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AuntySherlock Report 20 Mar 2010 02:21

You lot will all be in bed by now. I'm off for an afternoon of fun with the girls and then I have a "political" job to do tonight.

The Australian site is playing up. So you will be putting up with me on this one for a while. I wonder if I should stick a couple of plums in my mouth so I sound Pommy. Might blend into the background.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 07:34

morning all pommy and plums lol Aunty we would surely miss you if you were not around .It is raining here washer is on so it might dry later on .have had a long week and need to catch up now
Had he bright idea to check my boiler insurance and my radiator is covered by it so no cost .
Frog is over this afternoon finish the curtain poles and then out for a cupa me thinks before that is chores chores chores lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Mar 2010 08:04

We've got rain as well Maz, been raining all night.

Don't know about the rest of the country but you wouldn't blend in here if you put plums in your mouth Aunty, you'd stand out a mile.

I never log in or out of this site but last night and this morning I've had to type my name in to get on, and this is what I have at the top of the page now...%3A%2A%3APauline%3A%2A%3A.

I think my usual name will be on the post though.

Edit: Yep, my usual name is on the post.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 09:06

to go with the plums you need wellies and pearls in this area and the green barbour jacket .for the estate owners
You would be OK in the south of england as they speak the queens english ..
i have logged in today too


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Mar 2010 09:14

I was just thinking about accents, Maz. Your's is deffinatley erring towards the plumbs - must be a south coast influence. LG and I have muted London/Estuary English (we don't drop our 'T's), and YG a soft Yorkshire one.

Hope no one sets their dogs on Aunty if she is off canvassing - she ought to take Spot as a deterent (or a threat to make sure they vote of Mr/Ms X!)

Grey and drizzly here as well, but supposed to clear up by lunch time.

What's up with the radiator? Must have missed that one.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 09:23

hi DET my kids tell me i am posh lol not !!!!
my radiator has a leak was going to get the local lad to do it but as it is insured saved some cash .


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2010 09:59

I'm posh !!! coming from Norf Lundden. (NOT!!!!!) Don't want to be either LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 10:02

lol lol hello LG your maj how are you ?


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2010 10:07

besides having a cold,coughing,losing my voice and a sore throat . Fine thanks LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 10:14

you have been plagued for ages with colds ,It has been a long winter here and I am glad its warming up now at long last
,How are all the family ?


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2010 10:19

They are all fine thanks, how are the wedding plans going


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 10:41

They are going OK i think i dont hear much from Naomi really .I am trying to get some stuff done for the event at home frog is very helpful though .glad its only two weeks to easter so i can get some decorating done and cleaning .


AuntySherlock Report 20 Mar 2010 11:08

Hello you lot. Room for me on that side of the ocean. Australian site is still not working properly. At least I am back to being wonderful AuntySherlock when I log in.

Did not like being called Fore Name one bit.

I too think my cultured Aussie accent would give me away, but the plums would help, and they are rather tasty at this time of the year. Plums and a few practises of "the rain in spain goes mainly down the drain" would be of benefit.

The multitude voted in our State election today. I've spent a couple of hours assisting with counting the ballot papers for one voting booth. Yes I'm going to be dreaming about pages and pages of paper floating around in my brain.

By the way my adoption is looking better and better. I have wellies and pearls and a tendency to catch cold quite often.

Going to have a look around the boards and see who needs terrorising.


Mazfromnorf Report 20 Mar 2010 11:21

hello Aunty you will need the ark and wellies here today lol


YG Report 20 Mar 2010 17:45

Aaaaah, but are they cultured or fresh water pearls Aunty!!

Wellies would definitely been needed here too this afternoon. Got absolutley drenched walking from the supermarket entrance to the car!!

omg, my next neighbour is chatting me up slow but sure!! Now, now, don't get excited you lot, cos he lives with someone. Don't know whether they are married or not, but it's a second relationship for them both. He keeps hinting that he is fed up of her mollycoddling her son and wants out of the relationship.

I asked him this afternoon if he could cut the wire on the damaged fencing so that I could move it away to prevent the plants & bulbs from being damaged. When he'd done it, he asked if he could have a kiss in payment lol!!!! I nearly died of shock!! I'm not used to being propositioned!!! And NO, he's not a fireman, otherwise I might be saying yes!!!


AuntySherlock Report 20 Mar 2010 19:53

Good morning all. Slight rain here this morning. You may have it back. I don't think I'll need to ark so you had better keep it.

YG it looks like you are about to become the third person in that eternal triangle. Or it may just be a bit of harmless flirtation between people who have known each other for a while.

Sounds like it's your call to work out how you wish to respond. Responses ranging from "If I can give you a kiss for cutting the wire, I'll have to think up more things for you to do..... to thanks but I don't think your partner would appreciate that type of payment so I'll just say thank you.

He might be looking for a little friendly conversation or another female to air his problems with as well.

And as for my pearls. I think they are very proper ones. OH gave them to me for some important milestone in our lives. Don't ask me what because I can't remember.


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2010 20:31

We are the champions my friends we'll keep on fighting till the end. La la lala.

Ooooooooooooo YG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


AuntySherlock Report 20 Mar 2010 20:36

Arsenal 2, West Ham 0. Sounds like you are very pleased LG. Do you think your team will be able to win when you start playing the teams at the top of the table!!!????

Ouch! OOf!! Zap!!! Ouch!! Open the door to the padded cell, hide me!!!


LaGooner Report 20 Mar 2010 21:00

We've played them already Aunty

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 20 Mar 2010 22:55

Right, I've locked Aunty in the padded cell for the night, she's in hiding, will someone let her out in the morning please?

Ohh, YG, what are you going to do about him next door? He doesn't sound like a very good bet to me, I think you could do a lot better.