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What Book or Kindle Book are you reading ??

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Mersey Report 8 Dec 2012 18:01

Hi Chucks...

I have just finished The Gift and have to say for an easy read through the victorian ages it was a lovley book.......

For those who have kindle I joined Prime on Amazon which was offered to me free trial for a month ....so any book I would like to read I can borrow on dowload for free, I can just cancel Prime nearer the end of free month......worth giving it a go ! :-D ;-)


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 6 Dec 2012 23:13

Another book I have been reading is "Black Diamonds" (The Rise and Fall of an English Dynasty) by Catherine Bailey. A non-fiction book.
The "English Dynasty" is the Fitzwilliam family of Wentworth in Yorkshire, it tells of their spectalular decline: of inheritance fights; rumours off a changling and of lunacy; philandering earls; illicit love; war heroism etc etc etc.
Part of their wealth came from the coal mines they owned, the book also tells of mining poverty and squalor, strikes, mine disasters and a class war that literally ripped apart the local landscape.The 6th Earl Fitzwilliam - William Thomas Spencer Fitzwilliam 1815-1902 was father t eight sons (and six daughters - but daughters could not inherit the title) The eight sons born between 1839 and 1862 all had the first name William! (plus a middle name).

A really good read about social history and how changes eccected all parts of society.
I am going to be checking this family out on Census and other records.

A well told story, what a great way to learn British History. It was never this interesting when I was at school.


AnninGlos Report 6 Dec 2012 16:35

I haven't read them but am sure my Grandsons did when in their teens.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 6 Dec 2012 11:24

I have read the Philip Pullman books. Enjoyed them, good book for young teenagers too. Perhaps something us "oldies" can discuss with our grandchildren.

I will probably read them all a second time too.

Recently there was a "Dark Matters" film on t.v.


GinN Report 6 Dec 2012 11:06

Just finished A Street CatNamed Bob. Alovely, heartwarming read, he really is a very special cat - sure he must be his owner's guardian angel.
Bob is the very antithesis of my haughty, controlling, grumpy tabby!


SueMaid Report 6 Dec 2012 10:09

I'm half way through reading Kind of Cruel by Sophie Hannah. I've just discovered this author and I love her way of writing. So many twists and turns and I can't guess who the bad guy/girl is.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 6 Dec 2012 10:01

Good to see this thread back:)

Half way through Phillip Pullmans dark materials...the 3rd bk The Amber Spyglass....all three are brilliant, 2nd time to read them:)



AnninGlos Report 5 Dec 2012 22:44

thanks Mersey.


Mersey Report 5 Dec 2012 22:16

Hi Ann

Ive read it and have to say I enjoyed it, I read the review in the Daily Mail and decided to give it ago.....a very easy read id give it 7 out of 10 :-D


AnninGlos Report 5 Dec 2012 22:12

I have that on my kindle ready to read later so I shall be interested in your opinion BC :-D


ButtercupFields Report 5 Dec 2012 21:17

That's the one, Mersey! Clever gal :-D Well Geordie, that could be right, but I haven't been shocked as yet :-D


GinN Report 5 Dec 2012 21:13

Ah, is that the book that has been described as Fifty Shades of Grey for the more mature? Sorry, can't remember the title - is it A Walk in the Park ?


Mersey Report 5 Dec 2012 21:12

Thursday in the Park ?? :-D :-D


ButtercupFields Report 5 Dec 2012 21:09

I am reading.....ummm. it's on my Kindle and I forget the name of it and the author...lol... Anyway it's about two people of a 'certain age' who meet up in the park where they take their grandchildren to play He is a widower and her husband hasn't come near her for ten years for some unfathomable reason. Well I shall probably find out why later in the book! And so a romance begins....awwww.....

Anyway, it is quite a good, easy read and only costs 20p on Kindle

I'll bet someone can tell me what the book is called before I even go downstairs to get my Kindle and check! :-D :-D



Mersey Report 5 Dec 2012 20:52

Hi Book Worms

I have just started a new book The Last Gift by Carla Acheson its based on historical events prevelant during the victorian era...

Let you know how it goes :-D


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 5 Dec 2012 13:01

I have found it difficult getting into town to go to the Library, so am using the local charity shop more often (three paperbacks for a pound).

This sometimes means that I get books that I would not have usually read.

A case in point is -
"The Bertrams" by Anthony Trollope.
It was first published in 1859, set in the 1840's My paperback copy was printed in or after 1993.

An interesting and sometimes amusing story of love, marriage, money and society.
"The Bertrams" portrays three Oxford graduates, concentrating on the career of the brilliant scholar George Bertram who, in his love affair with the beautiful Caroline Waddington, finds himself embattled in a conflict of wills and tragically at odds with the spirit of the age"

I enjoyed the story and could picture a lot of the "goings-on" in my mind.

Many of the names in the story amused me from the Company of "Dry and
Stickatit" to Mr Statistik who is always quoting facts and figures!

Trollope wrote forty-seven novels, I will be trying to find some more of them.


Julia Report 5 Dec 2012 09:05

Glad to see the thread back Mersey

Yesterday, whilst out in our little town havimg me hair papmpered, I took a bag of all ready read paperbacks into the charity shop, and ofcourse managed to fill it up again,for my Christmas reading, and a glass trifle bowl for £4.O0

I got such authors as Harrlen Corbin, Jeffrey Deaver, John Henry, and John Grisham. I am more than well pleased.

Julia in Derbyshire


Mersey Report 4 Dec 2012 21:40

Well im orrffff for an early nite :-D :-D ;-) ;-)

Will catch up tomorrow with the book reading....

Tata Chucks <3


SueMaid Report 4 Dec 2012 21:12

Good news, Mersey :-D


Mersey Report 4 Dec 2012 20:56

My thread is back and I didnt even know yaaaaay ...Thanks Phil :-D :-D :-D :-D