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Help with LDS websites please

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Neil Report 4 Aug 2011 16:39

I have put off the day when I had to tackle my father's side of the family, because apart from his own parents, all of his ancestors were either born in Ireland, or born in England to Irish immigrants within a year or two of their arrival here. The day has now arrived, and I have made a little progress using Rootsweb Ireland but in a very short experience with the site I have discovered 3 howlers in terms of mistranscription and I find it extremely expensive to use. Hence I have turned to Family Search to try to get either verification and/or to try to get close to an answer before having to pay for Rootsweb.
Can anyone advise me firstly how many Family Search sites there are at the moment? I see references to Old and New F.S., pilot and to beta. In what way do they differ, and is any one of them likely to be of more use to me for Irish births and marriages in the 19th century?
Any help will be most welcome.


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 17:01

This has "An index of Ireland civil registration including births, 1864-1958, marriages, 1845-1958, and deaths, 1864-1958."


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 17:06

I have brought forward for you some information threads with tips for Irish ancestral research. Happy hunting :)


Neil Report 4 Aug 2011 17:27

Thank you Joy for your quick response. I have looked through the threads you suggest before, but it seems that the Family Search sites have changed since they were posted. Also, I should have been more specific about the time period I need to look at. All my ancestors had already left Ireland by the time civil registration was introduced in 1865 so I really need the Family Search site which deals best with parish records before about 1860 if possible. I have around 12 people who left Ireland just before, during or just after the famine, and all of them put trhere place of birth as 'Ireland' on all the English census' that they completed after that.
Thanks for taking an interest


Eringobragh1916 Report 4 Aug 2011 18:03

Neil...Do you want to post some family details to see if someone can help get you started....
Where the family is thought to be from
Where they located to in England...


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 18:14

You're welcome :)

The place of birth given in 1881 and 1891 was "Ireland" for my great-grandmother :)


Neil Report 4 Aug 2011 18:59

Thanks for the offer Eringobragh. Here is one where I have got as far as I can on Rootsweb, but not sure where to start on FamilySearch.
I would like to trace details of my GGGrandfather, Anthony Roper. I have details of his son James Roper and daughter in law Mary Hart. They were married in Keighley, W.Yorks. on 1/2/1868 and I have their MC, on which James gives his father as Anthony Roper ((dec'd). I believe that Mary came from Co.Sligo as she gives a parish name from there in the 1911 census, and I worked on the assumption that immigrants tend to stay together with people from their home area. This meant that James was also probably from Sligo, but the only James Roper b Sligo was in 1946 with a fathers name of John ( no surname ).
I can not find anyone born between 1800 and 1850 called Anthony Roper anywhere in Ireland on Rootsweb. Hence my next port of call would be Family Search - but which site?
I can not put all the other supporting info on here as it would take too long, but the key question for me is the Family Search one.
Once again thanks for taking an interest.



mgnv Report 4 Aug 2011 19:38

Civil registration of protestant marrs began 20 y earlier than the general total registration of BMDs. Just in case you find rellies who stayed back home.

The GRO(I) index thru 1958 (excl N. Ireland post-partition) is available at:®ion=EUROPE

One can purchase certs (or cheaper still, the uncertified images of the rego) via:

The Irish 1901/1911 censuses are free at:
[Not heard of any release dates for next census (=1926 in both Irelands)]

Most City of Dublin parish registers are free online at:
[There are also Carlow, Cork & Kerry OPRs there too]


One primary resource of the old LDS site was the IGI:

This was a mix of extracted copies of Old Parish Records, etc., plus user submitted trees - these latter can be useful, but their reliability varies widely, so they definitely need checking before acceptance.
Also in the left margin is the 1881 census - the layout is as easy to copy & paste as FreeCEN's is - Ancestry use the same transcription of the 1881 records, but display them differently.

The pilot search is largely superceded by the new/beta site which has only extracted records. The site also has some unindexed images, which are handy if your rellies came from Greater Manchester, the North East, or Quebec, and maybe some other places.

I don't know if all the extracted IGI records are now at the new site - most are, and if they're not all there yet, I've no doubt they will be before too much longer.


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 20:03

I tried An Anthony Roper here
just as a test, with any event, British Isles, Ireland, and there was only the one:
born 21 November 1868 , Sligo, Ireland, parents Bartley Roper and Mary Durkan.
Part of the same family, would you think?


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 20:12

Have you tried posting (free) on the rootsweb mailing list for Sligo? or searching through the archives of its posts?

... or here?


Neil Report 4 Aug 2011 20:26

mgnv thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately my ancestors were all RC, and had all left Ireland before civil registration started and before the 1901 census.

Joy - thanks, I had found the birth in1868, but that was 6 months after my James got married.

What is even stranger is that there is an Anthony Roper, widower, with a daughter and two sons, one of whom is called Anthony, on the 1861 census and living in Keighley. All 4 claim to be born in Ireland, yet neither of the Anthony's appear on either Rootsireland nor Family Search.

I have been looking again at and have possibly now answered my own question. It does seem that this is the only current site to use for the period I am concerned about.

Unless of course someone knows different!


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 20:41

Try asking on the rootsweb mailing list for Sligo :)
and exploring the sites that I gave and


Eringobragh1916 Report 4 Aug 2011 20:42

Neil...You are correct in the assumption that immigrants on the whole tended to migrate initially to the same areas...and usually came from the same area so what you have been doing is correct however Co Roscommon/Mayo also could figure in the permutation....
Have found only 3 Ropers on Griffiths Valuation Co Sligo...Kilmacteige

The spelling of with an E......

Are you interpreting Gurthemore (1911 Census) as Gortermone..? If so that was in the same CP (Kilmacteige) and PLU (Tobercurry) Sligo as the above Roper's


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 20:51


And you could look here to see if a will was made

Lots of interesting sites for you to explore %3A-%29


Eringobragh1916 Report 4 Aug 2011 21:09

Neil...Have you checked these out...? 1861 Census.

Roper Anthony 1813 Ireland Keighley, Keighley
Roper Anthony 1846 Ireland Keighley, Keighley

The above Anthony jnr. married Keighley 1865


Neil Report 4 Aug 2011 22:19

Thank you Joy and Eringobragh for your additional contributions.
I will pursue all of your suggested sites over the next few days Joy, mostly to see and understand what is available, but also for any relevance to this particular case.

Erinb___ yes I have assumed Gortermone, but what is CP and PLU please? Yes, I have checked out those two 1861 census entries, but they give us two more Anthony's who claim to have been born in Ireland, and of whom there is no trace in Irish records. It is possible I suppose that the senior one is my James' father. I will have to pursue that also over the next few days.


Joy Report 4 Aug 2011 23:00

Interestingly, in the 1871 census there is a Roper family in England that came from Illyria, Sligo, Ireland.

Have to go now, am encountering too many message board errors. Before I go - and shall return tomorrow sometime - find my past have army service records for a James born Ballyshannon, Donegal 1805 and another James date of birth not given, born Fermanagh. I shall investigate both if you would like me to do so.


Eringobragh1916 Report 5 Aug 2011 07:20

Neil ...Sorry about the abbreviations...
CP is Civil Parish and PLU is Poor Law Union.


Flick Report 5 Aug 2011 09:58

These are the LDS sites...............

Check out each of them to learn what info they hold................

................but bear in mind that their records are far from complete


Neil Report 5 Aug 2011 13:36

Flick - thankyou for that. I think that was probably what I wanted to know originally.

Joy/Eringrobragh - I have been unexpectedly diverted so far today, but I am not ignoring you, and will get back probably this evening. Meanwhile:

Joy - my James was born 1846 and his father (whatever his name is) around 1814, so if you can tie either of the army service records in it would be very helpful. Also, did you note anything else about the Roper family in 1871 (eg address, head,etc.)
Eringrobragh - how can I access Grifiths please, and what date was it carriedout? It might be that Thadaeus felt he should change his name to something more Anglicised ( eg Anthony ) before emigrating to England.
