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For Aussies......and friends

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Alison Report 6 Oct 2009 07:42

I have to go, ladies. Not sure if I'll be back on tonight. I really must put away the blanket and doona I washed and that means dragging out the step-ladder (you know how it is!)

Stay Beautiful !

Sorry Berona, I don't mean to race off just when you get on.



SueMaid Report 6 Oct 2009 09:08

Hi, everyone%3A-%29)

I'm not a shorty. I'm 5'5" but my OH is 6'1" one of my boys 6'2" and the other one is 6'5". Even my daughter is a little taller than me.

After a nice sunny morning it turned dull at lunchtime and then we had a whacking thunder storm. The weather is so unsettled at the moment and it's hard to know what to wear.

Linda we're all thinking of you today - I think you know that and I hope that it gives you some strength to know we are with you.

Sue xx


Berona Report 6 Oct 2009 10:27

I too, have been thinking of Linda to-day. The funeral will no doubt be over soon and I hope she relaxes with friends and family.

My daughter towers over me at 5ft 9, sons are 5'10", 6'1" and 6'3", so I look up to all of them now. I'm starting to look up to my 14y.o. grandson already and his 10 y.o. sister is the same height as I am! They're all leaving me behind!

It actually rained here yesterday - real rain! Twice. Each time, it lasted for about two minutes - as usual. To-day, we've had one occasion where it began to sprinkle heavy drops, then changed its mind. Otherwise, to-day has been nice and sunny - mostly!


SueMaid Report 6 Oct 2009 11:37

Berona, OH was in Homebush today and he said he hardly saw more than a few sprinkles of rain all day until he was on his way down the mountain. Did you get the thunderstorm?

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 20:57

Good Morning/Evening Everyone Down There/Up Here,

Who is old enough to remember "Muffin The Mule"?

Today was horrible, torrential rain all day, still falling. Very dark, had the lights on all day, mountain shrouded in mist.
So spent the day doing something useful. Had all the windows double glazed last year. When the gales came last winter it sounded like a Scottish Pipe Band marching through the bedrooms, or someone playing a mouth organ badly. They had "forgotten" to blank off the cavity walls, so when the wind howled around the cavity it found its way out through the flimsy plastic trim they used to finish of the inside cavity. Terrible noise.
I took off the tatty plastic, and replaced it with wood, sealed it all round properly. Hard work, but hopefully worth it.
Beware of cowboy tradesmen - expensive cowboy tradesmen.

Thoughts of Linda today.



Diane Report 6 Oct 2009 21:00

goodevening/morning all

Berona and Sue
poetic justice lol, neighbour above me was really unwell last night Ha Ha
him and his mate's on Sunday night were takeing dr....s hence why they were so noisy, he spent last night throwing his gut's up and has a dreadful cold, coughing all night. Has been very quite today except for coughing, serves him right for keeping me awake.

Diane x


Diane Report 6 Oct 2009 21:06

Hi Tec, you came on as I was posting
the weather was the same here. got soaked twice, on the way to work and on the way home, at least it wasn't as cold as yesterday.

Linda, hope it all went well today hun, thinking of you and the family.

Diane x


Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 21:10

Evening Diane,
You put a spell on the neighbour didn't you?
Sitting there stirring that cauldron and throwing nasty things in.
How could you do that Diane? lol



SueMaid Report 6 Oct 2009 21:15

Good morning/evening Tec and Diane%3A-%29)

We had a big thunderstorm here last night - thunder, lightening and lots of rain. This morning - blue skies and that lovely fresh smell that comes after a storm.

Diane - what have you done? I had a vision of you sitting in your place with a wicked smile on your face%3A-%29

Sue xx


Diane Report 6 Oct 2009 21:17

How did you guess lol
Do you blame me, have been putting up with his racket on and off for 3mths now, he shouldn't even be there, it's his mother's flat, she has moved out and let him move in, have been onto the houseing association and put in a complaint, they are looking in to it for me.

Diane x


Diane Report 6 Oct 2009 21:20

wished it on him hun, Son and I were haveing a good giggle about it.
It doesn't pay to get on the wrong side of me He He

Diane x


Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 21:22

Good Morning Sue,
Hope you're full of the joys of Spring today.
The rain will make everything come shooting up in the garden. We get wonderful thunder storms here, they kind of rumble round the mountains. I quite enjoy a good storm, except at night when I'm trying to sleep that is.



SueMaid Report 6 Oct 2009 21:30

It was a beauty, Tec. If we have a storm during the day we can often sit on the verandah and watch it come down from the mountains. OH's veggie garden is smiling - everything's gone mad in the garden. The grass is growing too which is good because OH sprayed some weeder stuff on the front and back lawns a few weeks back to get rid of clover, bindii and a few other annoying persistent weeds. Now the grass is taking over the bald patches we've had.

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 21:38

I just love the Spring when everything is coming up fresh again. My garden is looking very tired now, with everything dying down. I must get out there to clear the dead and dying foliage. Also I want to get rid of a lot of stuff, the border is too full, so it's time for a re-vamp.
I want to put a water feature in, so I'm looking for a solar water pump rather than have electrics down the garden.



Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 21:40

Hope I never get on the wrong side of you - don't fancy waking up one day changed into a frog.....or worse



Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 21:54

Miss Berona is late today,
She is either tripping the light fantastic around the living room,
or maybe,.........she's gone to WA looking for Allan.......or maybe.......
she has found her dancing shoes, the bright red ones, and she is on her way over here looking for lovely that would be.



Diane Report 6 Oct 2009 21:54

Tec Would I do that to you HeHe, great idea though, then you would have to get your OH to kiss you, then again she might choose not too lol



SueMaid Report 6 Oct 2009 22:01

Berona is late Tec. Hopefully she's not having problems with the computer because I can see Berona tossing it out of the window. Maybe you'll be lucky and Berona is on her way over with her red dancing shoes - that would be nice.

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 6 Oct 2009 22:03

Take more than a kiss to change me back into a prince, anyway she only throws kisses at me these days, usually on a dinner plate.


SueMaid Report 6 Oct 2009 22:08

I'm sure that's not true, Tec%3A-%29)

I hope Linda's day went smoothly. It would've been a difficult day but it's over now and I hope Linda is able to rest tonight.

Sue xx