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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Sydneybloke Report 10 Feb 2010 09:50

Hello Fred (and Liz). Yes it can be hot. At least where I am gets a sea breeze (sometimes).
Air conditioning? We have it at work in the office. I have it in the car, but not in the house. Just a fan. February in Sydney is humid. Not particularly nice.
Still, I would rather be here than some other places in Australia.
I have never been a great fan of snow. I have experienced it a few times, but never very heavy. To see TV news of what hit parts of England and the US is scary, I shudder to think what it would be like further north, like Scotland.
I agree with you about cold, within reason. Trouble is, our homes are not really built to keep out the cold. But we can put more clothes on and extra blankets.
Early start tomorrow as I have to be on site 40 km away at 7.30. Or so.
See you another day.


Aussiegirl Report 11 Feb 2010 06:18

Hi everyone...Lovely to see the lovely Lara isTiger...oh he might not like that name now...hee.hee.hee.

Thank goodness for the rain..It has cooled things down and given the garden the drink it has been craving..hee hee...Even washed the car..Never mind its not long to winter...

June.. You are really getting ready for that trip..Sounds like you are going to have a good one. do you need anyone to carry your bags..

Marie..Sorry you will not be at the meet,,perhaps the next one..dont know where it will be but will let you know..hope you have had some good rain..Orange really needs it so presume Bathurst is in the same boat..

~~~~~~to Percy and Sydney Bloke..hope you are both keeping cool..

Better go and do some work so have a good weekend..

Love Mary


TonyOz Report 11 Feb 2010 09:52


Much needed rain has hit Melbourne and some parts of Country Victoria. Humidity has been high over the last week, and was nice to eventually get some wet stuff down south. Although, it did come with a vengence this afternoon, and caused flash flooding in the melbourne CBD to the extent it flooded out some rail services.

Dont think it bothered to many Melbournians, and the majority would have been pleased their much beloved gardens were getting watered. Temps dropped from 35c to 25 c in about 10 Humidity is still hanging around though.

Tuesday night saw us at the Jersey Boys concert at the Princess theatre. The life and era of Frankie Vali and the Four Seasons. It was well done, and told their story from teenagers to married men with kids. The music took me back to the days of the Crystal radio set i used to connect to my wire bed



Sydneybloke Report 12 Feb 2010 00:52

It hasn't rained in Sydney for a day or two, but more is coming.
It is all the fault of the new desalination plant (see note below). The day after they switched it on it started to rain.



[Note: it takes sea water from the ocean at Kurnell, purifies it to drinking water standard and pumps it into the reservoir supplying the southern and eastern suburbs.]


Sydneybloke Report 12 Feb 2010 00:56

PS Tony, glad you enjoyed Jersey Boys. I'll see what She thinks about it. I dragged her along to Wicked. She was a bit reluctant at first but enjoyed it I think.
Cats is coming to Star City in a couple of months so we will see that. I missed it first time around.


YvetteDD Report 13 Feb 2010 22:59

still raining here. its lovely taking the dogs out for a walk in it, but they aren't impressed when they get home coz they have to stay outside. nothing worse than a pair of wet sandy and smelly happy dogs jumping about.



TonyOz Report 14 Feb 2010 01:56


Much cooler over the last few days, and a bit of rain still about. Dont know how long it will last before heating up again, but at least at the moment we have green grass in the

Colin. It was well worth seeing ( Jersey Boys ) and they did a great job of acting out the parts they portrayed.
The sound ( singing & music ) alone felt very realistic.
There is a bit of swearing during the show, in their effort to make it as rough and ready as per the 60s era.

We are off to the Tennis center this evening again, to see Cliff R. and the Shadows, and on another thread on GR i was informed that Hank Marvin now lives in Western Australia....which i didnt know.

Eldest daughter rang last night to inform me they have now booked their annual leave holiday to Phuket ( Thailand ), and that i should get my A into G and book, before the special deals run out, so Barb is on the puter and phone and doing the i will leave it in her capable hands.....:>))
I just go where i'm told, and any holiday for a bit of R&R anywhere in the world is fine by me, as long as i dont have to wash the

Best wishes to all.



badger Report 15 Feb 2010 10:01

Morning Tony,Mary Colin and all you other bods over in the warm lands he he.
Not too bad here either ,and i managed to get outback yesterday morning early on and pull some leeks,carrot,parsnips,cabbage,and potato's out before it started raining yet again.
All the veggie was to go with the special dinner for the missus ,a nice ,fresh chook,with a halved orange,stuffed where the sun don't shine he he,with lots of roast veggies and mash.
I didn't but the missus a card letting her think i had forgotten what day it was ,lol ,her face was a picture when she logged into her emails and found a card there
I even washed all the preperation dishes and cutlery as i went along to save time later ,finishing off after the meal by doing the plates ,tins and whatever [take note Tony] ,he he.
The missus was so chuffed that i got the rest of the day off so i had a good laze all afternoon and evening,luxury.
The other chicken breast is in the freezer for another day ,and the bird carcase is in a large pan ,now,with some herbs ,leeks making a nice soup for the tea ,Freddie boy wastes now't when cooking,usually the scrubbed tattie peelings go into a potato and leek soup lol.ya know peeps ,us pensioners learn to exist on a shoestring ,waste not ,want not as they say.
I spent the afternoon and evening doing a factory restore on the acer ,it was sooooo long since i had it out ,that i reckoned it would be quicker doing that than have days of updates coming through .lol,but this time ,i have backed everything up on two dvd discs ,a lot faster doing a restore that way.
It will teach me not to be so lazy too ,if i change to the acer once a month it will be easier to keep the updates more managable .
The wife and i will be going to the Metro,centre this morning where i hope to find a laptop stand qat a better price than the ones i found on Ebay ,nearly twenty £ for a piece of plastic ,cor ,the Mc Duck came though the scot's lineage and i nearly had a siezure,,i could make one out of wood cheaper if it wasn't so heavy.
Hope everyone had a good weekend,and is looking forward to the fall which is just round the corner.
Catch you later peeps ,off to finish the soup before i go out ,Fred.

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 18 Feb 2010 06:00

Howdy All,

I see some new faces here, been a bit busy in my part of the world lately. OH has had a hip replacement, and is well on the mend now. I laughed at Hissy Badger, cats certainly can make their feelings known can't they he he.
My poor vegie patch is looking very sad at the moment, only things left are the passion fruit vine up the chook fence, asparagus, parsnip ( yep had another go and they are great) and a few beetroots. I pulled the last of the red onions today.
We have a new addition to the clan, our son and dil had a baby girl on Tuesday, such a sweety.
I have a Wiltshire connection as well, my Marchments came from Upavon Wiltshire.
Cheers Wilson


TonyOz Report 18 Feb 2010 06:47

Evening....and good morning to the U.K

Fred. If i cook, she washes. If she cooks ( i think last time it was 2002 ) i
So i dont really wash up much according to stats.......:>))
Although...... i must admit i do prefer to cook the meals, as i also get to nominate what we eat, and always whatever it is ( my creation ) is something i like......hee hee

Hi Wilson...:>))
Must be getting close to your trip O/seas too.

My summer veg patch is also on its last legs, and only a few tomato plants and spring onion plants left.
My daughters nick my Vegies when i'm not around, and they think i dont but, on the other hand, thats why i grow so much, because i know there is light finger theiving going on down under in the house of Hull....:>))

Only a couple of weeks left for summer, and then into Autumn.

We paid our upfront deposit yesterday for our next O/seas holiday coming up later this year. Off to Thailand again ( Phuket ) with eldest daughter, her OH, and our grandaughter. Cant wait to get to my favourite green Thai curry restaurant on the beach. The bloke who owns it, told me he makes the best Thai Curries in Thailand and i would be back, and he was

Wishing all a great day/night.


·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 19 Feb 2010 06:23


Yes tony, May is our take off month, and i am really looking forward to it. The worst thing is trying to limit the number of ancestors i will have time to research while i am there lol. Have to share the time with my travel companion. So starting with my Maynard brick wall in Kent, and then make our way to Scottyland and Ireland. We are doing a bit of a wander through Wiltshire, on our way, so look our Badger.

Its funny how the vegie patch gets raided isn't it, i suffer the same fate and so does the chook house for eggs. Oh well thats what family are for.....isn't it?

Still way to warm in my part of the world, and i am ready for autumn, i think..., until the weather gets too cold of course and then i will complain about that lol

Cheers Wilson


SueMaid Report 24 Feb 2010 21:26

Hello everyone. I thought you may all wish to now that our group on Chat - the "Aussies only" thread - have lost one of our dear members. Alison who lived in rural Queensland has lost her fight with cancer. She has inspired us with her humour and courage and we will miss her very much.

Sue xx


Laurie Report 25 Feb 2010 05:02

Thanks Sue, Ali was indeed a lovely lady and you will all miss her terribly . . your all in my thoughts xo

Greetings fellow Wattlers . . . getting back into the swing of things after a lovely trip to Jakarta . . . caught up with lots of friends . . . eat plenty (Chinese New Year). . Shopped till I dropped . . and then spent some "time out" in paradise on a moutain with my man. :)

Great to hear the meet in Toowoomba was enjoyed by all . . . wish I could have been intwo places at one time :)

L xo

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 26 Feb 2010 10:49

evening all,

Wilson, May must be exit Australia month, we leave on the 2nd MAy for 4 months overseas, nearly 3 of being in UK. To many olaces to visit to list but should be great. Badger put the kettle in the aussies are comming!!!

Welcome home Laura, its nice to be away but better to be home.....

Really grand that Twoomba was enjoyed by all, would love to have been there but have to work as much as possible till I go away.

Of for more FH, trying to track down as much as possible before we leave.

Nite nite to all sleep well

Love JUne (cowgirl) xx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 27 Feb 2010 08:58

Hi everyone,
I'm finally reporting in after quite a busy
summer what with one thing and another. Main focus
was the big Road Trip north, relocating daughter to
University on the Gold Coast, we had plans A, B and
C for her HSC results and Uni offers, and plan A came
to fruition! Helps so much that she's happy as a clam!
Luckily I was able to stay around and get to Toowoomba
for the Wattlers meet also, and it was super to meet up
with familiar faces and some new ones too. Now hubby
and I are are home alone, Darby and Joan, starting the
next phase of our lives. Of course I have promised
myself that this year I will get my FH all organised at
last !! Famous last words.
~~ to Wilson, glad your Col is doing well after his hip op.
~~ to Tony, Fred, Loz, Marie, Vette, June and hello to
Off to have a tiny last piece of chrissy cake with a cuppa,
Cheers, Hz


Aussiegirl Report 1 Mar 2010 10:14

Sorry everyone..I wont be around for a while as my brother is desperately ill and in ICU so will get back soon..Any spare prayers would be gratefully received..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 1 Mar 2010 15:10

Afternoon all from a slightly warmer Newcastle over the biiiiig pond.
Hey ,any time Wilson ,if you are coming up the A 1 to the old homeland [Scotland ] you have to pass our door anyway he he ,if there wern't two rows of houses in the way ,i could wave to you as you come past the house.
When you cross the Tyne river on the bridge and hit the slope,you are two minutes to your cuppa.
more prayers are on the way to your bro' Mary, a message that i bet you get from all on this thread,one of our main ladies ,with a big heart.
Have to do aa shoot now ,bought my gardening gloves this afternoon ,and i am looking forward to trying them out tomorrow while pruning my roses and Fushia,but now ,i am off to make the parsnip and orange& leek soup ,just right for my small french stick which has some nice cheese on top ,yum.
See ya tomorrow ,Fred.

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 4 Mar 2010 10:59

Evening all,

Mary, many prayers and positive thought winging your way, the power of the Watters is an amazing thing to behold.........
speaking of amazing results, my brother has returned to work this week, his sight still has a long way to improve but he is well enough to work so that is a huge step foward.

We are keeping fingers crossed that we might actually get some rain this weekend, some of the ground is so cracked, small children are in danger of falling in..........hehe

big ~~~~~~~ hello to every one and (((((hugs))))))) for all

Love June Cowgirl xx


YvetteDD Report 4 Mar 2010 11:49

That is brilliant news June. Just popped in to check on some of my f/h, dont always get a lot of time for it these days. Loved spending time with you HZ, as with everyone that got to the meet.
Thinking of you and your family Mary.
Hard to decide where to go isn't it Wilson lol.


Zack Report 6 Mar 2010 02:15

Hello to one & all, I havent been able to post for such a long time, I hope you are all well and thoes that were able to get to Wattle woomba had a wonderful time.
Mary I am so sorry to hear you brother is criticaly Ill I will prayfor him and also for you.
My hospital visit and results were negative no cancer this time,Yipeeeeeeeee.
Hi Badger,I am still planting, this time it is Winter vegies I have been busy freezing vegies for winter,we have had good rain & the beans have kept producing, almost finished now, the first frost will finish them also the capisum.
HZ pleased to hear your dau got her first pick and that you had a great time in Toowoomba, I still havent started to file my FH too busy in the garden, hopefully I may get it done this winter.I hope you enjoy your Darby & Joan Life you will miss your Daughter I did especially the last one that left he was my last Baby.
Cow girl June I hope you have a great time overseas.
My friend & I have bit the bullet we are dipping into our Superannuation ,to fund a holiday to ITALY we leave on the 19 September.The Insurence for me because I am almost 71 yrs., has gone up from approx $400 to $700 So to all of you, some advise go before you reach 70yrs.
Wilson &OH I hope you have a great Holiday in the U.K.
Tony have you had your trip to PHUKET?Greetings to you and Barb,.Hello to Yvette.and to all our missing friends in South Aust. and the big Sate WA. best Wishes t you all
Marie from Bthurst NSW.