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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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TonyOz Report 15 Jun 2011 07:40


Thanks for the birthday wishes Mary x

Very sad about our Kiwi neighboughs and the problems they are faceing with these earthquakes. I had heard on the tele that they are saying that parts of Christchuch may be closed down and isolated, and never to be built on again because its to unstable. NZ are used to minor quakes on the whole, but they seem to be more frequent and larger quakes at the moment.
Thoughts and prayers go out to them.

A sad time for us at the moment with family. Barbs mum ( now 84 ) had a bad fall 2 weeks ago at the nursing home where she lives now.( Alziemers patient ) She broke her hip slipping in the bathroom, so they took her to hospital where they attempted to replace her hip with a metal ball joint.......unfortunatley after the operation the wound got infected, so they removed the metal pin/joint, but the now infected wound would not heal under antibiotics, and Barb has been now told that her mum recovery was very small and if she did recover would never walk again. This was last week, and now more sad news today that her mum would not recover at all, and would possibly pass away within the week. She is now palative care in Hospital and drugged up on morphine to make her as comfortable as possible.
The Doctors informed Barb there was nothing else they could do, and unfortunatley had to just let nature take its course.

So all this just 3 weeks ago from a bad fall. A sad time for Barb and her siblings over the next week. Barb has decided to sit with her mum in hospital until she passes away.

Hope all is well with everyone, and take care.



Aussiegirl Report 16 Jun 2011 01:25

AH Tone How sad for you all.. and so sudden.. I hope someone will help Barb when she is with her mother,, When my mother was dying and in a coma for a week we siblings took it in turns and did 4 hour shifts 24/7 so that there was someone with her all the time.. A very sad time..BIG HUGS FOR BARB,,,and all the family..

Love Mary xx <3


TonyOz Report 16 Jun 2011 02:01

Thanks Mary.

Just to let those know who knew and had met Barb........Barbs mum passed away at 3am this morning 16th June...... Australia time.

God bless.



YvetteDD Report 16 Jun 2011 08:02

Hugs and sympathy to Barb, you and families. x


Aussiegirl Report 16 Jun 2011 13:30

AH Tone So sad but I am glad she dinny linger..Big hugs for you all and especially for Barb.. <3
Our thoughts and prayers are with you

Love Mary xxx


***Shaz*** Report 20 Jun 2011 12:04

Tony, Hugs for Barb and the family....

I do not like this sitge any more, have haad nothing but problems since they updated the stupid thing, and their answers are certainly nothing to be excited about, GR, you need to help people more


TonyOz Report 21 Jun 2011 02:44

Barb says thanks for the thoughts and prayers..

Funeral was yesterday 20th( cremation ) at Lilydale Memorial

Has been a difficult week for Barb and her sisters, as her baby sis had turned 50 on the 19thJune, and had arranged a birthday bash down in the Gippsland area of this is where both her sisters live ( farmers )
The birthday arragements had been organised months ago,( not knowing her mum would pass away on the 16th June ) as over 90 peeps from all over Victoria had been invited, and Motel accomodation booked for peeps to stay O/night as the location was well into scrub land, and difficult access in and out.
Couldn't call off the party to leave for a later date, and the funeral being the next day after ( 20th) in Melbourne. So mixed emotions all round, trying to celebrate a 50th and knowing the next day was funeral of their mum.....

Mary. Received your email regarding your PAGE relos, but haven't had the time as yet to search. Also, i have a back log of emails from peeps O/seas asking for help when i get some me time, i will do a seach for you. xx

Very windy around Melbourne suburbs last night with winds recorded up to 130 kms in some area's...wreaking havoc. Some peeps losing their whole roofs.

Off to make some lunch, and some hot soup in this cold Melb weather seems the go ... :-)

Av a good un

Tony :-)


Aussiegirl Report 22 Jun 2011 05:38

Afternoon all.. We have a lovely day..

Tony Please put the Page query on the backburner,,I sent it before I saw you post about Barbs Mum so as I said..its not urgent and please dont worry about it..
I hope Barb is ok and so glad she has sisters to share with..Lots of love to her..xxxxxx
I have been doing some FH to keep me busy..It keeps me sane.. :-D

HAvent done much lately except visitng doctors with J and having tests done..Looks like one more doc to go before we give it all away..

Hope all are well..Especially Merle.. xxx
Marie Did you get that snow this week..they said Bathurst..

Stay warm all

Mary xxx


Zack Report 10 Aug 2011 13:19

Hello All, It has been awhile since I have been able to take the time to post .
Tony I am so sorry to hear about Barb's Mum, a sad time for you all.

Yes Mary we did get snow that week it was so cold. this last week we actually go 4 day's of full sunshine it was wonderful,however it did not last the past 3 or 4 days have been wet and as usual very windy.

The family tree I am doing is almost done I am now down to my family, that will take some time as it is fairly large but hopefully I wont make too many mistakes and have to redo it, I find I lose concentration and then make silly mistakes.I must be off it's bed time again.
Love to you all <3 Marie :-D