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Not good enough for the reaper!

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Sharron Report 10 Nov 2021 08:31

Sorry, this is not particularly interesting but I have frightened another doctor. I think that, because I was never allowed to be ill, I don't recognize when I am.
Having had the excellent experience with the tasty Italian, I was taking some Beta blockers,the strength of which was increased.

Well, I was getting a bit breathless so my mate had a look on the internet revealing that that was a side effect that needed to be reported to your doctor. Rang him and he invited me over, even though I stink like a polecat. I am sleeping ni my clothes and don't have enough puff to wash and have hardly any lung capacity left at all because they are full of fluid, some of which has been there twenty years!

There was a choice I could either go off to hospital and have all the body fluid off in one fell swoop or do it slowly with diuretics, which I have chosen. It was urgent enough that he e-mailed the prescription to the pharmacy for OH to pick up at once so that I could get on to the diuretics as quickly as possible (I think he was worried !) If I had any problems I was to call 999.

Wouldn't you know hey would only have given OH the beta-blockers? The diuretics were o the van for delivery. They turned up twenty hours later than hoped by which time I was a little concerned too.

Anyway, I am sleeping downstairs on the sofa, the stairs still require far too much puff, still stink and the doctor call every day if only to tell me to 999 and get an ambulance if anything goes wrong!

Maybe I know why I have felt so wretched for so long now but it it's onward and upward once I have enough puff to have a wash.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Nov 2021 08:45

I hope the diuretics kick in quickly|! %26lt%3B3

As for not washing - it's an overrated activity - and just think of the good you're doing for the environment %3A-D
(and yes, there is the 'downside' that you're stinking the house out, but on warmer days, the windows can be opened)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 10 Nov 2021 08:46

Oh my goodness Sharron.
So sorry to hear that you are feeling so rough and I hope things improve soon.

I was going to give you a call today, now that I have been to the ENT nurse yesterday and can hear somewhat better... well better than of late, when I haven't even heard the phone, let alone be able to hold a conversation.
Sounds like it would be better to just let you rest, rather have one of our marathon chats.

Take care and get the chef to look after you well.


LaGooner Report 10 Nov 2021 08:58

Oh Sharron, I hope things improve for you very soon. %26lt%3B3


nameslessone Report 10 Nov 2021 09:09

Sharron, that is horrible.

The closest I've been to that is when the dentist tried to kill me with injecting into a vein. I knew I was struggling, especially when I didn't have the energy to even lift a fork off the plate.

I hope the tablets kick in soon. I was going to mkae a funny remark but then remembered the effort it can take to giggle.


Sharron Report 10 Nov 2021 09:19

Oh Gwyn, do please ring me,just what I need.

Luckily, the tablets have kicked in ad I don't puff quite as hard or long when I return fro the wet room and I have had a go i a wheel-chair

Jut hoping it will be a new start without the fluid in the lungs after such a long time (during which I spent seven years as a 24/7 carer!).


AnninGlos Report 10 Nov 2021 10:00

Sorry to hear that you are unwell Sharon, no matter how light you make of it you must feel pretty rough to even admit it. I hope the diuretics work soon. %26lt%3B3


nameslessone Report 10 Nov 2021 10:11

Thank goodness for our favourite Hero. If it hadn’t been for him you wouldn’t have the downstairs wet room.


Sharron Report 10 Nov 2021 10:19

Not so much rough as incapacitated. I go marchjing off across the kitchen quite forgetting how much puffing and blowing is being generated.


Sharron Report 10 Nov 2021 10:19

Not so much rough as incapacitated. I go marchjing off across the kitchen quite forgetting how much puffing and blowing is being generated.


SuffolkVera Report 10 Nov 2021 12:55

Poor you Sharron. I hope the tablets do the trick for you. It's your turn to rest up and let others look after you for a change, though I suspect that won't come easy to you.


Florence61 Report 10 Nov 2021 13:30

Sorry to hear you are not well Sharron. The fluid in your lungs is depriving you of oxygen so i hope the tablets help real soon. But if you are still struggling for breath you def need a visit to hospital.

Wishing you well

Florence in the hebrides


Jacqueline Report 10 Nov 2021 17:39

Good luck and take care of yourself. Perhaps one or two small treats would help you to regain your strength. Any sort of problems with lungs can be so debilitating.

Hope you keep making progress.


Annx Report 11 Nov 2021 18:08

Sorry to hear you are struggling Sharron and I hope the diuretics work soon. I am on a beta blocker and remember being told not to dismiss breathlessness. Take care and best wishes.