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Viewing Trees.

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Sandra Report 14 Feb 2011 11:12

I asked to view another members tree as we had a match, he/she said yes and could he/she view mine, I agreed and sent him/her permission to view my tree. I have not received permission to view his/hers, I have sent a couple of messages which are being opened but ignored.

I don't suppose there's any way of preventing this happening again?


Thelma Report 14 Feb 2011 11:14

I guess you should never show you tree until you can view theirs.


Sandra Report 14 Feb 2011 11:16

Thanks SatNav, that's what I'll do in future. I just don't understand people like that.


Janet Report 14 Feb 2011 12:10

I have had in the past someone who has given permission, but genuiningly didn't realise that they have to click to make this happen. It might be worth explaining as gently as possible- lol- j


Sandra Report 14 Feb 2011 12:21

Janet, thank you.

I have sent a couple of messages which are being opened but not being replied to and yet, I got a reply when I asked to view their tree.


jax Report 14 Feb 2011 13:50

Have you looked in your emails as you will not get a message in your in box if someone gives permission



Sandra Report 14 Feb 2011 13:53

Jax, I have looked in there, this person seems to have looked at mine, probably got what info he/she wanted and didn't return the favour.


Sandra Report 14 Feb 2011 14:17

PigletsPal, thank you so much and I won't make the same mistake again.


Pam Report 14 Feb 2011 14:41

Go to MESSAGES at the top of the page and click on My Contacts. You can remove this persons access to your tree there.


Sandra Report 14 Feb 2011 14:56

Pam, I've already done it (a couple of days after giving them access)

Thank you.


DavidB0745 Report 14 Feb 2011 23:59

Hi Sandra

I don't open my tree for viewing any more after, in the early days, naïvely allowing people access only to find out later that they had copied people into their tree who had no connection to them at all. In this case it was my son-in-laws family and some people there just happened to share a similar name to some in my family (not related of course).

As I have 4 families recorded I do have a large number of names, but these have been researched and not taken from other peoples work unless we have been in contact with one another.

What I do is, after, 2 or 3 messages through GR, I exchange eMail addresses, and we do the exchange of the relevant information that way.



Pam Report 15 Feb 2011 08:41

Like David, I make sure there is a connection and then only send the relevant information.


InspectorGreenPen Report 15 Feb 2011 10:54

I have been a member since 2003, since then have made contact with several 100's of members and in that time could count on one hand those who I have felt ill at ease with.

Currently, I share my tree with around 400 members, and in turn, can view around 600 members trees.

I only share after the exchange of possibly several messages which allows me to build up a relationship with the other person. The other criteria is that they must have proved they have a relationship with my tree.

Others I have not shared with but have sent the relevant details by email, where I have felt it to be more appropriate or convenient to do so. Most people are not there to copy huge chunks of your tree - in my experience of, as I said, over 400 trees shared, they are only interested in their own little bit.

By all means take care who you deal with - but enjoy the hobby - not everyone out there is a rogue.


Sandra Report 15 Feb 2011 10:57

David, that's a really good idea and that's what I shall do from now on, thank you.

Pam, I'm a few days older and wiser now, Lol.


grannyfranny Report 15 Feb 2011 16:12

I think you have to look at the reason that people join GR. I joined initially to see if I could contact other people researching the same families, and that has been extremely sucessful and interesting. If the idea is to do your research online, GR may not be the best site. If you don't want to be bothered with the contacts, or to share info, why join in the first place when you have better records elsewhere?
It's unlikely that people join just to grow their tree via other people's research.


Sandra Report 15 Feb 2011 16:24

I agree with you but I think Pigletspal is spot on, contact-info-disappear.

I have had contact with hundreds of people and this is the first time this has happened to me, I've heard about these people who take what they want and disappear. I just think it's so rude to keep ignoring messages, why not even reply saying we don't have a connection, at least that's something.


GypsyJoe Report 16 Feb 2011 15:12

I too am careful about giving access and will do e-mails back and forth to establish how much we have in common first.

I had a request from someone once asking to see my tree but when I asked them why and who they thought they had a connection through etc I didn't hear back from them.

Play it safe first.


jax Report 16 Feb 2011 15:20

I had someone recently that copied my tree on ancestry and I could not see where we were related and she had 15000 people in her tree but my tree was my own fault.

A few days later she comes on here and requests to view my Genes tree, I asked what connection we reply

I have now looked at her tree and she now has over 20000...not bad 5000 new ancestors in a few weeks


Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Feb 2011 15:33

Oh Jax don't you just wish you had their 'ability' in researching thoroughly all those names in such a short space of time %3B-%29

My best one yet was someone who copied my tree, added it to theirs and probably many others, and has now set themself as a 'professional' with their own website including their tree as an example of their research ability.

Shame the line for 'my' family goes haywire.

Easy to identify where they went wrong as the dates don't add up and the purchase of one cert would have sent them down the right line %3A-%29

Oh well.



Sandra Report 16 Feb 2011 15:41

Well, they're welcome to copy my tree because between me and my daughter I know there are quite a few mistakes on it and I haven't been able to get round to correcting it.
