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LaGooner Report 27 Feb 2010 16:07

Wow I've been and gone and done it. Found out info I did not know. Grandad had a sister I did not know about. Quite happy if it's raining I am otherwise entertained LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Feb 2010 17:01

lol the cleaning can wait lol just tell em you had company lol .i am plough ing through a mountain of washing .it is lovely and light here tonight so the lights are not needed yet makes the days seem longer somehow
LG and DET you will be ordering take aways for a few days then lol


YG Report 27 Feb 2010 19:11

Hope the threatened sunami doesn't happen, following on from the Chilean earthquake.

Australia is in the path and so is Hawaii where my next door neighbour's son lives.


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Feb 2010 19:34

lets hope not yg its quite scary


AuntySherlock Report 27 Feb 2010 20:10

Good morning. I'm no expert but I understand from reading the reports these tsunami waves will only be about a metre or so high on this side of the world. Nuisance value, however people are being warned to stay out of the ocean. New Zealand and the Pacific Islands may sustain a bigger threat so fingers crossed there.

Your weather looks really terrible. The CPs are quite please dto be over here in the relative warmth of 28C. I've had to explain they may not travel to the eastern states and go surfing this morning. I've confiscated the boards, flippers and goggles and alerted the airlines to the possibility of unaccompanied "children" trying to fly east.

I spent enough time yesterday cleaning them up after the frolic in the local pond. Nellie and Neckie evidently stood in the middle and the boakins used them for diving platforms. Each of the boakins also came home with a golf ball wedged firmly in their mouth. Rumour is there were quite a few golfers with very poor score cards.

They were all asking about how a certain team went in a soccer match. Talk about leaving it till the last minute. Lots of anxious boakins gathered around the TV. Seem to be arguing about which of them will replace the injured player.


LaGooner Report 27 Feb 2010 20:44

Evening all, Good match but sad about the poor young lad. I feel sorry for Stoke player who caused it too.

I didn't get long on census as the tribe turned up and I had to do tea. Back to it now though LOL. I shall be popping in and out so best you all behave yourselves !!! LOL


AuntySherlock Report 27 Feb 2010 21:28

Quick question. If the birth place is listed as London, and the choices are Shoreditch or Stone, you would pick Shoreditch would you not??


LaGooner Report 27 Feb 2010 21:40

Shoreditch is definately London, had family there.


AuntySherlock Report 27 Feb 2010 22:37

Thanks LG. I am having an awful time finding a grandfather. I think I am about to purchase two or three certificates and hope one of them contains the correct names.


RockyMountainShy Report 27 Feb 2010 22:41

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH How I wish I had that kind of money !!

I guess that's what jobs are for.


LaGooner Report 27 Feb 2010 23:01

I don't work RMS so I can't afford a lot either LOL


AuntySherlock Report 27 Feb 2010 23:40

Well I don't have many vices and quite frankly I am twitching at having to buy certificates. I think it is the only way in this case. However so I can narrow the window let's play what if.

What if I have a person on whose marriage certificate it says "orphaned early". Father's name is on certificate not mothers. What is it is a common name and there are quite a few possibilities. What if I searched census and found a child aged 4 with correct date of birth with the following information from census.

Visitor, scholar, the head of household is Matron, Domestic. everyone has a different name, all the littleones are designated "scholar". Am I looking at some type of residential home or school. Place is St Stephens Rottingdean.


AuntySherlock Report 27 Feb 2010 23:46

Oops nearly forgot. For RMS. When you have a spare moment I have left another set of hypothesis on your Hartnell thread. I think it is starting to make sense but only you will be able to say yay or nay.

And yes I think you may have to cash in your empty drink bottles and purchase a certificate. (Do you have deposits on cans and bottles??)


AuntySherlock Report 27 Feb 2010 23:47

And don't you lot dare go to bed yet. I might have more questions.


LaGooner Report 28 Feb 2010 00:05

Goodnight all. Eyes are seeing double 1911 LOL. By the way where can I find a possible Irish marriage about 1904, anyone got any ideas ?? Look back in tomorrow to see if there are any clues . Nighty night all. xx


AuntySherlock Report 28 Feb 2010 00:11

lg use the Irish search wizard for a start. Or look at Teresa's Irish Thread.

Wizard is

I am assuming Rottingdean is close ish to London. Will try some more googling.

DET yes marriage was in Victoria Australia 1919 and they do have both parent's names on MC.


AuntySherlock Report 28 Feb 2010 00:29

That is fine by me. I'll just sit here and talk to myself. Just had a thought, if the father's occupation is listed on the MC as "clerk" and I find a marriage in England correct date but the groom signs his name with an "X", I take it I can rule that one out!!

Good. Hey them what calls me an idiot is no fool.


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Feb 2010 08:02

morning all
Brighton was the coast from london to go if you were posh it is on the way to london using the Victoria line occasionally .There is a race of old vintage cars using the London to Brighton road .
I am shattered today going to do the basics and chill out me thinks is the 1911 census worth the dosh i got some birthday money not enough for a full membership but enough for the census


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Feb 2010 08:09

technical enigma help !!! I have had photos on adobe starter album which has been fine until yesterday i went to get some off to print apparently the software is no longer available and it keeps shutting down we should have registered but didnt can i retreive them back somehow i can see them its just the window keeps coming up to register .will have to get frog to help i think
some are already on my computer so thas the main thing i need now a new place for images


AuntySherlock Report 28 Feb 2010 08:36

Heavens to Murgatroid. What is going on this this site.

I have no threads, the help function would not go away and I've had to log into the system again.


Anyway. Just watched a 20/20 cricket match between Australia and New Zealand. Heartiest congratulations to the Kiwis. They won. Scores were tied at the end of the match and they beat us in one super over.

I have no fingernails left. It was very exciting.