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Glenda Report 11 Sep 2015 14:50

Graeme Mitchell born 1950 in Ontaria Canada mother Dorothy Frances Rose Mitchell nee Chalkley born 1916 Romford Essex died 1980 Chilliwack B.C. father William Robertson Mitchell born 1908 Stirling Scotland died c1984 Chilliwack B.C. Any help will be much appreciated. Regards Glenda Chalkley.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 11 Sep 2015 15:15

Have you tried the Canadian white pages


Glenda Report 11 Sep 2015 15:35

Thank you I will try the Canadian white pages. Regards Glenda

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 11 Sep 2015 15:44

There is a G Mitchell listed in Chilliwack.



JoonieCloonie Report 12 Sep 2015 00:30

You can read Dorothy's obituary here (found by googling)

you have to pay to see the newspaper page but there is a transcription

It says (I am deleting living people's names)

DOROTHY MITCHELL Dorothy Mitchell of (address). died May 27 at Chilliwack General Hospital. Funeral service was held May 31 in the chapel of Henderson's Funeral Home, with Rev. H. Roderick officiating. Burial was at the Anglican cemetery. Pallbearers were Jim, Marcel and Bill Mitchell Jr. Mrs. Mitchell was born Jan. 8, 1916 at London, England. Formerly of Oakville, Ont. she had lived in the Chilliwack area for eight months. She worked as a homemaker at home and was president of the Horticultural Society of Bronte, Ont. and a late member of Oakville and Burlington, Ont. Horticultural Society. She is survived by her husband, Bill; three sons, __ of Chilliwack, __ of Abbotsford and __ of Surrey; two daughters, __ of Abbotsford and __ of Chilliwack; eight grandchildren; four brothers, __, __, __ and __ Chalkley all living in England.

however ... there is no listing at present for Graeme in Abbotsford

and I don't see listings for the daughters' married names in those locations.

unfortunately the obituary is 20 years old now.
- edit - actually I misread something, it is 35 years old %3A-%28

I guess (from your name) that none of the brothers and their families in England know how to contact the family?

edit - my mistake, you can see the original newspaper item by searching for the name Mitchell in the search box and then clicking on the highlighted section

you might try contacting the funeral home or the cemetery


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 14 Sep 2015 16:27

Glenda - unless the people whose dates of birth you have given are deceased or go by another name, it would be best to edit them. The year if birth will be sufficient.

Leaving the full dob on an open board is an invasion of their privacy and could lead to identity theft.

Just in case you were confused, JoonieCloonie is not related. She is member of the site just the same as you, and has excellent research skills. Like the majority of fellow members who reply to threads, she enjoys helping others. %3A-%29


JoonieCloonie Report 14 Sep 2015 18:24

Hi Glenda, I'm very glad that info has helped. As Detective says, your husband's brother is still living so you should edit your message to take his date of birth out, to guard against identity theft and for privacy. (I assume you are in contact; he is on the electoral roll).

Your husband is lucky to have found his family in England and that some at least are pleased to know him.

The Rev. who officiated at Dorothy's funeral was at St Matthew's Anglican Church in Abbotsford, British Columbia. (Google finds all!) There has been a schism in the Anglican church in BC (this was all part of the Lambeth Conference problems over ordaining gay and lesbian clergy etc. ... which I happen to have followed with interest at the time a few years ago %3A-%29 ) and it appears that St Matthew's is of the very conservative faction.

Whether the family would still be in the congregation it is a question, what with that (St Matthew's has in fact severed its ties with its local diocese, according to its website) and also just mobility, but you could certainly contact the church and ask that your contact info be passed along if they are.

a bit too much information to be sure, but I find church politics fascinating %3A-%29

... like other people's family history! I am not actually a Christian or, sadly, a member of your family, just a helper hereabouts, as Detective says.

It would probably be wise to remove most of the names from your message (as I did from the obituary) ... just say 'daughter has 2 girls, daughter has 2 girls, son has 2 girls' ... 'sister does not really want to know us'.

I tell you what ... I will copy your message below and then you can just delete yours which is easier than messing around with the editing. Just click 'Delete' at the top of it and say yes.

In case you haven't been able to access that full obituary, I will send you a copy of the text privately. I will also send you the contact information for the church.

... I am a little confused though ... actually you are in touch with all the other siblings in Canada ... do the other siblings you are in touch with not know how to contact Graeme?


Glenda's message that Detective and I have replied to
(my apologies for typing the wrong name at first)


Thank you Joonie for your most welcome reply, first of all let me explain who I am my name is Glenda the wife of Robert Chalkley born 1936 Kingston-upon-Thames England the first son born to Dorothy Frances Rose Chalkley and the second son was born 1938 in Brentford Middx England.

Dorothy married William Robertson Mitchell in 1943 in Westminster and moved to Canada about 1944, we knew nothing about the family in Canada and their was a secret about their 2 siblings brothers left in England. We only found out about family in Canada when a member of the family died in about 2010 by his family tree passed on to us by another family member but all that was on it were 5 children to Dorothy and William 3 boys 2 girls with no names or dates of births or locations and we did not know her married name.

When I met Robert my husband in 1963 he only knew of 3 of his family his gran, granddad, on his mothers side as he did not have no details of his father on his birth certificate and he knew his uncle and his brother. He only got to know more of Chalkley family names from records kept by Dr.Barnardo`s home on his admittance in November 1939 and released by FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 1997.

Thanks to the computer I have found out his sister who does not really want to know us but past information on to her brother and sister they are both in contact with us over computer and we phone them to see how they are keeping, we found his other Brother and was in contact but not heard anything from him since Christmas 2014 sent emails but no reply so we are hoping they are ok.

Nobody seems to know of Graeme`s whereabouts it would be nice to find him. You say Dorothy had 8 grandchildren we know a daughter has 2 girls, a daughter has 2 girls, and a son as 2 girls. but we don`t know about the other 2 and to add to your records myself and Robert as 3 girls and I boy and his brother had 3 boys and I girl 2 of his boys have since deceased.

We thank you for your information gained from your reply. Regards Glenda hope you are keeping well. xx


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Sep 2015 15:22

Glenda has acknowledged the latest replies.


JoonieCloonie Report 15 Sep 2015 17:24

and managed to figure out how to delete her other message by the time I got back here, without me having to RR it on her behalf if she wasn't able to. %3A-D

I know I can't think of much else to suggest Glenda, other than contacting the church and cemetery ... and trying the person whose address details I sent you by private message