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Andrew no longer HRH

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Caroline Report 14 Jan 2022 23:51

Oh yes somehow I managed to forget her!


ZZzzz Report 14 Jan 2022 23:05

Two words. Koo Stark.


ZZzzz Report 14 Jan 2022 22:34

Me too Caroline.


Caroline Report 14 Jan 2022 21:38

Interested as to why "Chas" will have to pay for any legal bills.......


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Jan 2022 18:40

Rollo ...................

it appears that Randy Andy has gone his own way for many, many years. He has done only what he wants to do. An entitled, arrogant, not very intelligent man who believed he could have and do what he wanted to do.

I've personally known "ordinary" common Joes like him, so that kind of behaviour is not limited to Royal families or aristocrats. One I knew has been in jail for about 15/20 years because he believed he could have and do anything he wanted, including kill his friend's parents and sister so the friend would get the insurance money.

He believed he was entitled to everything, but came crashing down when he was about 20.

These men are often pretty handsome and can attract girls with impunity. Andrew was handsome, and had the added attraction of being a real Prince. Many of them an also twit their mothers round their little fingers, and get away with things from a young age.

Luckily Andrew hasn't gone as far as my friend's son, but he got lots, got away with lots and now has his comeuppance.


Caroline Report 14 Jan 2022 15:43

So Maggies details there make it hard to see what her case is...other than she was forced to do it not the age aspect....well in those pictures it didn't look like she was forced but pictures can lie. Obviously, her lawyers seem to think they can prove something....OR.....they're hoping he'll do whatever he has to to keep it out of the courts and pay up.
As for splitting hairs yes he was born HRH and will die HRH but can't use the title HRH so it's about as good as a chocolate teapot.


JoyLouise Report 14 Jan 2022 11:57

Rollo, on telly news this morning, one senior military officer said that he thought the removal of Andrew from ties with his regiment was the right thing to do.

I have no idea what grounds VG is using to pursue her case through the court as I've not followed this closely enough.. Does anyone know?

I think Charles and William have a good eye on their future roles.


JoyLouise Report 14 Jan 2022 11:18

Ah, but Maggie, he may have decided to jump onto the royalty bandwagon (and all of the limelight, the publicity and interviews that may be in the offing) as many did when the H & M debacle was in full swing.

I am not a fan of A either but I think many will look at the current state of affairs as a cash cow.

I have not read enough about the reasons why VG is pursuing the case but I doubt very much whether either Epstein or Maxwell will have told Andrew what they were doing so if she wasn’t under the age of consent (and it appears she wasn’t) what grounds is she using to go ahead?


maggiewinchester Report 14 Jan 2022 10:21

It's complicated, as different states have different ages of consent, and these provisos:

* Restricted by age difference: younger partner is deemed able to consent to having sex with an older one as long as their age difference does not exceed a specified amount.

*Restricted by authority: younger partner is deemed able to consent to having sex with an older one as long as the latter is not in a position of trust or authority, or is not recognised to be abusing the inexperience of the younger one.

*Unrestricted: age from which one is deemed able to consent to having sex with anyone else or marriageable age if they must be married

Giuffre claims the 'abuse' took place in Manhattan, London and the US Virgin Isles.
In Manhattan, the 'age of consent' is 11, it's 'unrestricred' at 17.
In the US Virgin Isles, it's 13, 'unrestricted' at 18
In London, it's 16.

I mean, if she really didn't want to do it, why did she travel to so many places?
Also, one can only assume she had her own passport - she could have 'lost' it, so she didn't have to go.

Surely her recently emerged father could have intervened - or wasn't he bothered at the time?


LondonBelle Report 14 Jan 2022 09:30

One of the alleged assaults was supposedly in the UK. The other two assaults were allegedly in New York and the US Virgin Islands both of which appear to have 16 as their age of consent too although I could be wrong %3A-0

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 14 Jan 2022 09:04

She definitely didn’t look stressed or unhappy on the photographs!


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 14 Jan 2022 09:04

She definitely didn’t look stressed or unhappy on the photographs!



KathleenBell Report 14 Jan 2022 08:40

It happened in the USA and they have different ages of consent depending on the state.

Kath. x


LondonBelle Report 14 Jan 2022 06:33

I thought the age of consent was 16 in the UK when this was all suppose to have taken place %3A-0


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Jan 2022 03:23

She was 17, but did she LOOK 17?? That is the real question.

According to a report from London on our 6 pm radio news here, Andrew is going to have to fight the case as a private citizen "with no help from the Royal family.

He was known as Randy Andy way back when for a reason!


maggiewinchester Report 13 Jan 2022 22:35

She was 17. I love how daddy has come out of the woodwork to defend his 'innocent' daughter.
Where the hell was he when she was with Epstein?
Oh, and I wonder if she'll go on trial for procuring young girls for Epstein?
If she disliked her 'job' why didn't she go back home?


Caroline Report 13 Jan 2022 21:52

I have to admit that quite frankly looking at pictures it is hard to decide what age she was at the time; I know she was too young and trafficked etc but how much Andrew knew is debatable and I'm no fan of his for sure. That's the trouble when girls try to dress and look older and it's easy to do sadly and often it can have negative results.....and again I know she was under the influence of Epstein.


Caroline Report 13 Jan 2022 21:48

Oh Lord help us let's hope he isn't like Harry and Meghan and starts a World talking tour about his life and its hardships or whatever...... %3A-%29


ZZzzz Report 13 Jan 2022 21:09

I shall watch the news later and see what is said there.


Linda Report 13 Jan 2022 20:18

Think Charles and William are behind this as I think they make a lot of the decisions these days don’t think he will like it but he should have thought of the Queen n all of this I don’t think we will ever see him in public again thank goodness