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It Had to Happen

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Allan Report 27 Jan 2022 20:49

Not sure, namelessone, but judging by the variety of sites that are now named as being visited there is either one person with a passion for shopping throughout the area, or a group of them %3A-S

OH and myself are booked in for our boosters next Thursday, which was the earliest appointment that we could secure


nameslessone Report 27 Jan 2022 10:03

Are these postive people going out knowing they have it?


JoyLouise Report 27 Jan 2022 09:41

I hope you have it quick-smart, Allan.

It may be the way I see things but I get the feeling that people have become too complacent about the virus here. The big problem with that is what will happen if a more lethal variant arrives on our shores?

I think we may find that we are offered an annual jab every autumn - same as our flu jab. I will certainly join the queue for that.


Allan Report 26 Jan 2022 20:48

Another 9 cases locally, and I do mean locally with one case visiting our local supermarket. Fortunately neither of us were there on the day.

It seems that the local cluster is based on a construction site at a large Industrial area. Ironically the main office for this particular site is situated next to our Dr's Surgery here in Australind, which in turn is located within he wider area of the Shopping Centre where the supermarket is.

Now that Australia Day is over I'll be phoning the GP to make an appointment for my booster


McAlp Report 26 Jan 2022 16:18

Stay safe Mate


Kucinta Report 26 Jan 2022 11:42

Do get the booster as soon as you can, two members of my family, one in England, one in Wales, both triple jabbed, and taking sensible precautions, still managed to get Covid just before Christmas.

Thankfully both cases turned out to be relatively mild, probably because they were triple jabbed. %3A-%29


Allan Report 25 Jan 2022 22:21

We will, Ann %3A-%29


AnninGlos Report 25 Jan 2022 22:04

Do get the booster as soon as you are able Alan. Stay safe, horrible times for all of us.


Allan Report 25 Jan 2022 21:31

Thanks, Von.

Fortunately, neither OH nor myself are great socialisers so we tend not to go out a great deal for meals etc.

I just hope that WA's lack of Covid until now has not led to a general complacency amongst WA folk.

We are both vaccinated but do need the booster


Von Report 25 Jan 2022 21:25

Sorry to hear that Allan. I’ve been watching from afar and wondered what was going to happen.
We’ve been through it here in London but it seems to have subsided now here but it’s still around so we continue to be cautious.
Stay safe and take care %26lt%3B3


Allan Report 25 Jan 2022 20:51

Despite the Premier of WA delaying the opening of WA borders to all interstate travellers (from Feb 5th with no end date given) omicron is now rearing its ugly head in WA.

More worryingly, seven active cases are in the Bunbury area where I live, and these have been active in the community whilst infectious %3A-%28

Add to that that it is Australia Day today, the highlight(?) of which is large fireworks displays throughout the State, Including Bunbury, and it seems that the number of cases may explode %3A-%28

Watch this space over the next few days.

I must admit that OH and myself don't celebrate Australia Day, and we can watch the fireworks from the safety of our house so there will be minimal contact with the outside world