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I know this is a silly question, lol

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Fiona Report 3 Dec 2010 16:55

I am 4' 11 3/4 that 3/4 is very important lol.
My husband is 5' 8 , daughter no 1 is about 5'6 and daughter no 2 is about 5' 4 thankfully both girls don't take after me in hight, Hubby has brown eyes so has daughter no 2. I have green eyes like my mum had. my eldest daughter has blue eyes like my dad

I would have loved to know which ancestor I most resemblance in charcter
It was certainly not my mum, she was small like me but I do not have her red hair and bubbley mischevious grin and fun loving nature. , dad has dementia now but in his time he was a laid back sort of fellow and would plod along quite happily
My nature is quiet , too over sensitve and I'm told I'm a worry to much sort of person, HELP!!! LOL


jeannie Report 3 Dec 2010 11:38

genetics are mean.
i have dead straight hair my husband curly, we have 2 boys with the curls and a daughter with the straight.

my children and my brothers kids could all be brothers and sisters, but my other neices and nephews are a mixed bunch.
strangly of the 10 cousins all have blue eyes

i have just seen a photo of my husband gggrandfather who is very much like my husband including the beard.


InspectorGreenPen Report 2 Dec 2010 13:11

I sometimes think that you are more like your grandparents than your parents.

My wife always thought she took after her mum and her brother after her dad.

It was only after her grandmothers death when we found a photo which nana had kept hidden when we realized she was the spit image of her grandmother in her early twenties.

We also have large sticky our ears in our family. Again they tend to re-appear every other generation or so, missing one or two in between.


Mayfield Report 2 Dec 2010 12:47

Some things certainly are hereditary, if you have had children, chances are so did your parents! %3A-%29

Oh I can just hear the groans, but it's worth giving the old jokes an outing now and then, snow fun otherwise!!

Best wishes,


*Karen* Report 2 Dec 2010 00:35

My boys were born the same weight 7lb 6oz youngest was1/4 inch shorter now eldest is 6ft 2 youngest is 5ft 10 oldest fair looks like my mothers side, but they were all short, youngest is dark looks like my farthers side who were all tall

Recently found a distant cousin of mine on paternal side on facebook and it was like looking in a mirror.

strange thing DNA!!!!!


Ozibird Report 1 Dec 2010 21:04

I have a friend who is beautifully willowy, quite model-like. She married a strapping rugby player.

You guessed it! Her daughter takes after her dad, and her son after herself. Although both good looking young adults they do bemoan their pick of the genes.



TootyFruity Report 1 Dec 2010 13:19

When my son was born he was the spitting image of his dad was when he was born.

Now he looks more like me, poor lad:)


K Report 1 Dec 2010 13:04

I inherited my father's square jaw and straight hair and sadly also inherited my mother's wide hips!! If only we could pick and choose


Rambling Report 1 Dec 2010 13:03

I have a picture of my mum aged about 6 at school and she is 'me' at that age ... I have grey eyes but they turn really green when I am idea why or how that happens?

i just wish I'd inherited my height from my Irish side ...the men were all well over 6ft and the women over 5 10 ish :)

thankyou all for the interesting replies :))


AnnCardiff Report 1 Dec 2010 12:36

I recall years ago looking at a sepia photograph on the wall of a great aunt's house - it was a girl on a swing and I immediately thought "That's me!!!" but how could it be, I didn't have clothes like that!!! turned out it was an elder sister of my Dad's

Strange thing was that in adult life we bore no resemblance to each other whatsoever

with regard to physical likenesses - my hands and knees are identical to my Dad's along with my curly hair, but the rest of me is definitely my Mum


Julie Report 1 Dec 2010 12:33


Both my Parents are Brown eyed my Brother & Sister are Brown eyed too

Me now......the tops of me eyes are Green & the bottoms are Blue


Janet Report 1 Dec 2010 12:10

I recently received a photo from someone on genes of their branch of the family which showed a young woman who looked like me at her age. I haven't any female cousins and don't particularly look like my parents.

Trying to work out the relationship I think I would be a fourth cousin, once removed as this girl's gt grandfather was my gt gt grandfather.

When I showed the photo to my husband, who met me when I was nineteen, he immediately said that she looked like me so I think family likenesses can crop up at anytime. In this case over seventy years later.


Nickydownsouth Report 1 Dec 2010 11:30

Thanks Kate...thats sort of what I was trying to say.....funny that 2 blue eyed parents can only have a blue eyed child, not Brown, but 2 brown eyed parents can have a blue eyed or different coloured eyed child....... in other words Blue is definetly the dominant Gene...or "Recessive" as Science would call it....

Either way i think all this answers Roses original question about the height......we really do get our charecteristics from many different members of our blood line including height.



Kathryn Report 1 Dec 2010 10:52

Blue is a recessive gene and we all have two eye colour genes, of which we pass on one pair to our children, the other coming from our partner. So a brown eyed person could actually have a blue+brown pair of genes and would have brown eyes themselves. Their partner could have blue+blue and be blue eyed or could have brown+blue and be brown eyed too. Each parent could pass on their own blue eyed gene copy and the child would be blue+blue and have blue eyes. Or if the brown eyed partner passes on their brown gene and the blue eyed partner the blue one (obviously!) then the child would be blue+brown and show brown eyes.

In other words two brown eyed people can have a blue eyed child but two blue eyed people can't have a brown eyed child. (This is a very simplistic explanation and isn't necessarily strictly true in all possible scenarios as eye colour is hugely complicated genetically, especially when you get to green and hazel geneotypes. But it holds true 99% of the time)

Kate x


AnnCardiff Report 1 Dec 2010 08:26

apparently two blue eyed parents can only have blue eyed children!!!


Nickydownsouth Report 1 Dec 2010 08:11

thats funny Jax.......Science will tell you that Brown dominates Blue because its the darker colour/pigment....

But I know a lot of people with blue eyes who have had Blue eyed children despite the father/partner being another colour, me being one of them.

There must be a strong blue eyed gene somewhere in yours or your partner/husbands family Jax.



jax Report 1 Dec 2010 05:25

I was quite dissapointed to have two blue eyed children when I have dark brown eyes.

Think I need a DNA test to see if I am their mother lol



Ozibird Report 1 Dec 2010 04:06

My Dad was the spitting image of his father, but about 3 inches shorter. His father was reasonably tall, his mother was less than 5 foot. He took his height from his mother's side.



Nickydownsouth Report 30 Nov 2010 23:25

I don`t believe anyone gets all their charecteristics from just their 2 parents.

I think we all get things from grandparents, aunties ,uncles even Cousins etc as well.

Example i have blue eyes, neither of my parents or my sister have blue eyes, but my mothers brother does, everyone has always said i get my Blue eyes from him...

I v`e luckily passed them on to all my 3 daughters, and my first grandchild is also Blue eyed.



MargaretM Report 30 Nov 2010 23:14

No, no, no. My husband is quite tall, my son is quite short. Believe me my husband is the father of my son!