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Trying to find mother

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Vanessa Report 24 Dec 2012 04:29

Merry Christmas Evelyn, and to everyone who has been soo involved in the search for Diane! I check in every now and then to see if there have been any more developments!

Here's hoping for 2013!
Vanessa %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 24 Dec 2012 07:48

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to pop in to say 'thank you' to those of you who have used your skills during this year in the search for the elusive Diane.

We may not have found her yet, but the mystery has brought a group of us together in friendship and willingness in order to help a fellow member.

The search, which now enters it's 4th year, has taken us from Scotland to Dorset - from England to India - from India to Canada. We have researched various families and contacted numerous agencies. There have been advertisements, letters, emails sent out and phone calls made - all in the hope of that one vital clue which will lead us to the journey's end.

One day soon maybe............we live in hope. %3A-D

Meanwhile, I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

Cx. %26lt%3B3


Renes Report 24 Dec 2012 16:21

Happy Christmas Evelyn

Glad you are felling better .................

Winter will soon pass now Christmas is here .....soon be Spring .......... and Easter Eggs will be on sale in the supermarkets almost before we have packed the Christmas baubles into the loft again

The months and life rolls on ........ and so it should..... as will the search for your mother

Take care Evelyn ..................... (((hugs)))



LadyKira Report 24 Dec 2012 17:38

Somefink I have musing on.

You said she had some sort of private income.

Could it be that she she had her father's pension if she was orphaned at a young age.

I think I saw something like this when looking for someone else.

If so might the army of records of it.

Happy Christmas Evelyn dear. %26lt%3B3


jansmith Report 24 Dec 2012 20:36

Happy Christmas %3A-%29


jansmith Report 24 Dec 2012 20:52

L adykira, i don't know if there is any info on this link that might help,i haven't read it all through yet

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 25 Dec 2012 08:24

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy Christmas, and New Year Evelyn, always hoping for that 'something' on this 'Thread', but here's hoping for 2013 eh?, fingers always crossed...

Chris :)


Evelyn Report 26 Dec 2012 11:08

Well here we are its Boxing Day,think I will have a quiet one.
I had a wonderful day yesterday , thanks to my lovely neighbours who made me so welcome at their family lunch,the meal was delicious as was the company and I had lots of laughs.
I hope you all had a wonderful day.
Love to all
Evelyn X


Evelyn Report 4 Jan 2013 18:53

Hello everyone,
So far 2013 has been OK, I went out for a meal on New Year's Eve with my brother in law and his wife, we had a lovely time and the food was good as well, it's so nice to have company, living alone is not a lot of fun.
Changing the subject I wonder if this will be the year when one of you dear friends will be able to trace the elusive Diane?
Much love to you all
Evelyn XX


Renes Report 4 Jan 2013 23:00

Happy New Year Evelyn


wisechild Report 5 Jan 2013 07:15

Found these on the Outgoing Passenger lists on Ancestry.
London to Bombay aboard SS Egypt
Mr RW Macleod
2 infants

To Cameroon
Serg. R Macleod Soldier.

Will check later to see if I can see either of them coming back.


jansmith Report 5 Jan 2013 08:10

Happy New Year,perhaps new records online will be the "breakthrough" thats needed!! %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 5 Jan 2013 12:12

A belated Happy New Year to all friends on here. %3A-D

Yes, some new online records may be just the thing we need - thanks to those who are still rooting around. Please keep us posted with any findings and I will shovel them over to You-Know-Who. %3B-%29



jansmith Report 9 Jan 2013 23:45

Wedding of the Rev. Willoughby Goddard-Fenwick and Miss Ella Major in Sackville, NS, 1912


FannyByGaslight Report 10 Jan 2013 20:29

Try this page on the dark side..(FB).It should be good and the more that "like"it the better...


Cynthia Report 11 Jan 2013 08:23

Thanks jansmith - that's the photo which I sent to my contact on FB but he seemed confused between his Evelyn's (Goddard Fenwicks) %3A-S I haven't heard from him since... %3A-%28

Ooooooh.......look who popped in!!

I suppose.....sigh......I will have to...........sigh........take this opportunity.........sigh......

to wish...........sigh............her...........sigh.....

%3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 A VERY HAPPY BURFDAY %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D %26lt%3B3 %3A-D

Wonder what it's like to be as old as FBG??? %3A-S


FannyByGaslight Report 11 Jan 2013 11:11

You still remain 10 years older than me Baggage %3A-P %3A-P %3A-P %3A-P %3A-P


wisechild Report 11 Jan 2013 14:48

Completely off topic, but I happened to see a programme the other day called The Map Man.
I wasn´t really paying attention but my ears pricked up when it sank in that the subject of the programme was a William Roy who in the early 1740s set out from Fort George to map the highlands. Some job!!!. Apparently he was very successful.
Could he be one of your ancestors Evelyn?


Evelyn Report 11 Jan 2013 17:09

That sounds interesting Wise,how nice if I was related to him.fancy being related to someone that did something useful.
I hope you are all having a good new year so far.
Love to you all from a dark and dreary Guernsey
Evelyn X


wisechild Report 12 Jan 2013 07:12

So far, so good Evelyn thanks. Hope you are the same.
Had a quick google for info about this person & his map making exploits are well documented, but there is no other info about him. Had hoped to find out what regiment he served with or his age, or something, but no joy.
They did say on the programme that very little was known about him, but they had a copy of his map & were trying to retrace his steps.
Not a programme I would have chosen to watch really, but it was absolutely fascinating.
All the best for 2013.