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ElizabethK Report 25 Jun 2011 11:36

Seems to have become the successor to the "Trying to Find"
Board despite the request "not to ask for look ups on this board" ! %3A-S

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 25 Jun 2011 11:43

Yes .and despite Genes saying in the Please Read Before Posting Guide that look up requests will be deleted, they're not dong so !!
Perhaps if they did what they say they were going to do it would encourage people to put their look ups requests on Find Ancestors %3B-%29


Joy Report 25 Jun 2011 11:53

Lookups used to be done on the tips board, too :)

I think I read that genes reunited hope to be able to implement moving threads from one board to another and merging some, too, so that will be good.


GlitterBaby Report 25 Jun 2011 11:55

One member, no name mentioned, used to post 1911 lookups on all three of the old boards, they probably thought that no one would count on how many requests they posted.

Now posting them on this board. And no not a new member but can not be bothered to read any guidelines


jax Report 25 Jun 2011 12:00

I have mentioned it to a few, but if others did the same then perhaps it would'nt be such a problem.

If newbies did'nt see look ups here they may then think again before posting


Joy Report 25 Jun 2011 12:06

What was the wording that Phil Moir suggested? I shall search and return


Jonesey Report 25 Jun 2011 12:22

I know that rules are rules but as things stand I cannot see too much harm if some members post their look-up requests on this board. The more important thing is that they do not post the same request on more than one board at the same time.

On one hand there are some GR members bemoaning the fact that there are too few requests about these days and on the other hand we have some members worrying about the fact that a request has not been posted on the correct board.

As Joy says it looks likely that GR will eventually have a mechanism whereby a post can be relocated by them if it has not been posted on the correct board. Until that comes to pass I would personally suggest that people stop being concerned about posts on the wrong board, just accept or ignore them.


jax Report 25 Jun 2011 12:31

There is no harm Jonesey, but the board just becomes another trying to find. They may aswell just have one board for all...that will save any arguements



Florence Report 25 Jun 2011 12:47

Some of us( including me ) had no choice but to use the genealogogy
board because they could not get on the find ancester board.
maybe thats why ?
Everything is going ok now so i shall be using the correct ones in future.
But i can see both sides of the argument so to speak,
but i must say i am a little drawn to Jonesey side some times there is a reason so best to accept and wait patiently !!

Flo,,,,,,,,,,,, hope i have not upset anyone ?


Jonesey Report 25 Jun 2011 12:49

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me;
The serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can change;
The wisdom to know the difference.


KathleenBell Report 25 Jun 2011 13:15

Good prayer Jonesey.

I try to reply on a thread that has been posted twice just saying that it is a duplicate post.

Other than that I try to live and let live. As Jonesey says - there aren't that many requests on the boards at the moment so I wouldn't want to discourage people by being too pedantic about where they should post. Anyone who has a problem with where a request is posted can always just ignore it.

I, too, hope this doesn't upset anyone.

Kath. x


Susan Report 25 Jun 2011 16:21

I am very sorry.
I am one of those to blame for putting
requests on her.
Never thought about finding ancestors board.


Thelma Report 25 Jun 2011 17:22

People have been putting requests on any board all the time that I have been a member.The occasional gripe from rule readers has usually resulted in an argument.I suppose we need guidance from Genes as to whether members are allowed to castigate other members.


Tracy Report 25 Jun 2011 22:55

hi,,,,, i must admit i do post on this board for lookups until today when i was told that i was not allowed to,,,, at the time i was quite upset with the comment


Joy Report 25 Jun 2011 23:05

I think maybe the names of the boards could be made clearer. I remember saying I thought the records board should be changed because it was supposed to be for people offering lookups in records offices and those offers were minimal compared with lookups from commercial sites such as ancestry and find my past. Genes reunited in its reply asked what I thought it should be called and I suggested Lookups.


GlitterBaby Report 25 Jun 2011 23:13

Find Ancestors does not sound like a lookup board so probably a new name might help

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 25 Jun 2011 23:18

evening lovely people so where do you ask for looks up as I think my first choice would be here....but I am an oldie reformed newby %3A-D


Joy Report 25 Jun 2011 23:20

Try suggestions, Hayley %3B-%29

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 25 Jun 2011 23:21

for a look up? %3A-0


Jacqui Report 25 Jun 2011 23:38

As someone who's been a member for several years but never posted, reading some of the vitriol that's been dished out by some long standing members recently about newbies (present company excepted!), no wonder there are fewer postings!

I doubt if some of these individuals would dare to speak to people to their face in the way they snip and belittle other members on here...

But, a helpful suggestion for GR and others to consider - how about a para at the top of each board that explains what it's for, with some examples. We all see things differently so perhaps giving the newbies a bit of a hand might make the experience better for everyone?

Putting my tin hat on now, lol %3A-D