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That was an 'interesting' Christmas!

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Annx Report 2 Jan 2022 18:28

What a shock to wake up in hospital not knowing what had happened! %3A-0 It must have given your daughter a fright, but thank goodness she was there. Alcohol can lower your BP as it widens the blood vessels, but as you say you hadn't had very much. I hope they keep an eye on you and get to the bottom of what caused you to faint as it isn't good that they sent you home so soon. They would know you weren't drunk from your blood tests, but would they have got those back before you were sent home.

I hope you get checked over when they take the staples out.


Caroline Report 2 Jan 2022 19:04

Oh maybe I should drink more booze to lower my blood pressure best advice I've had all year %3A-D %3A-D


Florence61 Report 2 Jan 2022 19:18

The very reason I am not allowed to drink is because I am on blood thinners .Alcohol will reduce BP even lower and I would keel over!

Florence in the hebrides


Tawny Report 2 Jan 2022 20:19

My blood pressure can drop very low when I drink too. My last reading after drinking was 90/45. I’m glad you’re okay Maggie and hope they get to the bottom of it.