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Trying to find mother

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Quoy Report 27 Aug 2012 17:00

looking on Scotland's people I put in
D Mcleod 1897 1898 there is 1 anybody with credits ?


Cynthia Report 27 Aug 2012 17:02

Hope that poke in the eye didn't hurt you too much Quoy %3A-D

Vanessa, I'm pretty sure that the possibility of the word Major being a name rather than an actual rank in this instance, hasn't been explored. Maybe worth looking at - I have relatives with the Christian name Major in my tree.

Quoy, will ask Fans about your D M Leod.


Linda Report 27 Aug 2012 17:07

I have a few credits left for SP let me know if you want that one checked out and I will have a look


Quoy Report 27 Aug 2012 18:20

Hello Linda

please look

cause I cannot wait


Cynthia Report 27 Aug 2012 18:46

Thanks Linda - please put Quoy out of her misery........ %3B-%29

Forgot to say that yesterday, I googled around and found somewhere to place free ads in newspapers both in Scotland and in London. Have given it a go - nothing ventured etc. etc. etc., %3A-%29


Linda Report 27 Aug 2012 19:51

Quoy have sent you a PM


Quoy Report 27 Aug 2012 20:35

i am such a plonker I tried again and it ia a death not birth

I will try and narrow it down more


Linda Report 27 Aug 2012 21:26

no problem just let me know if you need anything else checked on SP.

There were 2 births in Stornoway for 1897-1898 but do we now think she was born in Stornoway?


Quoy Report 28 Aug 2012 06:05

any birth is a welcome sign and worth looking at
I do not know if those births have been looked at but they are worth a try


jansmith Report 28 Aug 2012 07:18

1901 has this family been followed?

RG number: RG13
Piece: 443
Folio: 135
Page: 31
Reg. District: Wandsworth
Sub District: East Battersea
Parish: Battersea
Enum. District: 23
Ecclesiastical District: All Saints
City/Municipal Borough:
Address: 6, Lockington Road, Battersea
County: London
Name Relation Condition Sex Age Birth Year Occupation , Disability Where Born
MACLEOD, Robert Head Married M 45 1856 Carpenters Labourer
Scotland Sutherland
MACLEOD, Elizabeth Wife Married F 34 1867
Rotherhithe, London
MACLEOD, David Son M 12 1889
Sth Lambeth, London
MACLEOD, Beasley Son M 10 1891
Sth Lambeth, London
MACLEOD, Roydon Son M 7 1894
Deptford, Kent
MACLEOD, Florence Daughter F 5 1896
Waterloo RD, London

same household but different image page
Address: 6, Lockington Road, Battersea
County: London
Name Relation Condition Sex Age Birth Year Occupation , Disability Where Born
MEAD, Dolly Daughter Single F 28 1873 Envelope Machinist
Clerkenwell, London

not having any luck finding Dolly anywhere else

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 28 Aug 2012 15:24

The entry posted by Susan as follows

First Name: Robert

Surname: MACLEOD

Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders

Gallantry Awards: Full Access Member Only
Rank: Temporary 2nd Lieutenant

Rank: T/Lt
Is a London Gazette entry which is free to search online. No need to pay a site like that one to obtain it. There's an entry in the London Gazette of 1/6/1917 for a Robert Macleod T/Lt, formerly Seaforth Highlanders. I think AGES ago I looked at all the surviving R Macleod Officers files at Kew and found nothing which fit "our Robert". So, that would mean, I suppose, that either his file hasn't survived, or he served after 1922, in which case his records should still be with the MOD, and we'd need to prove his death to get hold of copies from them, which of course we can't do.


wisechild Report 28 Aug 2012 15:53

There´s an entry on Anc. Campaign medals for what must be the same chap,because the details are similar.
Only problem is I can´t remember which campaign it was.
Senility gallops on.

PS. Anybody know anything about Christina Hellen MacLeod that I posted yesterday?


Linda Report 28 Aug 2012 17:41

re the births on SP one is 1897 and the other is 1898 as both are for a female named Donaldina I have a strange feeling that for some reason it has been recorded twice.

Cynthia before I use any credits on SP can you let me know if these have been checked before and if not and you want them checked let me know and I will look at them both


FannyByGaslight Report 28 Aug 2012 18:06

I had someone in Scots BMD %3A-D) very kindly look up all Donaldinas and other sorts ...He spent a lot of lunch hours searching for any possible for her between 1899 and 1910 that I put his way and found nowt.
But of course I/he may have missed THAT elusive one that may have been her..

Back along on this thread are LOADS of poss births that I posted at the time from SP and I know that what I did not check at that time on SP itself then he did in the office...
I have also followed up most of ,if not all,the possibles for a Donaldina or any other name of illegit births in Scotland.
India and Egypt I have had no luck in finding anything at all though..

Hope that helps


FannyByGaslight Report 28 Aug 2012 18:11

I can not remember if that family has been followed or not Jan...

I nearly lost the will to live at one time and had to take a break from this,although it is still on my mind a lot as I would love ANYONE to find the blasted woman for Ev


FannyByGaslight Report 28 Aug 2012 18:21

The marriage for Deyes.
Marriages Mar 1891
Deyes John William Hull 9d 349
Robertson Mary Hull 9d 349

That will take a while to work on as Robertson is even more popular than Macleod/McLeod in Scotland..


FannyByGaslight Report 28 Aug 2012 18:26

Christina Hellen Macleod aged 27=Pass.

Another "cant remember"sorry....

And I have some way to catch Ev up age wise too and my memory is well on its way out.. %3A-D

Spect its on here somewhere..

But just the thought of trawling the thread AGAIN makes me go all strange....Must go for a lie down now %3B-%29

Shut it Cynf. %3A-P

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 28 Aug 2012 18:47

(just to add, a member called Brenda has J W Deyes in Search Trees here)

Chris :)


Linda Report 28 Aug 2012 18:48

OK FBG The two births on SP are as follows

Donaldina MacLeod DOB 8/11/1897

Father Donald MacLeod Master Shoemaker

Mother Annie MacLeod MS Mackenzie

DOM 22/8/1896 Fraserburgh

GROS ref 088/000288


Donaldina MacLeod DOB 3/1/1898

Father Hector MacLeod Gen Labourer

Mother Christina MacLeod MS Robertson

DOM 3/7/1885 in Stornoway

GROS ref 088/000040

EDIT both births in Stornoway

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 28 Aug 2012 21:08

MCLEOD, Christina Head Married F 34 1867 Fish Worker
Dunbar, Haddington (same as Mary Deyes 1911)
MCLEOD, Hector Son M 16 1885 Fish Worker
Loucestaft England G & E
MCLEOD, Isabella Daughter F 14 1887
Dunbar, Haddington
MCLEOD, Ellen Daughter F 11 1890 Scholar
MCLEOD, Mary R Daughter F 10 1891 Scholar
MCLEOD, Donaldina Daughter F 7 1894 Scholar
Stornoway, Ross
Piece: 88
Folio: 1
Page: 20
Registration District: Stornoway
Civil Parish: Stornoway
Municipal Borough:
Address: 40, Kipper Road, Stornoway
County: Ross and Cromarty

(above address as on Cert. for 1898 Birth, strange!)

Chris :)
