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Narcissist. Rant alert.

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ZZzzz Report 13 Nov 2021 11:15

After years of helping family financially, emotionally and physically, sometimes to the detriment of ourselves and what we may want or need then when we need help it isn't there because it isn't about them.
Ok rant over thanks for reading this.


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2021 11:24

We are here to hear your rants ZZzzz, sorry you have family problems Are you sure though, have you needed to ask them or do you just think it is what might happen. Maybe at least one of them will surprise you. I, like many of us I think, find it difficult to imagine that situation as I am fortunate and have a really supportive family But I sympathise with those who do have the problem.


ZZzzz Report 13 Nov 2021 11:41

Thank you AnninGlos, yes I have asked for help and I was desperate for help physically and mentally but it wasn't forthcoming, in the end I just coped because I had to and had a melt down.


AnnMarieG Report 15 Nov 2021 10:04

ZZzzz, so sorry to hear this.

The old saying you can pick your friends but family, you have to put up with always goes.

I really hope you are feeling better.
Just wish I could help.
It is an awful time for a lot of people at the moment which dosnt help how we are feeling right now.

Sending you a virtual hug.. Hope it helps a little bit. %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


ZZzzz Report 15 Nov 2021 16:31

I think back in the day 70s and 80s they would have been known as control freaks, anyway I am left with no doubt that they won't help, I can't e Mail them because they have blocked me on that and every other way of contacting them, we are truly on our own.


nameslessone Report 15 Nov 2021 16:41

Good thing you are able to let off steam on here.

Try and think of it as their loss - not yours.


ZZzzz Report 15 Nov 2021 18:42

Nameslessone that is what I like about being on here, we can let off steam anonymously and there are a lot of knowledgeable people too. %3B-%29