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how to contact a living relation in new zealand ?

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Claire Report 29 Sep 2015 18:23

Am trying to contact Amanda Hughes, who living in New Zealand with no address
how do I find a way of contacting . I know Amanda who is doing the family tree,
but on a other site which I can not past on a messages, because I not a member.
Any idea ?


ArgyllGran Report 29 Sep 2015 18:30
(Although it doesn't seem to find any Amanda Hughes.)
Several people of that name on that site.


But with all these options you would have to have some clue re what area / town she's living in.

Have you tried "Search All Members Trees" on GR?


Claire Report 29 Sep 2015 19:02

Hi ArgyllGran,

Thanks for replying, all I know that Amanda grandparents move to Australia
and that Amanda living in New Zealand and the Hughes family tree is not on
the genes reunit site and I have no idea what part of New Zealand she in.

I can send a mesage but it mean I have to join a other ancestor site. which i
reluctanted to do.

thanks Mary


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Sep 2015 19:31

If its Ancestry, many of us are subscribers and would be happy to pass on a message.

All we'd need to know is Amanda's user name or the name of her tree, and the name(s) and details of some of the relatives in her tree. Once we've worked out that we've found the correct one, all you need to do is send us a PM with your email address and the text of your message.

Do NOT put your personal email address on this board!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Sep 2015 19:34

Come to think of it, even if its another site, there could be GR members who also subscribe


Valerie Report 30 Sep 2015 03:03

Hi - the 'National Library of NZ' (Auckland) (on-line) has an 'Ask a Librarian' service - they will check their many records including electoral rolls -past & present. (sometimes newspaper death notices -if given approx dates- and having less common name).


Claire Report 3 Oct 2015 13:41

Hi Valerie,
Thanks, I will give it a try.



JoonieCloonie Report 4 Oct 2015 01:35

Claire did you see Detective's suggestion?

also, if it is Ancestry, you can sign up for a 14-day free trial that lets you send messages, just cancel before it charges you

since you know that person is the right Amanda, that seems like a more direct and sensible approach than having a librarian do a search, not knowing how many Amanda Hughes there might be, and not knowing where yours is %3A-%29

(not to say that Valerie's suggestion is not a great one in many situations, it's just that here it seems not necessary and less likely to find the right person)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Oct 2015 09:12

Claire did send me a message but despite being given checking points I couldn't find a tree on Ancestry.

Apparently the Amanda Hughes in question has a tree on Heritage. My Heritage?
This info was given yesterday.


JoonieCloonie Report 4 Oct 2015 17:49

Ah. I get emails so I seem to have signed up there (free) at some point, but darned if I can remember %3A-%29

oh heh ... I decided to sign up again using another one of my obscure email addresses and discovered it was the one I had already used! ... so I muddle through and get to the sub info, and indeed, there is only an annual option, and it's £75.00 ... bit pricey just to send somebody a message! and there wouldn't even be a guarantee that the person would get it, since people do plonk family trees hither and yon on the internet and then not keep their accounts current so they can't be reached ... as we well know around here %3A-%29

I've never noticed anyone here refer to myheritage so yes, this suggestion likely won't work unfortunately


Persephone Report 12 Oct 2015 23:26

There are at least five Amanda Hughes in Auckland, one in Wellington and one in Canterbury.. there are probably even more than that. Plus there are a few that were Amanda Hughes but now another name due to marriage.