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Holiday adverts!!

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Inky1 Report 23 Dec 2021 17:10


I agree. But at the risk of being labelled a pedant, the boffins use the term 'endemic'.

But those booster shots may be needed more frequently than once a year. At least in the short term.


nameslessone Report 23 Dec 2021 09:34

Allan, over here we can have hot cross buns all year round. %3A-%7C


Allan Report 23 Dec 2021 02:58

I'll drink to that, Sylvia. %3A-D


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Dec 2021 00:10

Florence and Allan ............. the same happened here, both in the stores immediately after Christmas.

We're right back in the same restrictions as last year in BC.

There's a feeling of resignation around.

Roll on the time when covid is being seen as an epidemic with an annual vaccination needed, rather than a pandemic with rushed reactions.


ZZzzz Report 23 Dec 2021 00:06

Then there are the emails.


Florence61 Report 23 Dec 2021 00:03

Allan , last year creme eggs were in the shops straight after xmas!!Followed swiftly by other chocolate eggs.

Florence in the hebrides %3A-S


ZZzzz Report 22 Dec 2021 23:57

I have never understood why people complain about not having a holiday, you don't have to travel to have a one, we have had a few picnics and going somewhere to take photos etc. We have saved what we would have spent on a flight and hotels so we will do posh when we can eventually go away.


Allan Report 22 Dec 2021 21:44

Restrictions on travel notwithstanding at least here in Oz we will be able to purchase Hot Cross Buns shortly after Boxing Day %3A-%7C


nameslessone Report 22 Dec 2021 16:18

Laughing or yelling were not in my mind when some were threatening to sue the government for wrongful imprisonment.


Caroline Report 22 Dec 2021 15:52

I don't know whether to laugh or yell at them when the holidaymakers start complaining at the cost of testing before they can come can afford the holiday you can afford the testing or isolate in a hotel.


Annx Report 22 Dec 2021 15:43

Hear, hear Namelessone!


Florence61 Report 22 Dec 2021 15:32

Yes i agree we should be looking positively to the future. I just thought they could wait a bit until at least the New year and see how things are.
As for peeps complaining they didnt get a holiday, well I have no time for them, selfish springs to mind.
Maybe they should double the price of the hotels for isolation, that might just curtail people!!

Until the spring we now have only 2 flights a day to Glasgow early morning and evening.

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 22 Dec 2021 14:39

Boxing Day always used to be the start of the holiday adverts.

I’m not offended as long as the companies are prepared to make refunds. We need to look positively to the future. COVID may sink to less panic levels.

However, I was offended by people being interviewed during the summer who were demanding their holidays as a right because they hadn’t had one for a while. I’m also annoyed with those that don’t realise they are taking a risk by travelling and complain bitterly when caught up in having to isolate in hotels at their own cost.


Florence61 Report 22 Dec 2021 14:12

Is it just me or is anyone else offended by seeing a Jet2 holiday advert for 2022 telling us all you need is £60 deposit?

I havent seen my parents in 3 years and like many others last year and this year wont see their family in this country because of the Covid etc.

I dont think they should be allowed to advertise especially as more restrictions are likely very soon. Its just adding salt to the wounds for many. With countries like France, Germany & others already closing their borders, a holiday ufn isnt going to happen.

Florence in the hebrides