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It's getting silly now........

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Flick Report 7 Dec 2011 14:00

.....I just looked at my 'watched' threads and found threads in there for which I didn't request a watch, and to which I have never contributed!!!!!!!

Please sort this out, GR.


MargaretM Report 7 Dec 2011 14:57

I notice I have 3 threads in "My Watched Threads". I have never requested they be placed there. To tell you the truth I don't even know how to do it.


Flick Report 7 Dec 2011 16:17

To keep an eye on threads, click on the purple 'watch this' at the to 'add reply'


MargaretM Report 7 Dec 2011 16:34

Well, I have never clicked on "Watch this", didn't even know it was there so why do I have 3 threads in "My watched Threads"?


jax Report 7 Dec 2011 16:48

I thought it could happen when I have run the cursor over the "watch this" as I am using a touch pad? or again it maybe one of these strange things that are happening like my tree opening....when I never look at it.. or directed to "Help Clinic" for no reason ect



Cynthia Report 7 Dec 2011 19:21

Now that's interesting Flick. I haven't looked at my Watched Threads for ages and find I have 5 pages of them, dating back to 2008 which is three years before Watched Threads was introduced...... %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S

I am sure I have seen somewhere on this board, that WTs are not actually working properly or have been cancelled and I know I certainly don't received email alerts about them.

I can only surmise that they are 'leftovers' from the old system where we had the option to keep an eye on threads we were interested in, even if we had not contributed to them. Many of mine seem to be threads which contained useful tips etc. which I must have considered may come in useful at some stage.

Does that make sense....? %3A-S %3A-S



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Dec 2011 19:28

Just looked at mine

I have 6 in there ...... 3 of which I did mark at some point as Watch, 3 of which I certainly have not marked



Cynthia Report 7 Dec 2011 19:30

What are the dates Sylvia? Are they since the WT system was introduced or before?



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Dec 2011 19:56


3 in 2010 showing ticked as Watch, and I did those

1 on 16 Sept 2011 marked as Watch, but I have no memory of marking that, and don't know why I would

1 on 13 Jan 2010 and 1 on 30 Nov 2011 not marked as Watch, but showing in My Watched Threads



Cynthia Report 7 Dec 2011 20:18

Very odd indeed Sylvia. Wonder if Phil will be able to enlighten us? %3A-S



MargaretM Report 7 Dec 2011 20:30

My 3 are all dated 2009.


Cynthia Report 7 Dec 2011 21:42

It does rather look as though GR took the threads we had marked prior to the changes and added them into our WT box doesn't it? Although, it's odd if Sylvia hadn't marked some of hers.... %3A-S


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Dec 2011 22:23

I've hardly ever marked any threads to Watch Threads.

In fact, none at all until those 3 in 2010.

The 3 that I know I marked were all my own, asking brick wall questions about ancestors and I marked them so I could quickly find them in the future.

I've figured that any other threads that I might want to look at later are "tips" types, and would always be pretty close to the top.



wisechild Report 8 Dec 2011 07:20

I´ve got a page & a half of them dating back to 2009.
As far as I can remember I´ve never marked more than 3 or 4 threads.


Jonesey Report 8 Dec 2011 09:31

I have one in my Watched Threads where the last post was made on it on 26/1/2005. I did not join GR until 2008.


Cynthia Report 8 Dec 2011 09:45

Nice one Jonesey! %3A-D


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Dec 2011 17:15

Very nice, Jonesey!

are you SURE that you didn't join in your sleep in 2005? %3A-D


Jonesey Report 8 Dec 2011 17:27

Pretty sure Sylv. Talking about sleep, you are up and about early (9:15 am) on a Thursday morning aren't you?


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Dec 2011 18:40

well, no ................

I just came on the 'puter a little earlier than usual %3A-D

Had to check on emails, so thought I'd look in on GR for a few minutes.


Persephone Report 14 Dec 2011 07:21

I am very disappointed, mine is as requested by me...

I don't seem to get anything interesting happen to me... well not on GR.

I think that is very funny Jonesey .. absurd but funny...
