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YG Report 18 Sep 2010 19:03

Eveing everyone.

Well, what a day!!

omg. I got so excited this morning, I could hardly contain myself lol!!
A fire engine, all lights flashing stopped straight across the road from me. They even got their hoses out and I thought I was in for a real treat!!
Silly woman had set off her fire alarm, so 10 minutes and it was all over!!
Probably couldn't speak enough of the local lingo to tell the call centre that she didn't need a fire engine!

Then went to do supermarket shopping. What smacked me in the face up the first aisle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


'C' stock!!!!!!! Biscuits chocolates, tree ornaments, chocolate figures of all shapes and sizes!!!!!!!!

I am leaving this planet permanently!!


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 20:38

LOL don't do that YG I would miss you terribly LOL.


YG Report 18 Sep 2010 21:42

Ooh, I've just sat glued to Phil Collins for an hour!! Bliss!! And with my new specs I can see properly too!


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 21:51

Oh great I actually forgot that was on. Been sitting here doing a bit of research and dealing with emails etc.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Sep 2010 22:15

Evening all - The local garden centre started selling pretty things that sparkle over 2 weeks ago! How ridiculous!!

At least you had the excitement of real live fireman on your doorstep. Just pleased that it was all a false alarm. Must be a very posh alarm system, unless it is a 'sheltered' home.

More PC troubles - had a lovely wall paper pattern when I came back to it, so have spent some minutes copying important stuff over to the external hard drive. More money for a new comp do you think?
And the market stall holder hadn't got the foam in, so another wasted day. At least the washing dried!!!


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 22:23

Evening DET your computer sounds like it's past it's sell by date to me LOL.
I hate to admit I have been making examples of sparkly glitttery bits. Runs off to hide from YG as she will go potty with me.LOL


YG Report 18 Sep 2010 22:59

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LG, shame on you lol!! I'm coming after you to seek you out!

It wasn't a posh house DET! It's used as a safe house by the local council.


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 23:02

Shan't I'm in hiding LOL


YG Report 18 Sep 2010 23:16

I've got a new ferret and he's coming to find you!! You won't be able to hide from him!!


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 23:18

Oh Lor, make sure kenny doesn't eat him LOL


YG Report 18 Sep 2010 23:20

Haven't seen Kenny for months!! Think he must still be busy copulating with Bessie!!


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 23:27

Oh dear are we going to be overun with offspring again ?? Hmmm mind you we coulkd sell them as heaters with winter creeping up LOL. Could do good deals with heaters ans boakins as draught excluders. There might be some money in this enterprise LOL


YG Report 18 Sep 2010 23:33

We'll have to share the proceeds with Maz. I think she has got them boarding oop norf at the moment lol! That's why she's always busy washing.

Bl***dy **ll, have you seen the time!! It's way past my bedtime! That's cos I managed to sleep in for a while this morning,

Well, I'm back under the covers shortly while it's still warm in here. Got an easy day tomorrow I think as rain is forecast, so will be indoors!

Sleep well LG xx


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 23:35

Well of course we will share with Maz and Pauline of course and anyone else who has a CP.
Supposed to rain here tomorrow so I might actually catch up with all those silly little jobs that get put off for another day LOl.
Nite nite Yg sleep well. I am waiting up for OH who is still out.


YG Report 18 Sep 2010 23:42

It must be love!!!

Running off to hide now!!

Nite nite xx


LaGooner Report 18 Sep 2010 23:44

LOL YG, Of course it's love we were married 27 years ago last Friday. If I have put up with him for that long it must be love (or something??) LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Sep 2010 09:06

Morning all. Do you think maz has (ahem) slept in? Or has she got tied up with the boakins?

Congratulations on 27 years of married bliss...well some of them must have been blissful, surely?? lol We reach 35 years later this year.

Do so hope you're wrong about a new computer - as we are living on savings, thats another large expense we could do without! Tried to persuade OH to apply for seasonal retail jobs yesterday, but he wasn't having it, lol

Think he has decided to clean up the garden furniture today, so we will be outside as well.


LaGooner Report 19 Sep 2010 09:29

Seasonal job ???? Not with a large white beard ? LOL.

I have not made up my mind what to do to day yet until I have finished my second cup of coffee at least LOL

Maz has been awol quite a lot lately. Hmmm best redust those fascinators methinks girls !!!


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Sep 2010 13:23

hi folks dont panic i have just had a lazy start been to church ,andrew is working on the north run today so its peaceful here ,but i am going to do some jobs in a moment after a cuppa .
i am planning c events runs and hides lol
my tree still dont work on here but it maybe the browser cos it was alright on another pc
lg may not be happy with black cats today my cousin was not chuffed lol
froggy was here yesterday but went home last night too


YG Report 19 Sep 2010 13:24

White beards!!! Arrrgghh you're at it again LG!! Back to the norty step for you!

Congratulations on completing a 27 year sentence lol and you deserve a medal DET!!

It is raining here and hasn't stopped since last night. I need to nip to the local shops sometime today, but I don't like getting wet!!

When is Aunty coming back to start tormenting us about the lovely weather down under. It must be starting to pick up now!!