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'Emma' Report 13 Sep 2013 19:50

From what you have told me about your vicar I
think he would also say that 'It was average' :-)

Emma <3


Cynthia Report 14 Sep 2013 08:43

Good morning everyone.....and thank you again. :-)

A thought for today..


“Look for the poor, sick and all kinds of needy, help them and let your life's energy appear in this, so that they may enjoy your kindness, helping wherever your help is needed, as much as you possibly can with your life, property and honour. Know that to serve God is nothing else than to serve your neighbour in love, whether he be enemy or friend, or whether you can help in temporal or spiritual matters. This is serving God and doing good works.”

Have a good day everyone Cx :-)


kandj Report 14 Sep 2013 09:26

A difficult day for you yesterday Cynthia and a challenging time ahead for your church family. without your friendly Vicar to guide and encourage you all now.

I have just read the familiar poem written by Canon Henry Scott-Holland and feel it is fitting to share with you today.

Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way that you used to
Put no difference into your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
Laugh as we always laughed, at the little jokes that we shared together
Play, smile, think of me, Pray for me
Let my name be the household name that it always was
Let it be spoken without effect
Without the trace of a shadow in it.

Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolute unbroken continuity
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight

I am waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near just around the corner
All is well
Nothing is past nothing is lost
One brief moment and all will be as it was before
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again

I think I may have repeated some lines and my apologies, but I hope these famous words might bring a little comfort today.


JustJohn Report 14 Sep 2013 10:16

A very challenging thought for today from Cynthia. We do not boast of good works, but Luther reminds us that doing good works in enshrined in the spirit of a true Christian. We have to try and work out faith out - and one of hardest parts is to love enemies as we love family and friends.

Sometimes one of the hardest things is to have sufficient discretion to know our enemies and the enemies of Jesus Christ. But thankfully we do not have to judge them - just do our best to love them and either woo them or kick them towards the Cross of Calvary. There is only one Judgment that matters and only one Judge.

Those words of Canon Scott-Holland were lovely, kandj. Really moved me this morning. And I think we family historians are sometimes aware not only on the spirits of those we have enjoyed company with in our lives, but perhaps also we often feel the presence of our long gone ancestors guiding our lives


'Emma' Report 14 Sep 2013 11:03

Love your thought for today Cynthia.

kandj always loved that poem..moving words.

John you sometimes make me smile with your
interpretation on how you see things, very interesting.

Emma :-)


Cynthia Report 14 Sep 2013 11:57

Thank you kandj - that was so thoughtful of you....... <3

John, the hymns etc. that you asked for:

1. Ye watchers and ye holy ones.
2. When I survey the wondrous cross.
3. Take my life and let it be.
4. O Jesus I have promised.
5. Angel voices ever singing.

The communion hymns were:
Abba father.
I the Lord of sea and sky.
We love the place O God.
We cannot measure how you heal.

Rev. 20 1-7
John. 14 1-7

Departure - Widor Toccata


Cynthia Report 15 Sep 2013 08:23

Good morning everyone, and the start of a brand new week...... :-)

Will be getting ready for church shortly. We have one baptism after this morning's service and, apparently, one of the MU football players is a Godparent.... :-S
Fortunately, because I haven't a clue what he looks like, I'll be able to treat him as I treat everyone........ :-)

Thank You, God, For Everything

Thank you, God, for everything,
The big things and the small.
For "every good gift comes from God"...
The giver of them all.
And all too often we accept, without any thanks or praise,
The gifts God sends as blessings, each day in many ways.
And so at this Thanksgiving Time, we offer up a prayer...
To thank you, God, for giving us a lot more than our share.

First, thank you for the little things
That often come our way,
The things we take for granted
But don't mention when we pray,
The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful, kindly deed,
A hand reached out to help us in the time of sudden need.
Oh, make us more aware, dear God, of little daily graces
That come to us with "sweet surprise"
From never-dreamed-of places.

Then, thank you for the "Miracles"
We are much too blind to see,
And give us new awareness of our many gifts from Thee,
And help us to remember that the Key of Life and Living
Is to make each prayer a Prayer of Thanks
And every day Thanksgiving

- Helen Steiner Rice


JustJohn Report 15 Sep 2013 08:45

Lovely thoughts to start yet another Christian week, Cynthia :-) You may have added a couple to your congregation today by your revelation of who is attending, If he is wearing a headband and a hairnet, I may know who he is ;-)

I am "out" today. I am tackling Luke Chapter 6 verse 37. Strangely, I got my inspiration from someone on another thread who was basically suggesting I was hypocritical and saying I should not judge others. :-)

The world is a funny place. We can sometimes be challenged and inspired by those who rebuke us. :-)

I do pray that everybody who contributes or looks in on this thread has a good week. That we can all say, do and think the right thing - and not lose any opportunities to spread the love and merits of our beloved Saviour :-)


kandj Report 15 Sep 2013 08:51

Good morning to you too Cynthia, your H S R words brought these verses to mind this morning:-

Thank you for waking me this morning
Thank you for giving me today
Thank you for every new day dawning
I'll be thanking you.

Thank you for every tree and flower
Thank you for every sky of blue
Thank you, I should be every hour
Truly thanking you.

Thank you for every note of music
Thank you for every song I sing
Thank you for giving me sweet music
Thanks for everything.

Thank you for everything you give me
Thank you for everything we share
Thank you for simply being with me
Thanks for being there.

Thank you for cheering me with laughter
Thank you for every smile you bring
Thank you for now and ever after
Thanks for everything.

Enjoy church, your lovely Vicar is sure to be always near your church family.


Cynthia Report 15 Sep 2013 16:41

Hope your day goes well John........and thank you kandj for those lovely words. :-)

Full church today because it was Harvest Festival. A little bit of uncertainty here and there but, basically, it all went fine. Our Mustard Seeds (faith study) group gave a presentation this morning and we were told all about the Food Bank they are running in this area. It's horrid to think that, in this day and age, we have so much poverty around.

Towards the end of the service, it began to pour down and so the people waiting for the Baptism service came in and gathered in the Meeting Room. I think they were rather surprised by the sheer size and mixed age range of the congregation
:-D :-D

I had to ask them to move to one side of the room because the choir would be processing in.......if the footballer was there, he got asked to move just like the rest :-D :-D

Our vicar would have been pleased by the whole morning. Cx :-)


JustJohn Report 15 Sep 2013 21:55

Cynthia. Many thyanks for readings and hymns - not looked at them properly yet. And details of your service and the appearance of a Man U footballer (allegedly). Amazing how churches cope, even with such a loss.

When I was first a steward (Anglicans would say churchwarden, some chapels say deacon) an old retired Minister would collapse - usually half way through the sermon and an ambulance would be called and two of us stewards would carry him to the porch and keep him ok till ambulance arrived.

It seemed to happen almost every week. And we did get used to it. But even the first week it happened, the person in the pulpit carried on preaching, the congregation carried on listening and many didn't even notice. He was about 80 then and died at over 90 in 1990's.

Amazing coincidence was that those events occured in Whitchurch in North Shropshire. I mentioned incident when I arrived in Rhondda a few years ago and a old lady said "he was our Minister in 1930's!!! - nice young man in those days")

Went to a Welsh speaking chapel today. Very sparse attendance and chapel is magnificent. They all (about 10 of them) sit at the very back and I need binoculars to establish eye contact. But had a mike and I shout anyway:-) Found text from Luke 6 verse 37 hard - not least because I love judging everything and text says I shouldn't ;-)

But a really lovely service (no thanks to me) and have enjoyed my Sunday immensely. :-)


kandj Report 15 Sep 2013 23:17

John, I have just read Luke ch 6 v 37. (New Living Translation Bible).

Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

Easier said than done methinks, but the Lord loves a trier!

Cynthia, glad that all went well at the Harvest Festival Service in your church today, and that you felt your vicar would have been pleased with the worship this morning.


JustJohn Report 16 Sep 2013 00:34

kandj :-) So true. It is a most difficult instruction. But all of Jesus' orders to his followers are a lot harder than what God agreed with Moses in the Old Testament law.

It is relatively easy not to commit adultery. But Jesus told us we should not even look at another person lustfully!!! Now that can be quite difficult - especially when we are not on a leash.

My OT reading today was Judges Chapter 1 first seven verses. Now that is about brothers Judah and Simeon joining together after Joshua's death and winning their lands, killing 10,000 Canaanites and chopping the fingers and toes off Canaanite leader Adoni-Bezec (Lord Bezec) because he had done the same to 70 of their kings. Toes and fingers disappeared to stop Lord Bezec fighting and running. Well, I did my best to explain it and link it to thou shalt not judge :-( :-(

I think probably all the Old Testament can be linked to the New. Sometimes it is easy to connect - Isaiah Chapter 53 with Jesus. Sometimes it is like looking through a glass very darkly. :-) This was one of those occasions.


Cynthia Report 16 Sep 2013 08:56

Good morning all.....

Glad you enjoyed your morning John. We have experienced people being taken ill during a service several times and yes, once the person has been assisted, things tend to continue as normal.

In fact, I remember arriving at church to see a lady being carried out to the church hall. It seems as though she had come into church, taken her seat, knelt down to pray and collapsed. We called the emergency services and she was taken to hospital. It turns out that she had, in fact, died as she knelt in prayer.

She was an elderly widow with no family and the extremely large church was packed for her funeral - by members of her church family. I'll never forget it.

A touch of the Old Testament today.

The Vision of Enoch

I speak to you. Be still. Know I am God.

I spoke to you When you were born. Be still. Know I am God.

I spoke to you At your first sight. Be still. Know I am God.

I spoke to you. At your first word. Be still. Know I am God.

I spoke to you. At your first thought. Be still. Know I am God.

I spoke to you At your first song. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the grass of the meadows. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the trees of the forests. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the valleys and the hills Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the Holy Mountains Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the rain and the snow Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the waves of the sea. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the dew of the morning. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the peace of the evening. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the splendor of the sun. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the brilliant stars. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the storm and the clouds. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the thunder and lightning. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you Through the mysterious rainbow Be still. Know I am God.

I will speak to you When you are alone Be still. Know I am God.

I will speak to you Through the Wisdom of the Ancients Be still. Know I am God.

I will speak to you At the end of time. Be still. Know I am God.

I will speak to you When you have seen my Angels. Be still. Know I am God.

I will speak to you Throughout Eternity. Be still. Know I am God.

I speak to you. Be still. Know I am God.

Have a good day everyone....................Cx :-)


Cynthia Report 16 Sep 2013 09:06

Oh yes! Meant to add.......there as nothing 'alleged' about the MU player John, he WAS a Godparent - the baptism was arranged around his football timetable. I have his name but wouldn't know his face!!! :-)


JustJohn Report 16 Sep 2013 09:08

What is that hymn, Cynthia? "Be still, and know the presence of the Lord".

The sun is streaming through the window as I read your words, and write. And I am also thinking of the OT.

Prophet Malachi:
Chap 4 verse 2 (NIV)

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.

Looks like a good start to the day:-)


JustJohn Report 16 Sep 2013 10:07

Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46 verse 10).

The word translated “be still” comes from the Hebrew term "raphah". This word is found in various forms in the Old Testament, with different shades of meaning. It refers to that which is relaxed, or in some instances, to be disheartened or weak.

Interestingly, “be weak” in the presence of the Lord is here commanded. He provides our strength.


kandj Report 16 Sep 2013 14:30

Cynthia, many thanks for the words today, as special as always.

John, the psalm 46 v 10 words are a good reminder to be quiet and find the space to listen to our living Lord. The words of this hymn are beautiful and worthy of sharing.

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am God.

I am the Lord that healeth thee
I am the Lord that healeth thee
I am the Lord that healeth thee.

In thee O Lord, I put my trust
In thee O Lord, I put my trust
In thee O Lord, I put my trust.

Just wonderful to sing quietly and become de-stressed. (imho)


Cynthia Report 17 Sep 2013 08:34

Thank you John and Kandj.........wonderful, wonderful words.....that hymn is a meditation in itself.

As I am part of the baptism team and worked closely with the vicar, I have offered to lead the team with two willing volunteers. It's always best to have several folk who know the procedure so that illness, holidays etc..are covered. My offer was gratefully accepted...... :-)

Prayer for today ...

What must I do to insure peace of mind?
Is the answer I'm seeking too hard to find?
How can I know what God wants me to be?
How can I tell what's expected of me?
Where can I go for guidance and aid
To help me correct the errors I've made?

The answer is found in doing three things
And great is the gladness that doing them brings-
Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God-
For with these three things as your rule and your rod,
All things worth having are yours to achieve
If you follow God's words, have hope and believe.

- Helen Steiner Rice

Have a good day everyone... :-)


Joy Report 17 Sep 2013 21:08

Luke 6:31

New International Version (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.