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Find my cousin

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Kenneth Report 18 Aug 2015 15:40

Research shows other GR Member who has Pauline in her Tree , is daughter
from her second marriage , have PM possible current address for Pauline in
Abingdon .

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Aug 2015 07:37


Marking this as answered means that you don't need anymore help. Folks won't open the thread as it looks like it's done

Best not use the answered button even if you think you have enough info as someone may find something more that may help

So have you tried looking for another,marriage for her .looking for her children on Facebook etc. tried electoral rolls ?


Carole Report 17 Aug 2015 23:59

Pauline was born in 1949 in Oxford. I have her birth record.
She married in Q3, 1968 in Oxford. %3A-%29

Marked As Answer Marked as Answered


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Jul 2015 13:03

What year was she born and married please?
edit - married 1968 Oxford reg?

Have you been able to trace her children? They may have news & have a presence on Facebook or other social media sites.


Carole Report 23 Jul 2015 12:54

My cousin Pauline nee Smith. She married and became Mrs.Wicks and seperated and moved to Abingdon near the river. She left Abingdon about 1970 and went to Newbury, that is when I lost touch with her. She had two children in those days. Last saw her briefly in the 1990's at my fathers funeral at the Oxford Crematorium.