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Charles Martin and Sarah Perkins

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Lydia Report 14 Jan 2010 21:12

I just spoke to my dad on the phone and it must be the correct Eva and Willaim as dad said they had one son that everyone called Albie.
Thank you :)

Tilly Ann

Tilly Ann Report 18 Feb 2025 17:55

I'm about 15 years late to the party... Albie Martin is my grandad. William was my great grandad and died when Albie was pretty much a baby on HMS Kelly, hia reating place is in Chatham. Albie married Norma Roberts - they celebrated 70 years of marriage on 28th December 2024. They had Stephen John Martin in 1957 and Ann Norma Martin in 1959.
Steve married Maria Turner in 1981, they had 4 daughters - Ella 1983, Abby 1985, Tilly 1987, and Darcie 1991. Steve passed away in 2003 in an accident. Ella has two children Guy 2020 and Quinn 2024. Darcie has Tommy 2018 and Lola 2021.
Due to health complications Ann never had any children.
Albie Martin is 88.


ArgyllGran Report 18 Feb 2025 18:13

Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely that Lydia will notice your message here, as she won't be expecting replies after so long.

You can try sending her a private message - click on her name in green at the top of one of her posts, and use the resulting form.
If she has kept GR up to date with any change to her email address, GR will notify her of your message, and she then may (or may not) reply.

If she does reply, keep any eye on this thread in case she replies here.
Alternatively, she may reply privately via GR, in which case keep a lookout for an email from GR giving you a link to her message.