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LaGooner Report 28 Jan 2010 21:55

I am not kidding they do dog and dog bowls and even name tags for pets !! I was surprised too LOL


YG Report 28 Jan 2010 22:20

The world is madder than I thought it was!!

Guess who won't be buying any!!


LaGooner Report 28 Jan 2010 22:24

Even I am not that sad LOL.


Elizabethofseasons Report 28 Jan 2010 22:34

Dear All


Can I sign on the visitors book and say hello at the Nutlodge?

Are there any rules, regulations or PC stuff to follow?

Take care all
Very best wishes


LaGooner Report 28 Jan 2010 22:40

HI Elizabeth of course you may join us,you are very welcome. Only rules are not to be too serious, willing to have a lot of fun and own a cyber pet. Another rule no bickering or nastiness or the thread gets whooshed by me. Read back at the beginning of this thread and you will see what I mean LOL

EDIT> Also put up with me boring or winding up the others with football talk LOL.

Pull up a spare throne,choose your room, find a spare crown,(not mine thoughLOL) and please make yourself comfy.

Going over to put your name on the visitor book now.


Elizabethofseasons Report 28 Jan 2010 22:57

Dear LaGooner


Thank you very much for the nice welcome.

Yes, I will need my throne close by! Need regular toilet breaks!

I will use my kitchen as I am busy making bread for the folk on the GR Easter Egg hunt post.

Cyber pet...............that's a toughie. How about a bear?

Like football?! So do I!

I am very well behaved and polite (well, everyone has off days!).

Very best wishes


YG Report 28 Jan 2010 23:01

Is the ark ever going to be ready to sail, cos you promised me at the beginning of this thread that I could launch her when she's ready!!

I am in desperate need in going off in search of firemen and a different country to search in would be good!


YG Report 28 Jan 2010 23:03

A bear would be a great addition to the CPs compound. Are we having a lovely cuddly white polar bear , a grizzly bear or, just for Aunty, a koala bear!!

Hi Elizabeth!! You need a name for your cyber pet too!!


Elizabethofseasons Report 28 Jan 2010 23:08

Dear YG


I will have a small koala bear.

His name is Walter Custer Seasons or WC for short.
(Water closet!)

I will need to look for a lady koala bear........but WC is very picky!
So you can have lots of little ones for your ark.

Best wishes


YG Report 28 Jan 2010 23:11

Ooh I'm getting excited now we've got a koala bear.

I will look after him any time he needs a holiday from the compound!

I have to love you and leave you now to crawl under the duvet as I'm up early tomorrow for work.

Sleep well LG and Elizabeth.

Hope to 'talk' to you tomorrow night x


LaGooner Report 28 Jan 2010 23:17

Night YG Sweet dreams of fireman LOL, xx

Ark is up and rady to rumble I am just waiting for the April showers to launch it LOL

Koala it is then Elizabeth, I have 2 Boa constricters one Cuddles,his missus Huggles and loads of baby boakins that seem to get everywhere. Useful draft excluders at the moment.


AuntySherlock Report 28 Jan 2010 23:26

That's right wait till I'm at work.

Hi Elizabethofseasons, When I have a spare moment I will tell you about koalas. Right now I have some sad information to impart to the Nut Lodgers.

It is my sad (giggle) duty to inform you that you may also purchase these ridiculous Arsenal and (yes all the other Pommy soccer teams) paraphenalia in Oz. Was in shopping centre the other day and there on display for all to see was this "stuff". They didn't even have it hidden away in a corner.

Yes I am embarrssed to say I had a look. And what went through my mind?? You've guessed it.

Hey LG would like that or wow that's a nice Arsenal thong, or hey look even that's in red and white.

Hi Maz I have filled that thread up with some more info. Simmer down, none of it appears to be relevant. Just take your red pen and cross those bits off the list.

And for DET. After sharing the same bed, cutlery and dare I say it other bits with OH for 47 years I really don't think my using the one spoon in the icecream container is going to freak him out. On the other hand if Spot was enjoying simultaneous licks of the spoon I might have second thoughts. Drool, drool, dribble, dribble, Oooooooh yuck, yuck.

Hey ElizOS... LG didn't tell you that you are required to bow to her and you have to learn all the words of Queen song Killer Queen. Hmm didn't think she did. Well I'd advise practising the single finger salute and then running away very fast.

I must away. Need to find my desk again. It's a Sara Lee desk, layer, upon layer.

Catch ya later!!


LaGooner Report 28 Jan 2010 23:36

LOL. Aunty perish the thought of me in Arsenal thong. Not me with my big B**. I was trying to break Elizabeth in gently and left a few details out so as not to scare her off LOL.


LaGooner Report 28 Jan 2010 23:43

Anyway folks must away to my bed. Hope to catch you all again tomorrow. nite nite.

Oh by the way Elizabeth best to get a tin hat we all wear them on here as things tend to fly about a bit LOL. They save a bumped head


Mazfromnorf Report 29 Jan 2010 06:24

morning all I am buzzing with ideas on this female of mine lol ,I am busy all around and this is such a distraction lol but i am going to get sweet pea to organise all my house work with a robot then i can sit on here all the time lol
hi elizabeth welcome A koala family how cute Bessies can borrow them for her next brood to cuddle ,the older ones might think they can throw them as foot balls


AuntySherlock Report 29 Jan 2010 07:17

OK Here is a potted explanation about Koalas. They are not bears, but marsupials. They are also vicious angry little bundles of fur which bite and scratch if you try to pick them up. The ones you see being picked up on the TV etc have probably been handled for years.

Koalas have soft, wool-like fur that is gray above and white below. Their fur is mostly white on the underside below the neck, and their ears have long white hairs on the tips. The koala resembles a bear, but is actually a marsupial, a special kind of mammal which carries its young in a pouch.

Koalas are rather small, round animals. They weigh about 30 pounds and on average grow to be 2 feet tall.

There are fewer than 100,000 koalas.

Koalas can live as long as 17 years, although high mortality rates (due to car fatalities and dogs) for males lower their life expectancy to 2 to 10 years.

The koala's historic range stretches across Australia. Today they can be found only in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

Koalas prefer to live in eucalyptus forests, coastal islands, and low woodlands.

Koalas consume eucalyptus leaves and bark from 12 different eucalyptus tree species. They also consume mistletoe and box leaves. Koalas consume eucalyptus leaves and bark from 12 different eucalyptus tree species. They also consume mistletoe and box leaves.

Nocturnal mammals, koalas sleep for up to 16 hours a day. They are arboreal, which means that they live in trees. They do not live in big groups but rather prefer to be alone.

Koalas breed once a year. Gestation lasts 35 days, after which one koala is born. The baby koala is very small when it is born, and lives in its mother's pouch for five to seven months. After this time, koalas gradually become independent and survive on their own.

Once numbering in the millions, koalas suffered major declines in population during the 1920s when they were hunted for their fur. Today, habitat destruction, traffic deaths, and attacks by dogs kill an estimated 4,000 koalas yearly.

Australian national laws protect koalas, but each individual state is responsible for the animal's conservation.


AuntySherlock Report 29 Jan 2010 07:21

So feeding ElizabethOSs CP will not be a problem. I will just load the catapult with the particular species of eucalypt you need and you can plant some on the banks of the creek below Nut Lodge.

Alternatively you could go to your zoo and ask for some seedlings. You will need to work out an excuse. I don't think that "ElizabethOS has a Cyber Pet koala at Nut Lodge and we need to feed him" is going to have any results.

The little men in white jackets will be there quick smart. And screaming why are you doing this, we have our own padded cell might lead to additional problems.

By the way, they also sleep 16 to 18 hours a day and then eat for the rest of the time. Golly gee that little fella is going to fit in with this lot quite admirably.

And than goodness you did not choose a panda. Panda is a four letter word over here, after they spent something like $38 million dollars on an enclosure for them.


LaGooner Report 29 Jan 2010 09:36

LOL Aunty, you got it all sorted as usual have you ever thought of becoming a zoo keeper ?????


LaGooner Report 29 Jan 2010 09:51

Oh DET you forgot Nessie and Bessie and their offspring Maz will be upset LOL.
Morning hope you are well.


LaGooner Report 29 Jan 2010 09:56

I can't think of any more LOL. Isn't that lot enough ???? PMSL
I am fine thanks, just trying to summon up some enthusiasm for my chores