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AuntySherlock Report 13 Mar 2010 22:19

Let me see!! I detect a hint of hesitancy on welcoming the little critters back to the UK. Hmmmmmmm!!

If you could see the size of these wine barrels....... Well I suppose wine barrels are the same size the world over. I would have trouble planting potatoes after just one glass of wine.

After two glasses of wine I feel stupid, and after three glasses of wine I have such an instant hangover blinding headache I usually stick to my quota. Two glasses of wine, a year. And actually when I think about it I don't recall have any wine at all last year, or beer or spirits. Except if I recollect correctly, two glasses of Midori and lemonade.

The alcoholic trade would go broke waiting for my patronage.

Can't you see all the boakins dressed as cabin staff on the BA flights. Talk about Snakes on a Plane.


LaGooner Report 13 Mar 2010 22:21

Oh snakes alive !!!! Aunty LOL


YG Report 13 Mar 2010 22:24

I think it's time to make one now and have a piece of cake!! Saturday night treat and blow the diet!!

Supposed to be decent weather tomorrow morning before the rain comes in the afternoon, so it's decision time! Do I clean the inside of the car of dig a border over lol!! I think the car might win!! It is in desperate need!!

Muffy woke me at six this morning. She's getting a right little so and so!! She comes and sits on the pillow and paws my head when she's decided it's time to get up!


LaGooner Report 13 Mar 2010 22:28

I am being taken out somewhere tomorrow for Mother's day and I have not got the feintest Where I am going.


YG Report 13 Mar 2010 23:08

Hope you have a lovely day LG. I got my pressies last night and won't be seeing family tomorrow, so am going to chill out in the afternoon watching some favourite programmes on tv while I cook myself a roast dinner!

Right, I'm off for that cup of tea and cake! Sleep well, nite nite xx


AuntySherlock Report 14 Mar 2010 06:01

Late afternoon here. Very quiet on the boards. Nothing much doing. Think I might have to restart my family history research. Been neglecting it for a while. Hmm suppose I could go pick on a newbie!!

Just been in next door to let them know the children are throwing burning pieces of paper over the fence. We think they must be looking after grand children because we don't normally hear them. Very little chance of them doing us any damage fire wise, however really concerned about the children's welfare.

I think there will be two little tackers in a bit a strife!!

Hey just started raining. That will make the car races interesting.


AuntySherlock Report 14 Mar 2010 07:33

Oh and Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers, and who are still trying to be mothers.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Mar 2010 08:20

morning Thank you Aunty have just recieved a bunch of flowers .I had a lovely day yesterday . We went to Preston Hall museum at eaglescliff and had a good nosey around had a drink in the conservatory there then went .for a slow ride around came home then went out for a carvery meal .and a sharing ice cream.
Today i am shattered got a fair bit to do as well but just getting a cuppa to kickstart the body lol


LaGooner Report 14 Mar 2010 08:37

Morning all Mums , just like Maz I am trying to kickstart LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Mar 2010 09:15

Happy Mothering Sunday.

Glad you had a good day Maz. Not nice what AS's visiting neighbour's ankle biters are up to. You'd have thought they'd be more fire aware in a country like yours...unless they were having an impromptu bonfire and the paper just got wisked up in the air?

BM appears AWOL - went out yesterday and not yet home. Perhaps I missed something?? They are ususally pretty good about saying what they 'might' do.

Ok, ok, still in my dressing gown, but at least the first load of washing is on the line. lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 14 Mar 2010 09:55

Morning all, Happy Mother's Day to you all, hope you all have a lovely day.

DET, I hope he turns up in time to pamper you on your special day.

I didn't get flowers this year, got a big bottle of Baileys instead - think he was playing safe! Flowers are a lot less fattening but they don't taste as good.


Mazfromnorf Report 14 Mar 2010 10:09

morning all again
mothers day thoughts lol why does the wash always get filled when you finish the days loads ?
why doe st the sink always have mugs in cos no-one reuses them lol ?
YG my cats always wake me up 6 is a luxury Gizmo starts as soon as someone goes to the loo
Aunty not a safe play game is it but the rain should dampen things .so the CPs will be filthy dont send them this way lo i have enough mud my garden is still boggy .I am doing well the washing is in meat is cooking veg is on the work top and i...g is done


YG Report 14 Mar 2010 16:18

Happy Mother's Day to everyone and to all those whose mum's aren't with them.

Had a long lie-in this morning! Not often I do that!! Vacuumed the car and done a bit of weeding, then my ironing.

Now have a chicken roasting for dinner.

Got my flowers on Friday night and a handbag and some slippers & chocs!

Opened my cards this morning and both are made up of lovely photos of my gchildren and son. Lovely keepsakes.

Pauline, I love Baileys!! I'm on my way lol!!

Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Mar 2010 16:39

That's so thoughtful YG.

And enjoy your Bailey's Pauline.....don't let YG drink too much - She's got work in the morning lol

edit - BM DID turn up. 'Didn't I tell you I was crashing at X?'
(sigh from long suffering parents)


YG Report 14 Mar 2010 19:40

Oh that's so what parents are for DET!!! Enjoy them before they flee the nest!! It leaves a gaping hole when they've gone!


RockyMountainShy Report 14 Mar 2010 20:37

I guess my Mom is safe from the gaping hole then, I haven't left yet and I guess I never will, unless I get a job and good pay. I'm turning 4? next week, so I think I am safe


LaGooner Report 14 Mar 2010 20:52

Evening all.


YG Report 14 Mar 2010 22:03

Helloooo!!! Have you had a nice day LG?


LaGooner Report 14 Mar 2010 22:48

Hello YG, yes thanks got taken out to a local visitors garden where all the snowdrops,crocus,hellibores and celadines were out. Absolutely beautiful. Then back to have lunch prepared for me. New pair of Arsenal slippers from little ones and a huge bouquet of flowers from Son and girlfriend.


YG Report 14 Mar 2010 22:51

You are a lucky girl!! Pleased you had a good time.

I got some slippers too!! Hello Kitty!!

Can't stop now as just going to bed as I have to be up at six. Just thought I would have a quick look before logging off.

Will catch you tomorrow, I hope x