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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 30 Aug 2010 08:41

Aww...bless...they must have all been on the razzle last night, and still asleep. Look at LG and YG curled up on the throne!

PC is back from Reading-on-mud, having crept in during the night. We'd be no good if there was a break in, sleeping like the dead, we was! Strange, as we thought she was coming back today. As we are off later for a parental inspection of BM's new pad (and to take the TV remote- lol) we won't have the gory details until this evening.


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Aug 2010 09:41

morning I trust froggy with you lot lol but he prefers the coast I will work on him lol .he is busy sorting out his house ready as he starts over in Durham next monday .I have offered to help clean etc ,
I am doing the swearing at the moment its quite a nice morning here the wind has dropped since yesterday thankfully .son is in bed but is in the process of sorting his room out lol probably more washing later .to do .at the moment he can't tell whats clean and whats dirty lol


YG Report 30 Aug 2010 12:33

Oooh that was a lovely sleep. But I wish LG didn't keep shoving me off the with her posterior! She wants all the space and I'm only a little one!!

I'm hoping to be able to make the trip to meet up, but cannot guarantee anything at the moment. We have a member of our team transferring at the end of September.and a very busy work period coming up. I don't anticipate her replacement starting until the beginning of November, but I will try to find out how the land lies this week for taking a couple of days off..


LaGooner Report 30 Aug 2010 16:59

Yawnnnnnnnnnn. I wondered why that cushion kept moving it must have been YG LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Aug 2010 19:02

hi there i wondered what my feet were resting on lol ,Right YG we will wait and see how you get on I would prefer not to do friday as we travel again on saturday
I am hobbling here lol I fell downstairs while i was hoovering and bruised the base of my back so am going to get a bath soon and take some painkillers
I am annoyed as i broke the handle release on the hoover so will try and see if it can be repaired tomorrow as it has to be leant up again something now being an upright its not thta old either lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 30 Aug 2010 20:01

Oh dear, you poor old crock! The vacuum cleaner that is. A poorly back is the last thing you need with the start of the new term so close.

Take it easy, and let A wait on you for a change.

Right, so YG needs to wangle off the Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Fingers crossed she is allowed at least one of them.


YG Report 30 Aug 2010 21:08

Ouch Maz. You will be very sore and bruised. Arnica is good as an anti inflammatory for bruising if you can get some from the chemist.

DET, I need two - one to get over the day before!!


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Aug 2010 08:11

morning all well i am getting moving I am treating my body with all my meds as if it was the worst day of arthritis to see if I can get loosened up also our pc was playing up yesterday .am hoping its the power supply and nothing else lol


LaGooner Report 31 Aug 2010 08:49

Morning all,
Oh heck Maz watch it they say all bad things come in 3s.
We had a power cut last night so I was kept off here yet again !!
To add insult to injury I have now got a stinking cold. Groannnnnnn


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Aug 2010 09:40

Goodness me, what sorry tales of woe. At least it is supposed to be mainly dry this week, so with a bit of luck, the arthritis won't be affected by the damp. Perhaps Froggy can have a look at the computer if it's still playing up?

Poor LG - nothing worse than a summer (ha, ha) cold. Mind it doesn't go to your chest this time, or don't delay going to the docs if it does.


LaGooner Report 31 Aug 2010 09:47

It has not cleared from my chest from last time DET. I went to the docotor a couple of weeks ago and he is hesitant to give me any more antibiotics yet as I have side effects with them. Poor old soul LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Aug 2010 10:11

Oh dear - you are in a sorry state, and you can't even blame it on your life style.

Here. Lie back on these soft cushions, and tuck this soft rug around you. Here's the tissues and the lemsip is on it's way. The phone will go to the answerphone, so you shouldn't be disturbed.

The out laws are coming round to take us out to lunch; Suppose I'd better make an effort and tidy up. So that's 2 days when the decorating has been on hold! At least I've got out of cooking - lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 31 Aug 2010 12:19

Is this the sick-bay? I've brought hot drinks, pain killers and more tissues.

DET's gone out for lunch, so I've made some chicken soup for the invalids.

(___) (___)

I'll call back late to collect the bowls.


LaGooner Report 31 Aug 2010 16:12

Thanks for the sympathy things It has made me feel so much better x


YG Report 31 Aug 2010 18:52

Get your backside off those cushions LG!! Anyone would think you ruled this thread lol!!


LaGooner Report 31 Aug 2010 19:28

Hmmm Hmm I do LOL. Bow before your majestic one LOL. Ooooooooo that's handy I could use a footstool PMSL


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Aug 2010 20:19

hi there pc is sorted someone who has a playstation was playing with the cables at some point and had not put them back in properly so it was only half connected lol
froggy came over this morning we been out to richmond for lunch .and a wander .it is very tender at the base of my back but my hips seem ok thankfully ,my hoover is fixable but i can manage at the moment


YG Report 31 Aug 2010 20:23

Pleased you are feeling a bit better Maz.

I can't bow Your Maj cos I've got a bone in my back and you wouldn't be able to get off that footstool!! Achooooooo, achooooo, achoooo!! Would you like a tissue?


LaGooner Report 31 Aug 2010 20:24

Maz that souds like a good excuse not to do any of the H*******k LOL.

Richmond how lovely, my son was only talikng about that at the weekend drooling over his favourite fish and chip cafe on the market square LOL. They apparently do lovely battered burgers.


LaGooner Report 31 Aug 2010 20:26

oh make that a boxfull YG.LOL. Careful I have just sneezed in your general direction DUCK!!!!!!