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Maddie Report 3 Nov 2021 13:31

rail fares are really expensive, cheaper for a family to go by car and individuals to go by plane
i used to love going by train, relax and watch the world go by but many have turned into overcrowded cattlle trucks
people can only travel according to their purse strings
i guess there is no simple solution


JoyLouise Report 3 Nov 2021 13:21

Another thought has occurred now that I’ve learned that, following the summit, our ministers have backed HS2.

They will need to justify going ahead with HS1 and HS2 so they’ll need bums on seats.


JoyLouise Report 3 Nov 2021 13:07

I can only imagine what bright spark wanted to stop all domestic flights in order to multiply road traffic journeys and accidents - someone with shares in industries that would benefit from such a move, such as cars, glass, tarmac, rail and road building and other equipment etc, I expect.

I am not at all sure that the rail industry has the capacity or extent of lines to cover too many extra travellers.

Florence, if I were a cynic %3B-%29 I’d say buy ship shares (you know what I mean). %3A-D


Florence61 Report 3 Nov 2021 12:46

And at the end of the day, all these pledges are only promises aren't they? If a country doesn't fulfil their pledges, what then?

Putin & the Chinese president didn't even bother to come. Putin's ideas on climate change is "well if the global temperature warms up by 1 degree, the the Russians wont need fur coats & hats!!" That is what he apparently was heard saying.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 3 Nov 2021 12:42

Yes Maddie, as an islander we do rely on ferries for daily supplies of food, post, medical supplies etc. I heard awhile ago this morning that all domestic flights should go!!!! So in rough weather, how do we get off island whether for work or hospital appointments? Orkney & shetland have many small airports linking the islands together and a plane to these remote parts is the only form of travel.

What planet are these people on that make these suggestions? Obviously never travelled very far outside their own area!

Our airfares are extortionate, however as an islander for now we have a discount scheme which gives us 50 % off flights to other scottish airports only so that does help but even so still expensive...

If i lived on the mainland, i would happily travel by train to go south but I dont have that option here.

Florence in the hebrides


Maddie Report 3 Nov 2021 12:24

at least those eople living in the islands around GB should benefit, they have no other form of travel except ships that may not be able to sail in bad weather
perhaps the tax should have been kept and those people given an exemption


maggiewinchester Report 3 Nov 2021 08:35

Maddie - so true - don't want too many martyrs!

As this Government has cut the taxes on internal flghts, thus ensuring more emissions over the UK it's only right that they should take a leaf out of their own book!


JoyLouise Report 3 Nov 2021 08:04

Like Florence says, why not use Zoom or another similar platform?

Anyone would think that they, themselves, are not at all worried about ongoing global situations and possible disasters just as long as Joe Bloggs is doing all the ‘sacrificing’ in order for the nations’ leaders to appear to care and to rake in as much publicity and photo-shoot opportunities as they possibly can. After all, they may well fancy different careers when their stints of ‘look-at-me’ personae end.

I do hope financial companies, global conglomerates and, particularly, those California tech companies are sitting up and taking notice cos we wouldn’t want the poor beggars to end up on the dole, would we?


Maddie Report 2 Nov 2021 13:30

hope they vet everyone getting on the plane
dont want another sir david


maggiewinchester Report 2 Nov 2021 08:25

Update to my last post - Johson's now going to get a scheduled flight from Glasgow.

That'll save the taxpayer a few thousand pounds - as long as other passengers are allowed on the plane!


Kense Report 2 Nov 2021 08:21

I am sorry I did the government a disservice, the death toll reached 223 on one day after a weekend of a relatively low number of reported deaths. The actual daily average last week was 157. Still a much higher death rate than similar countries though.


ZZzzz Report 1 Nov 2021 23:39

I have said for a very long time that if local councils dredged rivers and cleared debris from drains and swept roads it would do a lot more for the environment than we can with our recycling. Also if manufacturers stopped making plastic it would help too.


maggiewinchester Report 1 Nov 2021 22:55

I can't see why they didn't hold the COP26 in Italy - most of them were there last week!
But no, much better for an estimated 400 jets to fly to Glasgow, for a meeting about the environment - and emissions.
Oh, and Johnson's going to fly grom Glasgow to London, rather than take the direct train, due to 'time' issues.

Do you know what, it would save me a lot of time, (and space in the ggarden) if I could burn the garden debris, rather than put a bit at a time into the garden waste bag, over the weeks, but I'm not allowed to, because of the 'emissions' - which are a lot smaller than a bl**dy jet!!!!


Florence61 Report 1 Nov 2021 22:18

Yes and much fuel did those planes guzzle, they are huge!

Why they all had to meet up, spend millions etc and spread covid im sure when they could have all done it through zoom no less.

Im all for recycling and reusing, reducing, but all of that isnt going to stop the rain falling is it?
If local councils as ive said and others have before had proper management of rivers and dredged them regularly, it would cut down on the rivers bursting their banks. Thats not rocket science is it?

Florence in the hebrides


Caroline Report 1 Nov 2021 12:02

But back to the thread.....quite why anyone would want to go and listen to all the windbags yap on about global warming/climate change when all of them are flying around the world at the drop of a hat.....practice what you preach come to Lizzie staying home and putting her feet up makes a lot of sense for her state of mind as much as anything.....then again if she could throw them all into the tower for a few weeks.....


Caroline Report 1 Nov 2021 11:32

I'm not sure the families of dead people are happy "only" a couple of hundred are dying a day!
Yes to some degree we have to learn to live with this virus by the looks of things, but some common sense will not hurt, so anyone not feeling good should stay home and rest not rush off to the shops or parties. I for one am not in a rush to throw away the masks indoors and quite frankly right now I also wear one outside if it's busy or am around very young unvaccinated children. It's also great for wearing when it's cold as it keeps your face nice and warm.


maggiewinchester Report 1 Nov 2021 06:57

'Only' a couple of hundred?
Well, we're reaching similar levels of hospital admissions to last year,
but it appears the UK Government are bored with Covid now, and can't think of any more scams their 'chums' can make money out of, so, it looks like the weakest/most vulnerable don't count anymore, we should get back to normal - there are profits to be made!
So, Benidorm is now full of tourists, some pubs are operating 'normally', people are ditching masks - and we've been told, like we were told last Autumn, that Christmas will be back!

Oooh - look at the flying pigs! %3A-%28


Kense Report 1 Nov 2021 05:53

It may be rampant but only a couple of hundred per day are dying which the Government seems happy with. So the official view is that things are OK. The economy is bouncing back and in only 20 years (or perhaps 50) we shall start to see the benefits of Brexit.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2021 02:54

Thank you, Caroline ............ I think! %3A-D %3A-D

That's a good idea re the Queen %3A-D


Caroline Report 1 Nov 2021 00:41

Don't worry Syliva I'll spray your train down as you go through Ontario %3A-D %3A-D

Maybe they're more worried Lizzie might decide to tell a few leaders what she really thinks of them seeing as she's getting older and might not care so much what people think of her anymore.