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what site do most of you use for your info ???
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Helen | Report | 14 Apr 2005 15:44 |
Don't forget the Family History Society sites, there's separate one's for each part of the country, easy to find by googling. I also use rootschat(.)com good if you need Census lookups, etc. you can put a message on and you automatically get emailed to tell you when there's a reply. The Hugh Wallis site's good for finding IGI Batch Numbers for the church you want too (try googling Hugh Wallis) can be useful if you know your ancestors occupation. You can use search words to try and locate them eg. Schofield, shoemaker, Walsall. Not much good for Ag Labs though! |
Yvonne | Report | 14 Apr 2005 13:06 |
I switch between, Freebmd, LDS and Durham sites. Some nights its just going through it all but I have found loads of things. Having problems with 1837 online cant seem to download the Lizard thing, as I would love to use that site. Regards Yvonne |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 14 Apr 2005 11:31 |
right I have read all your tips and I am off to find all my rellies today??????????? |
Sheila | Report | 14 Apr 2005 10:16 |
I'm new to this game, but the sites I have been using are Ancestry - BMD Index - 1837 and Family Relatives |
Researching: |
Joy | Report | 14 Apr 2005 10:10 |
free: rootsweb mailing lists .... GENUKI ... free BMD ... IGI ... google ... Ancestry (fee paying) ............................................................... and other free ones including inbetween ................ GR.
Judith | Report | 14 Apr 2005 09:35 |
Be aware if you try to access Ancestry through Ancestry Plus you run the risk of prosecution as those passwords are intended for Libraries which pay for the access on behalf of their members. Much better to buy a subscription, which quickly pays for itself in saved travel costs to the archives, or to access through your local library if they are one of those who have subscribed. |
Vickie | Report | 14 Apr 2005 04:25 |
Ann Marie How do we get into Ancestry Plus??? Vickie |
Ann-Marie | Report | 14 Apr 2005 03:47 |
I use Ancestry Plus, its better than ancestry cos its free. (as long as you get there the right way and have the password) Lol |
Unknown | Report | 14 Apr 2005 01:04 |
Good idea Sam You should start a thread. Got some particularly nasty ones I can't find Lou |
Linen | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:58 |
Hi Sam I don't know about Valerie but as far as I'm concerned you are definitely young. My baby is 34 Vivienne |
Sam | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:57 |
Hi Lou Good idea, we should start a kind of 'Swap Shop'! I know you found mine really quickly yesterday and I'm sooo grateful. In fact, without the peeps on this Tips Board, I wouldn't even have known the names for you to look up for me. Now, give me someone else's family, I can find them no problem! Sam |
Unknown | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:54 |
Sam Seeing as I can find yours, would you like to adopt some of mine??? Lou |
Sam | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:52 |
Valerie, I'm not that young (36) and I could never get my own photos on ebay! I think it is definately practice. I really did used to think the same as others, 'How did they find that so quick?' but one time I tried searching Ancestry with just the christian name, approx age and place of birth, and I found the person in question with the surname mistranscribed! It felt really good to finally find someone before anyone else did. Shame I can't find my own family in the same way :-p Sam |
Unknown | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:51 |
lol Valerie I understand that it isn't painful and can be done without the need for anaesthetic! Don't know much about it to be honest but if you google 1901 decoder, there's a site that explains it and you can download it to your PC. The gist of it is if you are looking on the 1901 census for John Smith in Lancashire, you're going to have a lot of them. But if you know that your John Smith was married to Mary and had 3 kids called Curly, Larry and Mo, you can key all the names in and it will give you the family with all those names in it! Lou |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:43 |
Lancasghire Lou what is the DECODER?????????sounds frighteningly like torture |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:42 |
Sam maybe its an age thing the younger you are the quicker you pick things up, it took me ages to learn how to email , now I sell on ebay do all my own photos and everything, something I thought I could never do. |
Unknown | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:41 |
I've never downloaded it so please don't ask me anything technical but I think a lot of people use the decoder for 1901 as well It groups families together which makes searching the census so much easier especially if you have a few names you need to match up |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:40 |
yes Vivienne I have done the same thing as people have been helpful to me I try to return the favour but am much too slow, still one day maybe |
Sam | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:39 |
Don't worry, it's taken me ages to work out how people find things so quickly. A couple of weeks ago someone messaged me and said 'Wow, you've found that so quick, I spent ages looking' and I thought 'Yes! At last I can do it!!' So you will get there, honest! Sam (Not even been doing this seriously for a year yet) |
Linen | Report | 14 Apr 2005 00:29 |
Valerie, you put my thoughts into words. I have tried several times to look up info for people, only to give up & go back to the thread after about fifteen minutes to find someone has found the answer in about two minutes. Makes one feel so inadequate. I use Ancestry Vivienne |