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Inside The factory

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Florence61 Report 19 Jan 2022 21:53

Is anybody watching this fascinating programme on BBC2? Last week, it showed how a chair is made from start to finish. how they bend a piece of straight wood. i found it very interesting.
Just now Greg Wallace is following how a boot is made, a walking leather boot and also how they make wellington boots.

When we buy a boot from a shop, I dont think most of us think about the process of how it was made. So next time we see a boot & its £50, Id say it was very good value considering the work that goes into it.

Made a change watching something different.

Florence in the hebrides


LaGooner Report 19 Jan 2022 21:58

We always watch it Florence %3A-D.


Florence61 Report 19 Jan 2022 22:00

I loved it and also learnt a lot too %3A-D


LaGooner Report 19 Jan 2022 22:03

So did we. I have always liked Doc Marten boots as did my daughter. I haven't worn them for a good few years though %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


ZZzzz Report 19 Jan 2022 23:59

We had to wear Doc Martin type boots for work in my last job I bought the real Doc Martin, the management said they wouldn't pay for them as they were too expensive but mine lasted a lot longer than what they provided and were more comfortable, so the others were a false economy %3A-D.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 Jan 2022 11:25

I missed that programme but loved watching the Errol furniture one


AnninGlos Report 23 Jan 2022 15:27

I watched the Ercol one and didn't see the booys. Maybe i should have watched it as my Granddaughter works in the doc Martens shop in M. Keynes and loves it. they have to always be wearing the latest style, not allowed to wear older styles when working But I think they get free boots for wearing at work. Florence I think they cost a bit more than £50


maggiewinchester Report 23 Jan 2022 17:04

I still have the Doc Martens, bought for me when I worked on a building site in the 1970's.
I say 'worked on a building site' - I was PA to the site manager at the Sumburgh airport extension.
I was walking back from watching puffins on Sumburgh Head, wearing jeans, wellies and an icelandic jumper, and saw girls with high heels, and smart clothes on, attempting to find a way through the mud at the edge of the airport, when a lad came up to me and asked if I was there for the interview.
I have no idea why, but I said 'yes'. I got the job %3A-0

Not being one to constantly wear wellies, I asked if I could have some work boots, and the young lad (yardboy) was sent to Lerwick to get some.
Not sure if he knew what 'work' I was doing, but he brought back a pair of thigh-high black suede stilletoe-heeled boots ! %3A-S

Mrs 'Site Manager' wasn't too happy %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

I sent him back to get some Doc Martens, which I still have %3A-D


Florence61 Report 23 Jan 2022 18:54

Oh Maggie that story made me howl %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

I bought my Huntress wellies with me when i came her 30 years ago and was told I was a bit tooo posh lol. I bought them mid 80's for £22.00. They are now over £80 to buy.

When I said £50 it was the first figure that came to mind. Im sure they are probably over £100?

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 27 Jan 2022 00:27

It was very interesting tonight's programme on how Tortilla chips/Doritos are made.

I had no idea they are made from sweetcorn! I knew corn is starchy and in some countries they mash it down to make a kind of flat bread but never realised tortillas are made from corn.
You learn something new everyday!

Also they showed you how Guacamole dip is made . That was also very interesting.

Im so enjoying this series, a refreshing change from the norm.

Florence in the hebrides