helen Steiner Rice words. Always put simply yet very thought provoking.
Thank you Cynthia.


JustJohn Report 31 Oct 2013 00:37

May I be the first to wish everybody a very merry Christmas. :-D :-D

I was looking at Cynthia's post earlier today and kandj's comments and my mind turned to the carol the holly and the ivy. For some reason, I was imagining one bitter and one sweet. Perhaps not, but they are interesting plants.

In the very old days apparently, people would love to carouse in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The men would compose verses and sing their ditties to holly. The women would do the same with ivy.

Then they would get together as a village before Christmas and sing about mistletoe, which traditionally settled all their competitive composing and singing.

I am told that holly, ivy and mistletoe were the three most prominent British woodland plants during the winter.

Only one version of why we sing the holly and the ivy. Interesting if anyone has heard another story about it :-)


Cynthia Report 31 Oct 2013 08:10

I thought I had the wrong page when I saw your comment John........Christmas indeed! I've got quite a pressured day today, otherwise I would take some time to look up about the holly and the ivy..

Before I dash off - I am helping our Vicar's widow and daughter to sort some stuff out - I will leave these words for you :

I've asked myself quite frequently
Why does it happen so ...
That from my fingers and my pen,
So many verses flow?

At times my thoughts flood over me
Until they just pour out.
My words then freely overflow ...
What brings such surge about?

I spend time in reflection,
My head truly in a spin;
Then a multitude of notions,
Will make me grab my pen.

I never used to do such things,
I've never been this way.
Why do I get those very words
I feel compelled to say?

I used to pine in loneliness,
But now I seek to be alone.
I want to talk to God my way,
To pen for Him ... my poem.

My verse, I know, is selfish,
It's my way of reaching out;
It's my form of reassurance ...
It's my shield against self-doubt.

I like to think that through my poems
I'm learning how to pray ...
And that my Father's telling me
The words that I should say.

Thus, I dedicate this pen of mine
To Almighty God above ...
To openly declare my need,
For His forgiveness and His love.

May any future words I write,
Be for His exaltation.
May they be truly God-inspired ...
Just for His adoration.

~ Virginia Ellis ~

Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 31 Oct 2013 10:26

:-D :-D @ Cynthia. It was late last night and I was having visions about holly and ivy.

Love those verses by Virginia Ellis this morning. I have a feeling most of our Bibles were written exactly like that - someone just sitting down with something to write and musing on God.

Last day of October and tomorrow is All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows, Solemnity of All Saints, or The Feast of All Saints)

All Saints' Day is the second day of Hallowmas, and begins at sunrise on the 1st of November and finishes at sundown on the 1st of November. It is the day before All Souls' Day.

In Western Christian theology, the day commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. It is recognised by many denominations, from Roman Catholics to Methodists.

Tonight reminds me of the very night I had to stay in an hotel in Whitby a few years ago. I expected the place to be quiet and reserved like all seaside resorts at end of October. The place was packed with goths. White faces and black cloaks greeted me on every street corner as I perambulated before dinner. I confided to the friendly hotel manager that I was a committed Christian and I found it all a bit unsettling.

He told me that I had just missed a Christian convention who were staying at his hotel the previous week. He said: "I prefer these goths. They are friendlier than the Christians. And they spend more money" :-) :-)


Cynthia Report 1 Nov 2013 08:32

Good morning. I have to admit that, as a committed Christian, I don't go for Halloween in the supermarket way at all!! Many churches actually have special 'light' parties for their children to encourage them away from all the darkness and evil which many people seem to find amusing.

We are holding Service of Remembrance for those who have died during the last year, who were connected to our church, tomorrow afternoon and each name will be read out reverently.

As today is All Saints' Day, I have taken the following from the C. of E. website:

For the gift of his Spirit:
blessed be Christ.

For the catholic Church:
blessed be Christ.

For the means of grace:
blessed be Christ.

For the hope of glory:
blessed be Christ.

For the triumphs of his gospel:
blessed be Christ.

For the lives of his saints:
blessed be Christ.

In joy and in sorrow:
blessed be Christ.

In life and in death:
blessed be Christ.

Now and to the end of the ages:
blessed be Christ.


Another busy day ahead of me......take care everyone. Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 1 Nov 2013 09:56

Thankyou, Cynthia, for those words on this important day in the Christian calendar.

It reminded me of the Nicene Creed from the fourth century - the one all Catholics, Protestants and all others should memorise as it is so short and punchy. It ends:

"And we believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen."

And despite all the schisms, sectarianism, rifts in the last 1600 years, the holy catholic and apostolic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ remains so strong and vibrant - with at least a third of the world's population claiming at least some merit in the story of Jesus and at least the possibility he might be our saviour when we leave this earthly scene.

I watched one of the religion channels last night and watched what I thought was a traditional Jewish service. They spoke in Hebrew, they were Jews, they sang in Hebrew. Yet they were speaking my language. It was right at the end that I noticed programme was called "The Jewish Jesus" and they were Messianic Jews.

It was so very powerful. The Jews have always come first in my mind, as the Bible says. The Kingdom will really come when God's beloved Jews get the message significantly. When they understand exactly what Isaiah prophesied in Chapter 53.

I will get more details this week if anyone wants to tape next week's programme. It was about 3am and very American :-( :-( :-( But I was dancing and singing :-) :-) :-)


kandj Report 1 Nov 2013 09:57

John...."Christmas?"..... Bah Humbug!
Can we please at least get November out of the way before the so called
"Festive Season" is commercially thrown our way.

All Souls and All Saints Day heralds the beginning of November and in our church we also have the traditional Memorial Service to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

The words from the C of E website makes for lovely reading Cynthia.... so simple and childlike while we adults often complicate faith..... (well I do anyway), so it is always good to go back to simple words so easily understood....... thank you.
Take care in your busy day today Cynthia.


JustJohn Report 1 Nov 2013 10:34

kandj :-D :-D :-D

Tesco will have already planned Christmas 2014. Even when I worked for them 20 years ago (edit, 30 years ago!!!!), most planning had taken place 12-18 months before. My owd mum used to plan her Christmas in Jan and Feb. Bought her cards and wrapping paper for following year half price, bought all her presents in the sales.

Well, I have wished you all a happy Christmas for 2013. Can I also be the first to wish you all a happy 2014 and a happy Christmas in 14 months time.
:-D :-D


Cynthia Report 2 Nov 2013 08:32

Good morning everyone :-)

Now that we are into November, no doubt there will soon be a display of Easter eggs in the supermarkets!!!

The other evening, when I was leading the Baptism preparation class, apart from explaining the true meaning of Baptism, I mentioned the Holy Trinity. It wasn't the time or the place to go into things in depth but, I have since discovered that, for one set of very young parents who attended, the evening was a complete eye-opener to the Christian faith.

They have admitted that they know very little - except what was taught them in school. At times like these, I often wish that our classes lasted for several weeks so that we could explore the faith in a deeper and more meaningful way. However, time and pressure of life is holding us back at the moment but, hopefully, it is something we can bear in mind for the future. :-)

With thoughts of the Trinity........

The Holy Trinity

Holy Spirit,
Father, Son,
That's how God becomes as one.
Holy Spirit
Teach and guide,
Awesome Father
Plan, Provide,
Precious Son

Then, according to His plan,
In His image made He, man.

Inner Spirit,
Body, Soul,
That's how God made mankind whole.
Inner spirit
God is there,
Human body
Death aware,
Fragile soul
Take care.

To further know God's Trinity,
See how else was planned in three.

Time, Space,
Heaven, Earth, Ocean sea,
Future time,
Breadth combine.

~ Virginia Ellis ~

Enjoy your day Cx :-)


kandj Report 2 Nov 2013 15:44


Jesus is the key, the key for you and me....
One with the Father and the Spirit
Holy Trinity:
Jesus is the key, through all eternity
Name above all names, King of kings and
Lord of lords, come to set us free!
Jesus is the key to make Heaven our destiny,
For Jesus went to the Cross for you and for me
and bearing our sins He gave his life on Calvary'.
Then the Father raised Him from the dead
and over all creation made Him the head.
Now as we await His return in glory
we must faithfully tell the Gospel story.
That all who are here below, may come to
know the great salvation He does bestow.
And even more, His great love blesses us
far beyond what we see, for in all good things truly.

I personally found the Holy Trinity hard to comprehend and this small poem made it easier for me to understand. Maybe it will help others too:-

Just like the three leaves on each shamrock I see
There are three parts to the Holy Trinity.
First is God the Father
Then Jesus His only Son
With the Holy Spirit together
They are Three in One.


JustJohn Report 2 Nov 2013 18:55

The Trinity is so difficult, yet so easy.

We all say the various creeds and prayers. But do we really understand what it means? Three leaves on a shamrock (or a clover?) is useful, so is "God has 3 distinct personalities.

But to me every true Christian understands the Trinity. We know that the 3 personalities of God are within our very soul in the personality of the Holy Spirit. The way I believe it happens is that the Holy Spirit is both the Comforter and the Pusher. He pushes us towards the Lord Jesus who can love us unreservedly and present our case for salvation. The Father accepts us as his children because the Lord Jesus presents us in his merits, not in ours. And the Father justifies us, sanctifies us sends the Holy Spirit to push us on.

And so it goes on through the rest of our lives. Push and pull, but we are now firmly in the arms of the beloved Son and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. So the process is one of continual glorification till at last we see the Throne. And this world and being encouraged to serve God to the best of our ability becomes a foretaste of what we will expect.

That is what I feel is happening. Not sure if my experience is borne out by the Scriptures or the testimonies of past saints. But it feels very real every day.

And just before I finish, guess what. This 67 year old with a 28 year old bachelor son and a 31 year old married daughter but no grandchildren is expecting. We are to be a grandfather at end of May, God willing. My daughter has just had her first scan and everything is fine. So very thrilled indeed :-D :-D Will be able to tell my church friends tomorrow.


kandj Report 2 Nov 2013 22:35

Congratulations to John and Mrs John. I hope all goes well for your daughter and son in law and your family will be blessed with a new little twig on your family tree in May.
Thank you for sharing such happy news. I don't think there is too much about just now